Guest INXS Report post Posted June 13, 2003 This is just for fun if you're bored and I tried to make the choices tough. This is random names and not a tournament. Feel free to explain why you think one is better then the other. Also, this is based on their over all work in the last 6 months to a year. Benoit or Angle? Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho? Triple H or The Undertaker? Randy Orton or John Cena? Rikishi or Billy Gunn? Kane or Kevin Nash? Jamie Noble or Tajiri? RVD or Lance Storm? Booker T or Christian? Matt Hardy or Chris Kanyon? Test or A-Train? The Dudley Boys or Team Angle? Hurricane or Funaki? Bill Demott or Rodney Mack? The Rock or Shawn Michaels? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Bump Machine Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Angle, because he's the total package. He has some minor flaws, but is still leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else on the roster in almost every category. Chris Jericho, because i HATE Eddy's accent. Other than that it's a toss-up. Triple H, because he is a better worker and has better promo skills. John Cena, he could be huge. Billy Gunn, at least he actually wrestles. Kane, nobody is worse than Nash. Tajiri, he's more entertaining in the ring. Lance Storm, I loved him in WCW and in ECW. RVD is alright, though. Booker T, better worker and more charismatic. He should be WWE World Champ someday, but I doubt it. Matt Hardy, although I loved Kanyon in WCW. I just can't resist the Era of MATTITUDE~! A-Train, looks like he tries in the ring. Team Angle, the Dudleys are stale as hell. TA are also much better wrestlers and have a bright future ahead of them Hurricane, awesome gimmick and just a really funny guy. Bill Demott, because I liked him as Hugh Morrus. The Rock, he's almost as complete as Angle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Angle can talk Eddie is a rudo no comment Cena can rap Ortan can do what? no comment hate both I like Tajiri better for his ECW days RVD has done more in WWE than Storm has therefore he is better Booker T Suckaaaaaaaaaaaa Matt Hardy V1 looks to be in shape A-Train gets heat, Test gets...........Stacy. no comment Hurricane is #1 comedian Hugh Morris HBK just because he is on tv more often, I grown bored of the concerts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Eagan469 Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Benoit or Angle? - they're both golden Eddie Guerrero - Jericho hasn't done a ton wrestling-wise lately The Undertaker - puts people over Randy Orton or John Cena? - I hate both gimmicks - they're good workers, though Rikishi - he's over Kane - he can move Tajiri - he's underrated RVD - he doesn't bitch about not getting a push Booker T or Christian? - tie Matt Hardy - Kanyon hasn't done shit in the last 6 months Test - it's fun to make fun of him Team Angle - they bust their asses Hurricane - A guy you want to see succeed Bill Demott - I mark for Hugh Morrus in the WWE The Rock - Shawn's a miracle worker, but his promos don't mean shit anymore Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Benoit or Angle? Jesus, way to start off with a hard one. In the last 6 monthes, I guess I'll say Angle, but Benoit still rules. Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho? Another hard one! I enjoy both of them. Close call, but Eddie because of he's had more quality matches with other quality workers, if you get my drift. Triple H or The Undertaker? Triple H. Undertaker bores me more than Trips does Randy Orton or John Cena? John Cena. Rikishi or Billy Gunn? Billy Gunn. I like him in tag teams. I don't like Rikishi ever. Kane or Kevin Nash? Kane. Nash can't even run! Jamie Noble or Tajiri? Damn! Another hard one. Noble, I guess. I like 'em both though. RVD or Lance Storm? RVD. I don't care what the rest of you think! Booker T or Christian? Christian. Booker T bores me in the ring. Matt Hardy or Chris Kanyon? Matt because if we base it on the last 6 monthes, it's practically a default win anyways. Test or A-Train? A-Train. I actually don't mind him. Test is boring. Very boring. The Dudley Boys or Team Angle? Team Angle. I don't really have an explaination for this... Hurricane or Funaki? Hurricane. Funaki is always in 2 minute squashes. Wait, so is the Hurricane (whether he's losing to main eventers or beating lower mid-carders). Oh well, Hurricane still wins. Bill Demott or Rodney Mack? Demott I guess. The Rock or Shawn Michaels? Micheals. I still enjoy his matches. While I enjoy Rock's too, Micheals' matches are usually a bit better, IMO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ISportsFan Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Benoit - Angle's last 3 months have been sidelined Jericho - His carry jobs have been spectacular Triple H - he's had at least one good match in the past year, right? Well, definitely more than Undertaker's had. Cena - better on the mic Rikishi - He was good at one time, unlike Gunn has ever been Kane - he hasn't crapped up main events in a while Tajiri - I would vote for Noble (because he RAWKS), but he's in dark matches so it's not his fault. Lance Storm - Both have done almost nothing in the past 6 months, so I'll go with the better matches in the career. Booker T - barely Matt Hardy - how can I look at Kanyon's stuff when he's in dark matches and on Velocity getting squashed by Albert (of all people)? Test - Just based on the fact that he's not Albert. Team Angle - no explanation needed Hurricane - have either of them wrestled on their main shows (RAW or Smackdown) consistantly in the past 6 months? I like the character of Hurricane though DeMott - he was better at one time (in WCW) Shawn Michaels - Rock has had one decent match in the last 6 months (vs. Austin at WM), Michaels has had one excellent match (vs. Jericho at WM) and a decent one against HHH (Armageddon). Jason Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted June 13, 2003 It's rather silly to limit it to a set period of time given that Benoit's and Eddie's best features are their body-of-work over a long period of time spanning multiple promotions (and Jericho too). Plus many are victims of booking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Benoit or Angle? Benoit....duh. Benoit against anyone wins. He's a better worker than everyone on the roster and he entertains me more than anyone else. Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho? Eddie Guerrero. While Jericho is good Eddie is so much better in every department. He's just behind Benoit in terms of being the best on the roster. Triple H or The Undertaker? HHH. While the spawn of satan at least he can work a match about ** when he feels like it and when he has the right opponent. UT is just shit. Randy Orton or John Cena? Cena. Orton just sucks in every way. Rikishi or Billy Gunn? I dunno. I hate both and would rather jump off a really high place than watch either of them wrestle. Kane or Kevin Nash? Kane. Nash is one of the worst ever. Jamie Noble or Tajiri? Tajiri. I'd say he's a better wrestler plus he's funny as hell. RVD or Lance Storm? RVD. He's 10x more entertaining. Booker T or Christian? Booker T. He can work a good match that doesn't involve 20 chinlocks. Matt Hardy or Chris Kanyon? Hardy. I haven't seen Kanyon in a while plus Matt's developed into a decent little worker. Test or A-Train? Test. He's more entertaining. Plus when he sucks it's a lot more spectacular and entertaining than A-Train suck. The Dudley Boys or Team Angle? Team Angle. They're so much better in the ring and don't rely on 30 kicks and punches and then a table to get over. Hurricane or Funaki? Hurricane. He's really good in the ring and a hell of an entertainer. Bill Demott or Rodney Mack? Just like Rikishi and Gunn. They both suck hard. The Rock or Shawn Michaels? The Rock. He's a better wrestler and entertainer than Michaels was/is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MooreMark 0 Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Benoit or Angle? TIE! Chris Jericho- I'm a Jericho Mark aswell. Triple H- He has had a few good matches. John Cena- Can't stand Orton, Cena has shown improvement. Rikishi- Better then Gunn who manages to suck it up all the time. Kane- No explanation needed. Tajiri- Finally getting a semi push. Noble is good too. RVD- I don't enjoy Storm as much as I use to in WCW. Christian- I'm a Christian Mark. Matt Hardy- Kanyon's great but I like V1 better. Test or A-Train?- They both lose. Team Angle- Solid Matches Hurricane- Good Matches and skits. Rodney Mack- Love the gimmick, I bet he can show off some more moves soon. The Rock- MVP of Raw if Jericho wasn't there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest INXS Report post Posted June 13, 2003 The Rock or Shawn Michaels? The Rock. He's a better wrestler and entertainer than Michaels was/is. You think The Rock has been a better wrestler (in ring work) then Shawn Michaels over their careers? Now that is interesting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Oh god. I don't want to go into my details again as to why HBK is a bad worker. But him and Rock suffer from the same problem. A truckload of offense is dumped on them and they pop back up and vanquish there enemy in one fell swoop. I dislike this very much. However the Rock has consistently entertained me more than HBK has. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ftwdevils2469 Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Angle Chris Jericho The Undertaker John Cena Billy Gunn Kane Jamie Noble RVD Booker T Matt Hardy Test Team Angle Hurricane Rodney Mack The Rock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DerangedHermit Report post Posted June 13, 2003 This is just for fun if you're bored and I tried to make the choices tough. This is random names and not a tournament. Feel free to explain why you think one is better then the other. Also, this is based on their over all work in the last 6 months to a year. Benoit or Angle? Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho? Triple H or The Undertaker? Randy Orton or John Cena? Rikishi or Billy Gunn? Kane or Kevin Nash? Jamie Noble or Tajiri? RVD or Lance Storm? Booker T or Christian? Matt Hardy or Chris Kanyon? Test or A-Train? The Dudley Boys or Team Angle? Hurricane or Funaki? Bill Demott or Rodney Mack? The Rock or Shawn Michaels? Angle (he's the complete package: look, workrate, charisma, mic skills) Chris Jericho HHH John Cena Billy Gunn Kane Tajiri Lance Storm (he's so uncharismatic he's charismatic) Christian Matt Hardy A-Train (always trying, could be one of the WWE's best big men in the future) Team Angle Hurricane Bill DeMott The Rock (HBK's lost his mic skills) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Kurt Angle over Chris Benoit Angle is an more diverse entertaininer and can still perform a good match. While Benoit may be the best WRESTLER, he is missing other things that would make him a superstar. Chris Jericho over Eddy Guerrero. The toughest one here. Jericho gets that SLIGHT nudge because he can either be an INCREDIBLE heel or a very good babyface. Also, Eddy is slightly more injury prone then Jericho. Triple H Over the Undertaker The dead man has very little value left aside from being an mid-carder and his best years are behind him. Trips can still cut a promo and draw heat (witness last monday with foley) and work a good match when motivated. John Cena Over Randy Orton Cena. Easy. Cena is becoming a popular attraction for WWE and has an LARGE upswing as opposed to Mr. Injury. Rikishi over Billy Gunn I need some entertainment and Rikishi can provide JUST that. Rikishi can perform VERY well when given the opportunity. Billy Gunn is just average and nothing special. Kane over Nash Kane is still SLIGHTLY entertaining and has value as opposed to Gimpy. Tajiri Over Knoble Tough Choice but Tajiri is more entertaining. Rob Van Dam over Lance Storm This is too easy. IT TAKES A LOT OF TIME AND HYPE to promote storm as a heel...while RVD is an natural MEGA FACE. Storm is bland and RVD is more energetic and innovative. Christian Over Booker T This might shock you but Booker is already over the hill and old (38), while X is a very good heel in the HTM sense. Matt Hardy over Kanyon Kanyon is the most overhyped SMARK darling ever. Hardy owns him. A-Train Over Test A-Train could've been VADER Part Deux. Test is forever Nash: The Sequel. Team Angle over Dudley Boyz Not only are the Duds fucking stale as shit...They can't wrestle anymore...while T.A are very good heels and can branch into a singles career in future. Hurricane Draw Funaki Both are worthless but over because of their characters. Demott over Mack Demott's character doesn't offend me like Mack's Wrestling does. The rock DRAWS HBk It's apples and Oranges. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Angle over Benoit, because Benoit's ringwork's been kinda lackluster lately, and Angle can talk. Eddie has always been better than Jericho in the ring, and now is just as entertaining outside of it. Mean Mark and Mr. Stephanie McMahon both are shit. Don't wanna job. H is slightly better in the ring and on the mic. Mark bores me either way. Orton is horrible. Cena is below average but actually has an interesting character and shows signs of turning into a good worker. Gunn > Rikishi. At least Gunn's ass isn't gigantic, blubberly, and shoved into people's faces every match. Both "eh" in the ring. Kane > Nash. No contest. Noble or Tajiri...Noble or Tajiri. I love them both so much. Their matches against each other are mucho fun. Ring-work wise I think Noble is superior. However, Tajiri has entertained me more recently tagging with Eddy. Noble's still being wasted. Storm > RVD in the ring, but these days neither of them are doing anything interesting. Christian over Booker T because of his new character. Matt Hardy over Kanyon--Kanyon just came back and hasn't done much yet. A-Train is slightly better than Test in the ring. Everything else they're about even on. Team Angle are far better than the Dudleyz. Duds don't work the mic anymore, are still stale, and Team Angle has been having awesome matches all the time, albeit with great workers. Hurricane Bill Demott The Rock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest two_tuff_toddy Report post Posted June 13, 2003 Benoit or Angle? Chris Benoit Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho? Tie Triple H or The Undertaker? Undertaker Randy Orton or John Cena? John Cena Rikishi or Billy Gunn? Billy Gunn Kane or Kevin Nash? Kane Jamie Noble or Tajiri? Tajiri RVD or Lance Storm? Lance Storm Booker T or Christian? Booker T Matt Hardy or Chris Kanyon? Matt Hardy Test or A-Train? A-Train The Dudley Boys or Team Angle? Team Angle Hurricane or Funaki? Hurricane Bill Demott or Rodney Mack? Bill Demott (Quite the gay choices there.) The Rock or Shawn Michaels? The Rock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nightscrawler Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Angle over Benoit Both are great workers, but Angle is more entertaining. Eddy over Jericho Jericho is more entertaining, but hasn't been doning much lately. HHH over Taker I can tolerate HHH, unlike Taker. Cena over Orton Orton doesn't seem to have anything special about him, while Cena could be huge in the near future. Rikishi over Gunn Rikishi just seems more entertaining to me than Billy. Kane over Nash Nash sucks. Tajiri over Noble I like Noble more, but Tajiri has been more lately since being teamed with Eddy. RVD over Storm RVD is just more entertaining, and still has some heat, despite being buried. Christian over Booker T Both are charismatic, and not bad in the ring, but Christian has more youth, and could become big if he expanded his moveset. Matt over Kanyon Kanyon just can't compete with the power of MATTITUDE~! Test over A-Train hate both, but Test is funner to bitch about. Team Angle over Dudleyz Dudleyz have become VERY stale lately, while Team Angle are superior in every way. Hurricane over Funaki I just like Hurricane more, despite seeming stale to me lately. The Mack over Demott I've never seen Demott in WCW, plus I Back the Mack~! Rock over HBK I marked out for Rock a couple years back, and still mark for his promos. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Monday Night Jericho Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Benoit Eddie Guerrero The Undertaker John Cena Billy Gunn Kane Jamie Noble Lance Storm Booker T Matt Hardy Test Team Angle Hurricane Bill Demott The Rock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AM The Kid Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Angle-This man has it all, he drips charisma, he is one of the best athletes in the world and he also cares about the buisness. Benoit may be the greatest wrestler in the world, but he's not the total package Angle is. Chris Jericho-He would have been a huge, huge star in the late eightees facing opponents such as Steamboat and Savage, right now Jericho is lost in the mix. Bringing in the Highlite Reel really brings out the best in him. Eddy has alot of talent but can't grasp the fans attention as well as Jericho can. The Undertaker-I'll give 'Taker one thing, he sure can sustain a career. His gimmick has evolved so much that it keeps it fresh and enjoyable, his working isn't great but Undertaker is a classic. Same old same old for Triple H...dont need to explain. John Cena-This man will be the future of the WWF, he's a natural in the squared circle with a load of charisma and athletic grace. Keep this guy fresh and he will be a huuuuuge star. Randy Orton's star is already falling, its a shame but all he will ever be is maybe an IC champion and a right-hand man to larger stars. Billy Gunn-He's annoying as hell lately, but he always keeps me interested in the product, his gimmicks(other than Mr.Ass) have been great. I've enjoyed watching Gunn's career from the Smokin' Guns to Billy and Chuck. Gunn has the most sucess as a tag wrestler though, so the WWF should let him do whats best and pair him with another great talent. Rikishi has never, ever interested me...he has no gimmick, cant wrestle and is just plain boring. Kevin Nash-I personally have always liked Kevin Nash, I do feel it's his time to step out of the spotlight for good though. His charisma carries him, certainly not skills. Kane...his gimmick will never amount to anything, he's just another hoss. Jamie Noble-A great cruiser wrestler, amazing charisma, could really amount to something in the future. I can get into his character and his style of wrestling where I can't with Tajiri. Lance Storm-My favorite wrestler, he has great wrestling skills...granted, little personality but he could be a great star. I think stardom has sadly passed him by but Storm still has a few good years left in him. Needs a good push, tights, and a better character. Rob Van Dam's style of wrestling is good but he just misses "something"... Christian-One of the next big stars, deserved his IC title push and will hopefully be showcasing his skills more now. Booker T...I'm gonna get a ton of backlash for this but...he's a has-been. Booker could have been a huge star but he wasnt passed the ball at the right times, and when he was he dropped it. Matt Hardy-Another future star, Hardy has finally dropped the Hardy Boyz image and can go on to be a great contender in the WWF. Proved not to be the next Marty Janetty. Kanyon will never get together with a gimmick that suits him and will be dropped, he needs to bring out his charisma more in the ring. Test-I used to hate this guy but I've been enjoying him on Raw as of late, Test had a great program with Stacy and I'm looking forward to his future in the company. A-Train has no skills, not a good look and horrible charisma, plus he's shoved down out throats week after week. Team Angle-These two are amazing wrestlers and have all the skills to make it. Ever since day one in the WWF they have made the absolute best of their skills and gimmick. I love this team, it's a shame the WWF doesn't have a good tag division anymore. The Dudley Boys are brutal, always have been and always will be. They should have stayed apart. Hurricane-A joke for a gimmick but it works for him. I don't know how he'll ever get past midcard status with his gimmick but Hurricane will get as far as possible. Funkai has always just been there... Bill Demott-I hate them both but Demott has a past thats.....uhh......I hate them both. Shawn Michaels-Set the standard for many wrestlers, will go down in history books as one of the greatest. Should have never come back though. The Rock's heel character is great but the he gets soooo stale after awhile and his damn catchphrases never change. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Benoit Eddie Guerrero Triple H John Cena? Billy Gunn? Kane Jamie Noble Lance Storm? Christian? Matt Hardy Test The Dudley Boys Hurricane Bill Demott The Rock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ANKLELOCK 0 Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Kurt Angle Chris Jericho, JUNIOR Undertaker John Cena Gunn Kane Tajiri Lance Storm Booker T Matt Hardy Test Team Angle Hurricane Bill DeMott Shawn Michaels Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Benoit or Angle? Benoit Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho? Eddy is much better in the ring Triple H or The Undertaker? Triple H has good matches once in a while. Taker doesn't. Randy Orton or John Cena? Until John Cena pulls a Kevin Nash- I pick him. Rikishi or Billy Gunn? Rikishi- He always pops the crowd. Kane or Kevin Nash? Kane Jamie Noble or Tajiri? Tajiri is one of my favourites RVD or Lance Storm? Do I pick the shitty wrestler with boring offence or do I pick RVD? Booker T or Christian? Christian is awful- Booker T is not. Matt Hardy or Chris Kanyon? Mattitude by default. Test or A-Train? A-Train has had some alright matches recently. Test hasn't. The Dudley Boys or Team Angle? Team Angle Hurricane or Funaki? Hurricane Bill Demott or Rodney Mack? Bill DeMott tells funny jokes The Rock or Shawn Michaels? The Rock- Much better then Shawn Michaels in every aspect of wrestling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheArchiteck Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Angle- way more charismatic Eddie Guerrero- More entertaining Triple H (never liked taker, even during the tombstone days) John Cena-Ortan bores me to death. Rikishi- Never liked Billy Gunn. Kevin Nash- I was a fan of his during the Wolfpac Tajiri-his kicks are fucking lethal! Lance Storm- Although he's been boring as hell for the past year and a half, he's not as predictable as RVD. Booker T- Booker by FAR. Book is my favorite wrestler anyways. Christian isn't that entertaining to me...and never really been. I could watch a Booker match any day of the week. Chris Kanyon- Kanyon's a great entertainer. The Kanyon Cutter days was gold. A-Train- He's probably the best "hoss" available. I don't see why he gets all the hate. He actually puts forth energy in his matches. Team Angle- Team Angle 100x more. I'm so sick and tired of the Dudleys.....I could care less if they ever had another tag match again. D-Von and Ron should have stayed together. Besides, Shelton has some lethal kicks! Hurricane- Only because he used the vertebreaker. Bill Demott- MIA! Rodney Mack sucks so.... The Rock- HBK makes me yawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Benoit or Angle? Benoit Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho? Eddie Triple H or The Undertaker? Triple H Randy Orton or John Cena? Cena Rikishi or Billy Gunn? Rikishi Kane or Kevin Nash? Kane Jamie Noble or Tajiri? Noble RVD or Lance Storm? RVD Booker T or Christian? Christian Matt Hardy or Chris Kanyon? Kanyon Test or A-Train? Test The Dudley Boys or Team Angle? Team Angle Hurricane or Funaki? Hurricane Bill Demott or Rodney Mack? Mack The Rock or Shawn Michaels? Rock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Muzz Report post Posted June 14, 2003 (edited) Benoit or Angle? Very tough, but Angle just entertains the hell out of me. Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho? Egh, Guerrero is by far the better worker, but Jericho... Too close to call for me. Triple H or The Undertaker? Triple H. If I didn't know about all the backstage politics, I'd like him as much as I did in 2000. Randy Orton or John Cena? I've seen more of Orton because I don't get Smackdown, but from what I've seen and read, Cena. Rikishi or Billy Gunn? Gunn, still like his old tag work. Kane or Kevin Nash? Kane, I just hope his character gets a facelift and his in-ring work picks up. Jamie Noble or Tajiri? From what I've seen of the two, Noble. RVD or Lance Storm? Lance Storm's WCW run was just too good. Booker T or Christian? Again, too close to call for me. Matt Hardy or Chris Kanyon? The real DDP. Test or A-Train? A-Train, The Dudley Boys or Team Angle? Team Angle, as said above, the Dudley's are just too stale. Hurricane or Funaki? I've always loved Funaki, but Helms wins here. Bill Demott or Rodney Mack? Demott. Hey, he was somewhat good in WCW... in parts. The Rock or Shawn Michaels? Rocky. Bah, I forgot this was over the past 6 months. It would be a lot better if it were over their whole careers... Edited June 14, 2003 by Muzz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted June 14, 2003 If you're only going back a year what sense is it to have Billy Gunn, Kanyon, or Nash, who've been hurt most of the year if not all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Benoit or Angle? - tough one, but Benoit's been great everywhere, Angle hasn't had the chance to show that Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho? - another tough call Triple H or The Undertaker? - umm, longevity Randy Orton or John Cena? - no contest Rikishi or Billy Gunn? - the power of Chuck & Billy Kane or Kevin Nash? - orig. nWo run Jamie Noble or Tajiri? - Knoble's one of the best all-around talents in the fed PERIOD RVD or Lance Storm? Booker T or Christian? - like both, though Matt Hardy or Chris Kanyon? - "Positively Kanyon" > "Mattitude". Kanyon's a better worker. I love the Mattitude character, but he still needs to improve in the ring (he's gotten better lately) Test or A-Train? The Dudley Boys or Team Angle? - Duds are so, so stale Hurricane or Funaki? - VERTEBREAKER~! Bill Demott or Rodney Mack? - when not squashing cruisers, DeMott is decent The Rock or Shawn Michaels? - don't like Rock in the ring, and his face character I hate, but he puts over people Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ray Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Benoit Eddie Guerrero The Undertaker John Cena Billy Gunn Kane Jamie Noble Lance Storm Christian Matt Hardy A-Train Team Angle Hurricane Rodney Mack The Rock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Thunder Rising!!! Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Benoit or Angle? Both are great, thought Angle has the complete package, Benoit has better psychology. Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho? Eddie because he lies, he cheats, he steals, holmes!!! Eddie is a better worker and really funny. Jericho's work has dropped a notch lately. Triple H or The Undertaker? Undertaker because he is a LITTLE more willing to put over talent. Randy Orton or John Cena? Cena because he has a cooler gimmick. Rikishi or Billy Gunn? None because both are just for sideshows in SmackDown. Kane or Kevin Nash? yeah, who is worst than nash????? Jamie Noble or Tajiri? Noble, much better worker. Needs more ring time himself, instead of inter gender matches. RVD or Lance Storm? RVD is too spotty, Lance Storm is a better mat worker. But RVD is more successful in the WWE Booker T or Christian? Booker T because he can actually work a nice old school match but Christian puts on too many restholds in his match. Matt Hardy or Chris Kanyon? Kanyon was really cool in WCW, but I'm a MFer 4 life! Test or A-Train? A-Train has much better psychology then Mr Testicles. The Dudley Boys or Team Angle? Team Angle by far. They are really doing so well now. Hurricane or Funaki? Hurricane as Funaki is pretty boring in the WWE Bill Demott or Rodney Mack? Demott because the the Mack is more boring to watch then him. The Rock or Shawn Michaels? Rock is better on the stick, while Michaels was one of the best in the ring during his prime. I will pick Michaels because he works better thought both have great charisma. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheBostonStrangler Report post Posted June 14, 2003 Kurt Angle destroys Benoit on the mic. Benoit has a VERY slight edge in the ring. Advantage: Kurt Eddie Guerrero can actually wrestle. Chris Jericho is a spot-blowing unmotivated jackass. Advantage: Eddie. I'd call it in favor of Taker. Taker understands match psych a little better, has tried to innovate his moveset with some MMA stuff, and when it really matters, he A) does the job, and B) goes all-out. Not often enough, but more than you get from HHH. Cena vs. Orton is too hard to call. I'll take Cena for now, based purely on exposure/personality. After a year or so, it's possible to really evaluate their ring work. Gunn. He's been one of the most successful tag wrestlers of all time. Rikishi never did anything remotely worth remembering, and Gunn was part of the most influential stable in WWF history. Kane DESTROYS Nash. Kane can run, Nash can't. End of story. I've heard that Noble can do a lot more than he's had the opportunity to show, but I've never seen it, and I dislike his ring style. Tajiri has better offense, he can pop the crowd, and he's had more success. He wins. Lance Storm might be a better technical wrestler, but the fans don't give a flying fuck about Storm. RVD can be carried to great matches, and the fans LOVE him. RVD wins. Another tough call. I'll take Booker, since the fans seem to care, and he's accomplished more (his Harlem Heat days and all). Still, Edge and Christian were pretty darn impressive too. In fact, I'll change to Christian. Whoever gets to be a real main eventer first wins this debate. Matt Hardy. Kanyon is a career midcarder from WCW. Hardy was a member of the Hardy Boyz, changed the face of tag wrestling forever, and now has an insanely good gimmick. No contest. A-Train. The guy isn't a bad wrestler for a hoss. Give him some clothes and Heyman as a manager, and he could do a decent job. I'll take Haas/Benjamin. They have an incredibly good understanding of the fundamentals of wrestling, and they're in good shape after only a few months in the WWE. Still, the Dudleys were really good as well. I've never seen Funaki at his best, so Helms wins. I back the Mack, brother. Don't be drinking that Haterade, yo, or I'll get to thuggin' and buggin' on yo bitch ass. Rocky. HBK was great, and carried some slugs to great matches, but Rock is the most entertaining person ever to set foot in the WWF/E. He's had his share of great matches, headlined WM in 1999, 2000, 2001, and should have in 2002, and is doing his best to bring the WWE mainstream. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites