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Guest bradolson

The One and Only Velocidental Thread - 6/14/03

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Guest bradolson

Velocity preview for June 14, 2003


Catch Velocity every Saturday night starting at 10/9 CT on TNN!


This week, Kanyon goes one on one will Bill DeMott. Can the Tough Enough III trainer prove that HE'S better than Kanyon?


Plus, newcomer Orlando Jordan has been collecting his fair share of wins lately. Will the winning streak continue when he steps in the ring with the original MFer, Shannon Moore?


And speaking of MFers, Crash will battle Rikishi. In addition, Spanky will be in action.


Plus, we'll take a look back at the Big Show-Brock Lesnar WWE Championship match and the Zach Gowen-Mr. McMahon arm-wrestling contest from SmackDown! Don't miss Velocity this Saturday night on TNN!



Confidential preview for June 14, 2003


Kevin Nash and Triple H are on the verge of stepping into the most infamous structure in sports entertainment for their Hell in a Cell encounter at Sunday's Bad Blood pay-per-view. This Saturday on Confidential (11 p.m./10 CT on TNN), we've got a special preview of the match, featuring comments from the participants, special referee Mick Foley, and Shawn Michaels, a participant in the first-ever Hell in a Cell. They'll talk about what to expect at Bad Blood, and the history of this brutal match.


SmackDown! celebrates its 200th episode next week. Confidential has many of the memorial moments from the first 199 episodes of the Thursday night UPN extravaganza.


Stacy Keibler is featured in the July edition of Stuff Magazine. We've got exclusive footage from the photo shoot.


Last week, the RAW Superstars invaded the United Kingdom for Insurrextion. WWE cameras followed Trish Stratus and Christian as the two Superstars took time to see the sites of England. It’ll air this week on Confidential.


This week's "From the Vault" features Ric Flair vs. Sting from the last episode of WCW Nitro. And the Coach interviews Theodore Long in "Outside the Ropes."


You're not going to want to miss Confidential this Saturday night at 11/10 CT on TNN!

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Guest wwF1587

i didnt know the SD! 200th episoe was next week... dang.. have they announced anything big for it?

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Guest MillenniumMan831
Didn't Orlando Jones lose last week?

(Uecker tone on) Ahhh, nobody watches anyway. (Uecker tone off)

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...well, I'll be skipping the "From The Vault" match, as I have that on tape.


...though, isn't this their first WCW match they've shown "From The Vault"? At least on the Confidential version of it?

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Guest Eagan469

Orlando Jordan is the guy's name -


Orlando Jones is the actor from MAD TV and the 7-Up commercials

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Guest BifEverchad
...well, I'll be skipping the "From The Vault" match, as I have that on tape.


...though, isn't this their first WCW match they've shown "From The Vault"?  At least on the Confidential version of it?

Yeah, I believe it is. Although, I wish they'd show one of the earlier Flair/Sting matches from back in the day. Preferable their match at the first COTC. Flair wearing that WCW Nitro shirt is just sad..

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...well, I'll be skipping the "From The Vault" match, as I have that on tape.


...though, isn't this their first WCW match they've shown "From The Vault"?  At least on the Confidential version of it?

Yeah, I believe it is. Although, I wish they'd show one of the earlier Flair/Sting matches from back in the day. Preferable their match at the first COTC. Flair wearing that WCW Nitro shirt is just sad..

Yeah, it is...but understandable.


...hmm, wonder if they'll replace the WWE logo with the "Alliance Version" WCW logo in the corner like they did back for Axcess or not...

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Guest BifEverchad
...well, I'll be skipping the "From The Vault" match, as I have that on tape.


...though, isn't this their first WCW match they've shown "From The Vault"?  At least on the Confidential version of it?

Yeah, I believe it is. Although, I wish they'd show one of the earlier Flair/Sting matches from back in the day. Preferable their match at the first COTC. Flair wearing that WCW Nitro shirt is just sad..

Yeah, it is...but understandable.


...hmm, wonder if they'll replace the WWE logo with the "Alliance Version" WCW logo in the corner like they did back for Axcess or not...

Hmm, I never thought of that. But now that you say it, I'd say so. The WWE will have their fingerprints all over history and always changes it to suit their liking.


so the new "Alliance" version it is!

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...well, I'll be skipping the "From The Vault" match, as I have that on tape.


...though, isn't this their first WCW match they've shown "From The Vault"?  At least on the Confidential version of it?

Yeah, I believe it is. Although, I wish they'd show one of the earlier Flair/Sting matches from back in the day. Preferable their match at the first COTC. Flair wearing that WCW Nitro shirt is just sad..

Yeah, it is...but understandable.


...hmm, wonder if they'll replace the WWE logo with the "Alliance Version" WCW logo in the corner like they did back for Axcess or not...

Hmm, I never thought of that. But now that you say it, I'd say so. The WWE will have their fingerprints all over history and always changes it to suit their liking.


so the new "Alliance" version it is!

Well, it's either New Alliance WCW Logo or WWE logo...


I remember on Excess that for the Sid/Benoit match, they used the Alliance WCW logo...

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Guest BifEverchad

I rarely watched Excess. I didn't know they showed the infamous Souled Out 2000 match.

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Guest godthedog

is there some conspiracy to make the wwf fans think that ric flair has always been old and decrepit? if they're gonna show flair/sting, why can't they show the 'clash' match when he was in shape? that one's got way more historical value than the nitro match anyway.

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Guest Retro Rob
is there some conspiracy to make the wwf fans think that ric flair has always been old and decrepit? if they're gonna show flair/sting, why can't they show the 'clash' match when he was in shape? that one's got way more historical value than the nitro match anyway.

Because one of the wrestlers choose that match for whatever their reasoning was. It's not like the WWE front office decides on which matches to air.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Nice to see WWE give Sting a little publicity before he shows up on TNA Wednesday.

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Guest art_vandelay
is there some conspiracy to make the wwf fans think that ric flair has always been old and decrepit? if they're gonna show flair/sting, why can't they show the 'clash' match when he was in shape? that one's got way more historical value than the nitro match anyway.

More historical value than the very last WCW match EVER? Explain.

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Guest INXS
It's not like the WWE front office decides on which matches to air.



That is all.

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Guest INXS

Here we go.......


An other lame Saturday night in the house watching Wrestling.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Another reason for not airing the 45 minute match from the first Clash, is that it would pretty much blow anything recent that is non-WrestleMania XIX away as far as heat goes. Plus. it shows Sting looking pretty good. Much better to show a match where he looks old, and rusty, especially when he's debuting for another promotion in four days.

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Guest INXS

Orlando Jordan (WWE will call him OJ and give him a women beater gimmick) doesn't look that bad.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Why Orlando got the "Buy SD! tickets" music?


lol, i noticed he licks his thumbs everytime he attacks.


He seems alright, nothing too special. Although he moves well for a big guy.

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Guest DawnBTVS

Nice to see Crash get absolutely squashed by Rikishi....bah fuck you Kishi and your 3 minute long dance sequences.

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Guest AndrewTS

Confidential has a HIAC segment.


What a disappointment tomorrow will be...well, except for those familiar with Nash's suckiness.

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