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The Raw Review 6/15 - 6/21

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Don't wanna talk about Bad Blood? Then talk about old Raw shows! I've decided to junk the old recap thing this week and just dig up recaps for matches and angles that people bring up.


June 21, 1993

The Steiner Brothers def. Reno Riggins & Barry Hardy

Marty Jannetty def. Doink in a Two out of Three Falls Match

Mr. Hughes def. Bobby Who

Razor Ramon NC The 1-2-3 Kid; $10,000 Match


June 20, 1994

Diesel def. Mark Thomas

The 1-2-3 Kid def. Nikolia Volkoff

Yokozua def. Nick Barberri

Typhoon def. The Black Phantom

The Heavenly Bodies def. Jim Powers & Russ Greenberg


June 19, 1995

The Undertaker def. Mike McReynolds

Adam Bomb def. Bill Payne

Sid & Tatanka def. The Headshrinkers

Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Buck Quartermaine

Shawn Michaels def. Gus Kantarrakis


June 17, 1996

Steve Austin def. Savio Vega; KOTR Quarter-Final

Marc Mero def. Owen Hart; KOTR Quarter-Final

Goldust def. Jake Roberts


June 16, 1997

Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith def. The New Blackjacks

Chris Candido def. Brian Christopher by DQ

Goldust def. Jim Neidhart

Steve Austin def. Brian Pillman by DQ

Tommy Rogers def. Bobby Fulton

The Headbangers def. Jerry Lawler & Rob Van Dam

Faarooq & Kama def. The Undertaker & Ahmed Johnson


June 15, 1998

The Rock def. Vader; KOTR Qualifier

Darren Drozdov def. Jeff Jarrett

Val Venis def. Chainz

Dustin Runnels def. Marc Mero

Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. X-Pac by count out; KOTR Qualifier

Owen Hart & Mark Henry def. Ken Shamrock & Dan Severn by DQ

Kane & Mankind win a Tag Team Royal Rumble (final elimination, Terry Funk & Scorpio)


June 21, 1999

Jeff Jarrett def. Test and Ken Shamrock (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match for the IC Title

The Rock def. Edge

Viscera def. Mark Henry in a Gorilla Press Slam Match

Steve Austin def. The Big Bossman; Special Referee, Shawn Michaels

The Acolytes & Mr. Ass def. Kane, X-Pac, & Road Dogg

The Big Show def. Hardcore Holly

Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon NC Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco

The Undertaker def. Triple H by DQ; WWF Title Match


June 19, 2000

Kurt Angle def. Buh Buh Ray Dudley; KOTR Qualifier

Chris Benoit def. X-Pac; KOTR Qualifier

Eddie Guerrero def. Chyna; KOTR Qualifier

Chris Jericho def. Edge; KOTR Qualifier

The Undertaker def. The Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan in a handicap match

Rikishi def. Scotty 2 Hotty; KOTR Qualifier

Kane def. The Hardy Boyz in a handicap match

Crash Holly def. Hardcore Holly by DQ; KOTR Qualifier

Hardcore Crap Segment: Pat Patterson wins the HC Title (pinned Gerald Brisco, who pinned Crash)

The Rock def. T&A in a handicap match


June 18, 2001

Kurt Angle def. Jeff Hardy; KOTR Quarter-Final

Tazz def. Hardcore Holly

Rhyno def. Tajiri; KOTR Quarter-Final

Edge def. Perry Saturn; KOTR Quarter-Final

Matt Hardy def. Albert by DQ; Euro Title Match

Christian def. The Big Show; KOTR Quarter-Final

Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, & Spike Dudley def. Steve Austin & The Dudley Boyz


June 17, 2002

Rob Van Dam def. X-Pac; KOTR Quarter-Final

Jeff Hardy def. Raven

Christopher Nowinski def. Spike Dudley

D’Lo Brown & Trish Stratus def. Crash & Molly Holly

The Undertaker def. Matt Hardy

Brock Lesnar def Booker T; KOTR Quarter-Final

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Guest OnlyMe

Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon NC Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco


What was that horrible pile of horribleness all about?

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Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon NC Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco


What was that horrible pile of horribleness all about?

This was during the Corporate Ministry angle when everything was crap. From CRZ's recap (slashwrestling.com):


TRIPLE H (with That Slut Chyna) v. UNDERTAKER (with Paul Bearer) for the WWF Championship - hey, Undertaker actually wears the belt around his waist! Now THAT'S a Champion! Before anything happens, the CORPORATE MINISTRY runs into the ring to separate the two, and we hear the voice of VINCENT K. "stop, stop, wait just a minute, no no no. Listen, I appreciate ... unbridled ambition and spirit, I do, but not tonight, gentlemen, not tonight, because that's exactly what they would want. They WANT - all these people want to see the Corporate Ministry divided in two. That's what everyone - that's what Stone Cold Steve Austin would want, that's what the Rock would want. Just to prove my point, let me ask all of you a question - how many of you would like to see, in this ring tonight, Hunter Hearst Helmsley and the Undertaker beat the hell out of each other? Well, NOT TONIGHT - NOT ANY NIGHT. You see, because the Corporate Ministry is in fact one. The Corporate Ministry is the most powerful entity EVER formed here in the World Wrestling Federation - SHUTUP!" The fans chant "asshole" again. "All right, there are individuals entering the King of the Ring tournament, all of whom are hopeful of being crowned King of the Ring. Well you can't always get what you want, and this year, we're not crowning a King of the Ring - this year we're crowning a QUEEN of the Ring. And Rock, you can't get always what YOU want either, because the Rock wants to be the World Wrestling Federation champion. Well, this Sunday, Rock, the Undertaker is going to take you and CRUSH YOU UNTO OBLIVION. And that would bring us to someone else who can't always get what he wants - the new CEO of the WWF, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin, when you were back at Corporate Headquarters last week wreaking havoc - and by the way, I haven't gotten the stench out of my office yet. While you were back at Corporate Headquarters, Shane McMahon and Vince McMahon challenged you, Austin. We challenged you to a ladder match, in which you would take your titleship as CEO - we would take our ownership - our certificates of ownership, our stock - we would put it high above the ring, hell, we'll even put it in that stinky briefcase of yours. Hang it above the ring, and the first man to reach up in the winner take all ladder match, Austin, will be the total victor, will have won it all. Now Austin ... Austin, you see what's gonna happen is, Shane and Vince McMahon understand the Corporate ladder - we understand the ladder of success. And after it's all said and done, Austin, you'll be right where you started, at the very bottom of the ladder, the very bottom rung of that ladder. And the hell, Austin, that you have experienced from McMahons in the past will be NOTHING like you will experience after the King of the Ring. Austin, you will bow in defeat at the hands of the McMahons in the ladder match." I hear glass, must be time for an ass - here's STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN at the top of the ramp, and he's got a black ladder with him, and he's got the old briefcase, from which he pulls out a frosty cold Natural Light and proceeds to start on getting drunk. Austin sits atop the ladder and accepts the challenge, and furthermore the McMahons are bastards. "I was in my office the other day drinkin' - I was in my office the other day MAKING DECISIONS..." and Austin reveals a new stipulation for the match - if any Corporate Ministry member interferes, the McMahons will be disqualified and Austin will win the match. McMahon says that won't fly, and they offer a stipulation of their own as a counter - no holds barred, anything goes. Before we can figure out what can go down, some familiar music fires up and COMISSIONER MR. WHYSPYR emerges from the Brood's lift in the stage. Before announcing that he'll settle this quandary, he calls for a cup of coffee from his new "associates" - and out come PAT PATTERSON & GERALD BRISCO to "Real American." Michaels says to decide who's stipulation will work, Austin will take on a Corporate Ministry member of the McMahon's choosing in a match. If Austin wins, it'll be a "No Outside Interference" stip; if the Corporate Ministry member, a "No Holds Barred, Anything Goes" stip. Asking Vince who will provide opposition, Michaels denies Undertaker, saying he's already booked tonight. Shane says it'll be Triple H then. Michaels says Triple H is ALSO booked. Shane asks wassup, and Michaels says tonight on RAW there'll be a title defense of the Undertaker against Triple H. Vince says the Big Bossman will kick Austin's ass then. Michaels says just to make sure there'll be no interference in THIS match, he's appointing himself the Special Guest Referee. Austin bottom lines it for ya, and Michaels and Austin drink more beer. Before Michaels exits, the associates grab his ear. Michaels stops the music and says he's gonna book a tag team match - his associates against Shane and Vince, tonight. "Theme from Heartbreak Kid" is played and Patterson and Brisco take turns doin' da BUTT much to my consternation. Before Brisco can strip down to his altogethers, McMahon sic's the Ministry on them. Alone in the ring with Viscera, and just to confuse me further, KING KEN SHAMROCK (last week I can call him THAT) enters the ring through the crowd and takes a chair to Viscera's back. The McMahons run off to the protection of their stablemates before Shamrock can get to them.


*recap snip*


VINCENT K. & SKIPPY vs. GERALD BRISCO & PAT PATTERSON - Los Dos McMahonos walk out to "No Chance in Hell," and are taken back to earlier tonight where Austin shoved Vince off the ladder and onto the commentary table. Vince does the invisible lats walk although he actually HAS visible lats. Vince climbs on top of the commentary table and strikes a double bicep pose. Naturally, Brisco & Patterson come out to "Real American" - Brisco wearing his "Worth the Drive" T and Patterson with his custom-made "1st IC Champion - Rio de Janerio" T. Happy Hour is next, we are reminded one more time, yaargh. We start with a double spear - Patterson on Vince (er), and Brisco on Shane - but the tide is quickly turned by the (ahem) younger team. Ross: "So much for my talkin' about the youth of the WWF, but these four are not competitors!" Now the good guys turn the tide again. Patterson up for the ten punch count along while Lawler says "Get your crotch out of Mr. McMahon's face!" Vince hits a Golotta, so Ross says "that's gonna make ol' Joe mad." People, LET THE MAN LIVE HIS LIFE! Anyway, KING KEN SHAMROCK is out - Shane manages a chop block and while Vince escapes, Shamrock takes out Shane with a suplex. Then he runs up the ramp to find Vince. With Shane left alone in the ring, the Associates double up on him - now RODNEY & PETE "GAS" are out - but Patterson and Brisco have no problem with them - now ANOTHER GUY in matching sweater vest is out - and it looks like I was right all along about a new wrestler coming out of all this. This guy brings in a chair and proceeds to Pillmanize the ankles of both men. Referee "Blind" Mike Chioda finally calls for the bell (2:25) and tries to get things stopped, but Shane pushes him away. The four Mean Street Posse members embrace and do the Wonder Twin Powers hand gesture. "No Chance in Hell" plays while they walk off, Shane getting one more shot in on the zebra.

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Guest OnlyMe

This was during the Corporate Ministry angle when everything was crap




That sounds awful. I knew there was a reason I took a hiatus from Raw in '99.

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