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Guest Ace309

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Guest Ace309

The main event was disappointing, although I feel dirty for saying that KoH winning a three-way over Thugg and ELM was disappointing. ;)


Danny and Dace put on a nice match, and Craven/Francis was Perfectly Acceptable Promoing. Frost's promo involving Hearford was similarly enjoyable.


I'll try to give this another look tomorrow, for further commenting purposes.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

I'm not sure if there was life or death emergencies, or something, but I am indeed disappointed in the fact that nobody wants a shot at my belt. A sad day indeed when you can't give away a chance to win the second most important title in the fed(or so it's been called). :(


Once again I'd like to thank Dace for some clutch writing. Looking over the match, I did forget to complete a few sentences in the commentary. I'll have to read Tom's match when I have more time.

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus

Oh. My. GOD! :ph34r:


Okay, this is what happened from my end: I asked Beezel to fo a collaboration, because I don't have any personal aspirations for the ICTV belt right now. Unfortunately, I failed to be considerate of his schedule, and probably didn't turn my portion into him soon enough to do something with.


I sent a PM to King, letting him know that I had done a collabo with Beezel, and not to expect a match from me. He sent me one back, saying that Beezel that hadn't turned a match in, and wasn't going to. He asked me to turn something in, so that at least we wouldn't get what we got. Unfortunately, he sent me the PM around 1:30 (my time) , and I didn't log back on until 7:45, so by the time I got his message, the card had already gone up.


No one to blame but myself, and I apologize to everyone. I promise that, from now on, I will always turn SOMETHING in, even if I don't want to win.

Edited by Mr. Slim Citrus

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Guest Goodear

Of course, the big story here is that OMG I BEAT FROST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Biggest singles win of my career... uh... go me.


CIA vs Tod


The opening of the match needs a little bit of work in my view since it's played like CIA is almost naive and I don't know if that flies with his character. I think the commercial you put in the middle of the match was a little jarring and broke the flow you had going and served as a rather cheap way to get Tod back on offense. The ending also rings a little hollow for me and I think it would have played a little better had Tod actually tried to nail CIA instead of getting him on a backswing. I think there is some writing rust on the match since I've seen both guys put together some really kicking stuff, so I'm not worried that they can come back from this.


MVS/Kibagami vs Atlas/Janus


When feuds COLLIDE! This one starts out as a rapid spot exchange bewteen Atlas and MVS and I'll buy that considering the amount of words you guys have to work with and your spots on the card. Not every match has to have a long feeling out process. But Janus falls into his normal trap of making himself a little too dominant. I just get the feeling sometimes that the faces have no chance as I'm reading through the match and this time wasn't a whole lot different. There needs to be a major face rally in your matches to really offset the impression I'm getting so I can get the feeling that the outcome is really in doubt.


Mike talks to Mak


Hey a feud will do Mike good and having Mak back is just somoe super awesome icing on the cake of goodness and truth.


Did I mention I beat Frost?


D&D vs Superior Justice


Riley: I got news for you, Danny's luck won't be changing tonight. If they couldn't beat Ejiro and Mental, how can they expect to beat Flesher and Mental?


Are you trying to imply that Tom is more talented than ME?!? ;-) Don't worry folks, I know my role as third or fourth man on the Mag Seven totem pole.


The match itself is lovely as you can clearly seperate the styles and tactics of Danny and Dace while they work in different ways to get to the same goal. Dace using his ferocity while Danny calmly dismantles the Judge is just a wonderful piece of writing. You get over submissions wonderfully so that they get an exciteable rise out the reader. The only issue I had is that you tagged Judge back into the match a little too fast after beating the crap out of him for an extended period and then never bring Tom back into the action. I don't know, I can see it happening and all, but it just didn't... feel right considering Judge's tag experience at this point. But still a great, great showing.

Edited by Goodear

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Guest Beezel

Wildchild, I was the one that failed to get anything in from what you sent me so the fault on Catch-22's end falls on me. Certain incidents caught up to me in real life forcing me away from the computer. I was shocked to find that Drazon didn't write however, considering his promo.


If all of Catch-22 reads this, we need to have a meeting or something similar. Our record is not doing well.


Mak Francis. I seem to vaguely remember you, but as always people returning are a good thing. Welcome back. Mike, I'm happy to see you getting right into the thick of things without involving the name "Craven" again. No offense, Nightmare.


Ejiro, congratulations on what has to be considered an upset victory. Perhaps you have locked into your writing style thanks to your godly run as a tag champion. Both you and Judge seem ready for bigger and better things when you two finally lose the belts. Which at this rate will be sometime in the year 2005.


CIA, another name I seem to remember, and this federation is getting rather jam packed, isn't it? This will be interesting to see where TNT/Tod is going, as well as what CIA has planned.


All in all, a great show except for the match I was in. Again. I apologize to those who have been working with me as real life has thrown me a few curveballs in matters of life and death. However, I have finally settled nearly all of my problems and should be an active member of the community again. Expect to hear from Catch-22 some more.

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus
Beezel, I may or may not be available before Saturday, depending on when you and the other guys are able to get together. I'm 6 hours behind the East Coast, and the best time to get a hold of me this week will be between 10pm EST and 5am EST.

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Guest Drew_K

Time for my lazy as hell, I barely even read the details of this show comments! Whee!


CIA vs Tod


I'm doing some thing with my character, which I'm very glad about, and think the beginnings of were planted in this match, but I'll be honest, I'm feeling the weight of the ring rust. Also, I forgot how four thousand words can be difficult to finish, yet simultaneously nowhere near enough to work with. Not my best matchup ever, but I'm back, I have the win, (Even if Tod had to no-show) and that much I can be glad about. Hey, I tried, and that's all I promised anyone, even myself.


MVS/Kibagami vs Atlas/Janus


Wow, that first tag team just doesn't seem like a perfect match to me. I can't quite explain why. That's about all I have to say, since I'm no wrestling analyst, and don't tell anyone *Leans in close and whispers* ...But I only SKIMMED this one.


Mike talks to Mak


Mak's the Man. Mak's the Franchise. Mak's back, and you can colour me excited. In the tingly, good way, while still not in the sexual way. For the most part.


D&D vs Justice and Rule


I heard D&D where supposed to win this, but they got lost in some steam tunnels underneath the university. If you get that joke, wow, get out more. Congrats to Ejiro and Judge on another win.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

You must have skimmed the tag match too, Drew, because Judge was teaming with Flesher and Ejiro fought me in the match before hand which you skipped over. Unless your computer opened onto some sort of dimensional port hole again and you were reading a show from an alternate universe. Just kick it, then hit control+alt+delete and that should right the space time continuum.

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Guest Goodear

Wow, Ann-Margaret was something back in the day. All I knew her from was The Grumpy Old Men movies ... but yikes, she was a hottie.

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Guest Drew_K

Yeah, Frost caught me. I did, just a little bit, cause I'm still getting back into reading everything through in full detail. Plus, it was 4 AM and I was tired. I suppose I'm supposed to go back and edit my comments now, after re-reading, but hey, I got other stuff to do, so, lazy lazy drew makes an appearance. Ha.

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