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Words of the day for WWE hierarchy

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Bad programming is bad enough, but on top of that we have to watch a guy like Vince McMahon constantly hogging up more TV time than any star on Smackdown. We also get to see Stephanie put herself in a program with Sable even though she hasnt been as bad as Vince. If thats not enough we get to see JR get his own freakin webpage with stupid content on it. Does Jericho, RVD, Christian, Booker T get their own webpage on RAW? No, Goold ol' head of talent relations Jim Ross is the one that gets the priveledge.


I'm sorry i just felt the need to vent because these guys put themselves over than they put over their own superstars. Next thing you know Vince and Stephnie will get their own webpages and MAttitudes will be closed down. Enough is enough already.

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