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Guest Choken One

Randy Orton

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Guest Choken One

All right...Last night was the first test for Randy Orton from WWE.


They gave him the Opening segment (one of the most CRUCIAL time periods) and let him have at it with foley instead of Flair and HHH, whom are legendary promoers.



Did Randy Orton do a good enough job and has he sold you at least from that standpoint?



I thought Orton, for a rookie gave a GOOD performence with his promo...he stumbled a few words but was able to ooze that asshhhole persona outta him...

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Guest BoboBrazil

Can he keep from getting injured for more than a month this time? That is the better question. I guess if Nash can do it anyone can though.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah but Orton takes bumps once in a while and Nash has YET to take one in the last 3 months...

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I thought he did a pretty good job, and getting the Foley rub can't hurt.


Plus his match with Maven was not bad either. Timing was a bit off but I wonder how many times these two have worked together. It's not like either of them totally botched one of the other's signature moves (Booker T, face plant - Lionsault).

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Guest Ghettoman

His injuries are more so a matter of bad luck so you can't hold that against him.


I thought he did really well last night, great promo for such a young guy, he was really talking some main event smack(although the content was weak) there.


His match with Maven was very suprising, of course there was nothing special about it but they looked solid as hell and acted as if they truely knew what they were doing.


If I had to pick a break out star from last night I'd give it to him, although Maven looked just great last night.

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Guest Choken One

So which "legend" is gonna give Orton the rub?


Foley, HBK or Flair?


WWE is hell-bent on this kid ya know...

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Guest Ghettoman

I'd say Foley on a hyped free TV match, if he sticks around long enough Raw's next PPV.

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So which "legend" is gonna give Orton the rub?


Foley, HBK or Flair?


WWE is hell-bent on this kid ya know...

I'm guessing HBK although I think they would be much better served with Hurricane, RVD, Jericho, Booker T or Christian. As much as I know people would hate it, putting the IC belt on him after Booker get it (assuming he does) would be the best bet.

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Guest razazteca

Still dont like him, it looked like he was trying to hard to remember his lines, the performance did not look natural.

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Guest JMA

I like Orton, I just don't like his taste in company (ie Triple H). I personally feel he would be better on Smackdown! as a bodyguard for Piper.


Edit: Seeing as how Randy gets injured so much, I think it would be cool if he used a caste for a weapon. Old school, baby. ;)

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Guest Dangerous A

While I am not the biggest Randy Orton fan, I am of the few that attributes his injuries to bad luck and not incompetence, at least with the foot/ankle injury.


Last night wasn't the smoothest promo with Foley, but not offensive or bad. I'll tell you he probrably did better than Kane, RVD, or Test would have if they were put in that position. He needs to work on his flow and delivery, other than that, he is salvagable.


As far as in ring, he is like all the other OVWer's from the last year, NOT READY!

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Guest AndrewTS

Orton cuts a good promo, but he's still injury prone and sloppy.


Maybe his ring work has improved, but they showed how much faith they have in him by giving him so little ring time on TV since his return.


Until proven otherwise, I still think Orton sucks. He would be okay with me if not for all the verbal blowjobs and this "Orton is the future" talk. BTW, does anyone think that sign wasn't a plant?

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Guest Retro Rob
Maybe his ring work has improved, but they showed how much faith they have in him by giving him so little ring time on TV since his return.

He returned in the main event of Raw three weeks ago. On the last two editions of Raw, he wrestled for a combined 10 minutes. That's more than (or equal to) most people on the roster.

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Guest AndrewTS
Maybe his ring work has improved, but they showed how much faith they have in him by giving him so little ring time on TV since his return.

He returned in the main event of Raw three weeks ago. On the last two editions of Raw, he wrestled for a combined 10 minutes. That's more than (or equal to) most people on the roster.

He wrestled Hurricane for about two minutes tops.


How much time in the tag match was he actually in the ring?


I did completely forget about the tag team match, though. I just remembered the all-too-brief match with Hurricane.

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Guest The Czech Republic
I think it would be cool if he used a caste for a weapon.

Which one? the Brahmins?

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Guest saturnmark4life

I am STAGGERED he hasn't used the cast. He actually had a fucking arm injury for Christ's sake! Still, most who don't like him cite one match where he fucked up the finish, but then, he had a stupid finisher back then. He's kinda growing on me personality-wise, and God knows I just want to see someone NEW having substantial TV time, so I'm all for trying with him. Haven't seen enough In-ring to judge him yet, but I will be in the coming weeks.

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Guest AndrewTS
Still, most who don't like him cite one match where he fucked up the finish

Two matches, back to back. We could probably cite more if he ever would stay un-injured long enough to fuck up more.


Now that's he's got the Diamond Cutter, a move so idiot-proof that even Hogan could pull it off, at least fucking up the finisher shouldn't be the issue anymore.

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Guest Retro Rob
He wrestled Hurricane for about two minutes tops.


How much time in the tag match was he actually in the ring?


I did completely forget about the tag team match, though. I just remembered the all-too-brief match with Hurricane.

Which tag-team match? I was thinking of his short one against Hurricane and the one last night against Maven.

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Guest nl5xsk1
I think it would be cool if he used a caste for a weapon.

Which one? the Brahmins?

I say we give him the Untouchables ... he is a heel after all.


And the fact they have Orton and O'Haire each in a position that makes no sense, but would each work perfectly in the other position, show's that there's either the "homegrown is better than imported" theory or that they're just too apathetic to put 2 and 2 together.


I vote both.

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Guest JMA

O'Haire should be traded to Raw for Orton. He would fit more in line with Evolution, anyways. He even has experience with the soon-to-be newest Evolution member, Mark Jindrak.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I like Orton, I just don't like his taste in company (ie Triple H). I personally feel he would be better on Smackdown! as a bodyguard for Piper.

Mark. :D


I don't understand the Piper thing though. O'Haire is currently in a sad state. We've got "Mr. America" and Piper fighting in the ring while Gowan makes a Hop-In, and poor Sean, the guy in the room with the godly physique, sits at ringside unused.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Yeah, because lord knows that Godly physique = automatic talent. Ask Batista, he'll tell ya........

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Guest JMA
Mark.  :D


I don't understand the Piper thing though. O'Haire is currently in a sad state. We've got "Mr. America" and Piper fighting in the ring while Gowan makes a Hop-In, and poor Sean, the guy in the room with the godly physique, sits at ringside unused.

Yeah, yeah. But I really liked the Piper/Orton dynamic. It makes a lot more sense than Randy joining De-Evolution. :P

Edited by JMA

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
He wrestled Hurricane for about two minutes tops.


How much time in the tag match was he actually in the ring?


I did completely forget about the tag team match, though.  I just remembered the all-too-brief match with Hurricane.

Which tag-team match? I was thinking of his short one against Hurricane and the one last night against Maven.

The 6-man from 3 weeks ago, w/ the fucked-up finish (Orton got the pinfall on Helms by mistake)

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Guest Choken One

I should also point out that aside from his neck...


His tattoos suck...

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Guest Retro Rob
The 6-man from 3 weeks ago, w/ the fucked-up finish (Orton got the pinfall on Helms by mistake)

Oh yeah. Forgot about that one.

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