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Guest Choken One

Randy Orton

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Guest The Old Me

Push Orton to the MOON. They can get him WAY over if they want. The fact that he's a 3rd generation superstar is still giving Vince a hard on, so I think we'll see Orton for years to come, if he stay's healthy of course.

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Guest ISportsFan
Push Orton to the MOON. They can get him WAY over if they want. The fact that he's a 3rd generation superstar is still giving Vince a hard on, so I think we'll see Orton for years to come, if he stay's healthy of course.

Even if he doesn't stay healthy, we'll still have him on our TV and McMahon will still push him to the moon.


Just ask Kevin Nash.



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Guest Choken One

u WANNA bet? Vince's drive to get Orton over is more intense then any HHH political move he can pulll...Unless he starts ass fucking Shane...


Orton is getting over even if they need to give him the Hitler gimmik they got locked away in the closet in case of emergency.

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