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Guest humongous2002

What about RVD?

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Guest humongous2002

Since it seems that the writers have left out RVD from the Kane storyline(Even though the fans only cared about him and didn't give 2 shits about the big red anchor)what will the writers do with RVD?Will they remember that RVD was Kane's partner and actually use him in the storyline since that will make -gasp- sense? Or will he be stuck in Metal till his contract runs out?

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Guest saturnmark4life

He's not going anywhere in WWE. They've totally given up on him. A feud with Kane has bad idea written all over it. There's no-one good enough to carry him on Raw save Jericho, and they've faced eachother countless times. If they don't trade him to smackdown he should go to TNA.

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Guest caboose

Saturnmark is right. RVD is in full on Jeff Hardy mode at this moment. He'll get a pop. He'll take some bumps. But he is entrenched in the mid-card.

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Guest Goodear

I think people underestimate just how Kane is for someone the WWE does not usually do a whole lot with but that's really not the issue.


RVD basically needs to get inserted into the Kane/HHH match in some way, shape, or form in order to get anything going for himself. Either he needs to end up joining Evolution or getting attacked by them in order to have this angle to go anywhere as far as he is concerned. I'm just not optimistic as to that possibility coming true.

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I think at this point in time the best thing for RVD would be to make him join Evolution because other wise he will go no where.

He won't touch main event again in a very long time otherwise. If he joins evoultion it leaves the door open for RVD to turn on HHH down the line and get a main event program with HHH.

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Guest caboose
I think at this point in time the best thing for RVD would be to make him join Evolution because other wise he will go no where.

He won't touch main event again in a very long time otherwise. If he joins evoultion it leaves the door open for RVD to turn on HHH down the line and get a main event program with HHH.

RVD does not really fit in with the Evolution group. I really hope RVD gets to move to Smackdown soon, but who would go the other way I can't say.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I think he's still lying at ringside at this moment waiting for Vince to give him his cue to leave.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Whilst a heel turn *might* add a much needed dimension to his character, he's limited to the exact same moveset he uses as a face, and doesn't have the required in-ring charisma to make it as a heel (See Goldberg, Bill). On Raw he is completely and utterly fucked.

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Guest caboose

Besides as a heel he would have to revert to his old ECW character, which isn't that different to his current one, just with more air time in ECW. Anyway, RVD as a heel would be too cool to boo and we'd be back to square one.

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Guest AndrewTS

I honestly don't care about RVD at this point. They aren't going to do much with him at all even if he goes back to singles.

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RVD is pretty much done on Raw.......the only thing i see for him is to feud with Chrisitan and once again beome the IC champ.


Either that or trade him to Smackdown for A-Train :D

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In an ideal world, once WWE wrestlers and angles are stale, they should trade wrestlers from show to show to lead to some make things interesting.


RVD and Booker T really have nowhere to go on Raw. Booker lost for the IC and World Titles, and RVD isn't over anymore. If they sent them to SD! for, say, Cena and Rhyno, it would probably benefit everyone except Cena.


RVD and Booker T can focus on titles they haven't yet competed for, and Rhyno should get pushed to main event status on Raw. If Benoit and Rhyno split on good terms, both can remain face. A face Rhyno can eventually go up against HHH, and whether or not he wins, it is a fresh opponent. Cena will end up as a midcarder, but I don't think he is ready to main event anyways, so its no big loss.

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Guest CronoT

Vince, Triple H and the Creative Team have crapped all over RVD so much, it's going to be hard to get him over again.


Notice how he doesn't get as many or as loud face pops anymore? The reason is, RVD is still popular, but we all know he's not going to win. It's depressing when your fav. wrestler gets stomped week in and week out. Hell, I one time read someone's post or column saying that he thought HHH was involved in RVD getting continually screwed.


It mkaes sense when you think about it, because besides Chris Jericho, RVD is the only one who could credibily get over and beat Trips for the title.


Now, they're making RVD the storyline of Goldust. I wouldn't blame him for getting stoned.

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Guest razazteca

RVD should be IC champ or join up with Booker T, Goldust, Steiner, Foley as manager to go after Evilution.

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Guest NoCalMike

I think RVD can get over again as a singles wrestler. In the tag team it was ALWAYS KANE booked for the hot tag to bail out RVD who was getting beat down on by the opponents. As a singles wrestler, he will have more time to do his thing. Putting him in a tag team was a major mistake.

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Guest Choken One

While a nice shakeup via Joining Evolution would be good for a short term thing...they will have to severely CRIPPLE rvd's moveset and his personality to keep them from cheering him...


Stickin him with three GREAT mic workers will expose rvd...


That's why the fourth man needs to be the enforcer to balance things out.



Trade to smackdown would work best...


Have Austin go insane or something and make a trade...

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Guest Zero_Cool

Ok well, the thing about RVD is that he is still a top face in WWE. During the commercial break before Kane and RVD came out, nearly the entire arena was standing, waiting for RVD's entrance, and then everyone popped huge. He's still very over.


I could see him join Evolution, but be like he was in the Alliance, the one the fans cheer, which would make Flair, Trips, and Orton jealous or something. But overall, he's pretty much done.

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Guest Anglesault

A heel group with HHH, Orton, Jindrack, RVD, and Ric Flair as towel boy?


That's the heel stable from hell.

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RVD and Booker T really have nowhere to go on Raw. Booker lost for the IC and World Titles, and RVD isn't over anymore.

That was one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read at this forum, and I feel the need to correct you. RVD isn't over ? No, no. There's a difference between having low credibility and being over. When one is over, they get a good amount of cheers and can keep the fans involved in a match. This has been what RVD has done, even with the big, red anchor tied to him. Whether it was in the ring against the frogs or, previously, in that best-of-3000 series with Three Minute Warning, RVD has kept the fans interested.


Now, as for having no credibility, that's a problem. He's been the face-in-peril in tag matches for six months and, before that, was losing every Heavyweight Title match that went his way. However, the credibility gap CAN be fixed. Big Show was losing to Jeff Hardy in October. He won the WWE Title in November. If WWE would just put in the effort, for one month, towards giving RVD some wins and some credibility, it would do wonders for his career.


It's complete nonsense when people imply that RVD's WWE career is finished and he's not over. His cheers are still through the roof and, though they aren't up to the level of his Alliance cheers, they're still pretty damn impressive. If the WWE booked him well for one month, he could still be a serious challenger for the title. But of course, WWE would never, ever do that.

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