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Guest Zack Malibu

FizzeedBizzack for HeldDOWN~!

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Guest Zack Malibu

I have to say, this show seemed like a blowaway to me. From SP's evil twin brother, CWM announcing he's back in action, AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME matches from our writers this week, and the 2 Fast skits (which I hoped you liked), this just came off really well. Good job all.

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Guest The Superstar

Eh, the Fast and Furious stuff was.............overblown to the max.


SP's stuff was great.


and I'm sure CWM must enjoy writing promos for "me".

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Guest Zack Malibu

Well SS, you know me and my fine attention to detail. The segments came off looking long, but would most likely only be several minute segments were this a "real" show on TV.

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Guest The Superstar

No, I know what you're saying, but it's just, car chases and BRIDGE JUMPING~ on a wrestling show is odd. And I mean that in the nicest way possible ;)

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Guest Zack Malibu
No, I know what you're saying, but it's just, car chases and BRIDGE JUMPING~ on a wrestling show is odd. And I mean that in the nicest way possible ;)

It's better than corpse-fucking :P.

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Guest SP-1

I thought that it was a good show, probably one of the best so far. The car chase stuff was weird but it worked very well, IMO. But then, I'm the guy who had a kung-fu battle on the arena rooftop not so long ago. ;)


Out of curiosity, was the Dark Poet/SP revelation a surprise? I have been hinting at it but I was hoping that it was still a big surprise.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

it sucked


everyone dodged the trinity's request for a tag title match



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Guest Kingpk

Hmm, Rando did a pretty nice job, but yeah, SD isn't allied with me at all. SD interference was just supposed to put more fuel on the SD/Slacker fire.


Anyway, pretty good show.

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Hmm, Rando did a pretty nice job, but yeah, SD isn't allied with me at all. SD interference was just supposed to put more fuel on the SD/Slacker fire.


Anyway, pretty good show.

I know that, but Rando wrote it where it referred to you as SD's partner.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

sorry about that... I am still shaky on allegiances... I don't think it deters much from the match though

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Oh...and by the way...



That show ruled. All of it. Every single everlasting piece of that show that some kind of redeeming quality.


And I'm glad Parka worked in that crazy Tree of Woe spot.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Hey Popick, maybe Paul Walker and Tyrese will take up your tag challenge one day ;).

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Hey Popick, maybe Paul Walker and Tyrese will take up your tag challenge one day ;).

Hey Dream Machines need a good tag title run first. Then you could let them have it.


Oh and on another note. Whatever happened to SpiderPoet's thread about the new Saturday show "Aggression"??

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Guest Lightning Flik

Alrighty. My turn to breakdown what I liked, didn't like and all that crap.


For matches, I'm adding my own scorecard so people get to know how I liked the matches.


The ratings:


Awful - Just not that great really.


Meh - Fine, but could use some work.


Good - Good for what it was. Nice job.


Great - Damn fine match. One or two things didn't click, but overall mission accomplished.


Excellent - Can you do no wrong? Well, maybe, but it was trivial at best.


Now with that out of the way~! TIME TO DO THE FEEDBACK REVIEW~! Or whatever the fuck I feel like calling my post. BITE ME~!



Segment 1

Zack's on the in with Tyerse and Paul Walker? Fuck, is there ANYBODY this guy doesn't know? Geezus, maybe if I made Slacker some kind of preppish bastard, maybe he'd know everybody. *Thinks about Slacker being a preppy and smacks forehead in disgust* Um... How about no to that Slacker idea. Continuing onwards, cause I need my fill of heldDOWN~! Nice way to open up heldDOWN. [Choko: "Choko likey start~! Choko also thinky Zacky hotty~!] ...right Choko. Now be a good girl and stay out of this.


Segment 2

Ok... I thought it was only JR's job to do the verbal blowjobs around here? Ok, maybe Cole should do a little bit on our show, but BOTH of commentators? Geezus Zack, how much you pay them off? Now we have Malibu go the ring like he owns the place. Wow. What? He's calling Tyrese [Choko: "Dory spell name right~!"] .... and Walker to the ring. Isn't that amazing? [Choko: "Choko thinky it amazy how Zacky Hotty didn't invite Choko! Choko so saddy that Choko no asky by Zacky Hotty to join with party. As Choko LOVEY party~!"] ... Choko, isn't like Slacker your boyfriend or something? Why you fauning over Zack? [Choko: "'Cause Choko thinky Zacky hotty! And Choko likey hotty, so Choko likey Zacky"] ... oh bloody hell. [Choko: "Isn't Dory reviewy segment? And telly everyone that Tyrese call out Robins?"] DAMMIT CHOKO~! THIS IS MY REVIEW~!!! AND YOUR INTERRUPTIONS AREN'T HELPING~! [Choko: "...sniff...sniff...WAHHHHHH~!"] ...uh, Choko, I didn't mean to make you cry... [Choko: "WAHHHH~! Dory no likey Choko~! Dory hatey Choko~! WAHHHHH~!"] ...look, Choko I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. [Choko: "Really, really?"] Yes. Really, really. [Choko: "YAH~! So Dory no mindy if Choko does review for Dory~!"] ...well, no, because I'm sup-[Choko: "...sniff...sniff..."] ACK~! Don't cry~! Alright. You can do the review from here on in. It's all yours. Just don't go crying again. [Choko: "Yah~! Choko do besty job EVER~! Waity and see~!] ...sigh, just do you best...












YAH~! WEEE~! Hi~! Choko be Choko~! And Choko be doing Choko's first feedback~! Heheheh. So since Choko doing Choko's own feedback, Choko will start from start again~!


Thingy 1

Well, Choko and yous get to see Joshy be huffy and puffy. When... Ooooo~! YAH~! ZACKY HOTTY~! WEEE~! Here comes Zacky Hotty~! Heh... Choko likey him~!


So Choko hears Joshy babbly to Zacky Hotty, but it all too much for Choko's head, so Choko just admiry Zacky Hotty~! Oooo~! Then come some cars and they likey cool~! Oh poo. It just be some silly movie guys. Choko no carey for them. Choko go back to looky at Zacky Hotty~!


Choko thinky thingy was good. Nicey way to starty.



Thingy 2

Choko think Dory say that Cole-a-Coke and Couchy that they givey Zacky Hotty ... vi...r...able, no wrongy word! Choko gety right~! Nos you worry~! V...ert...able. Nos, stilly not righty. AH~! Verbal~! Cole-a-Coke and Couchy givey Zacky Hotty "slowy slops". Choko wondery why Cole-a-Coke and Couchy givey some slowy slops. Choko likey fasty slops. Tasty better. Ooooo~! Zacky Hotty comey to ring~! WEEEE~! Choko lovey looky at Zacky Hotty~! Choko no care as Zacky Hotty here~! Choko likey Zacky Hotty music. Choko wondery if Zacky Hotty would lety Choko havey likey music. Oh. So Zacky cally out friends now~! YAH~! PARTY~! WEEE~! CHOKO GETY TO PARTY NOW~! ...no~! BIG MEANY SPOILY PARTY~! CHOKO HATEY MEANY~! Choko hatey meany more as Meany make funny of Choko's Zacky Hotty. Choko nos likey that~! Choko smashy Meany, if Zacky Hotty not smashy Meanie now. Hm.... Who this new guy stoppy Zacky Hotty with the smashy? G...M...Y? Wassat? Choko nos know, but Choko hatey GMY for stoppy Zacky Hotty smashy Meany. Ooooh~! GMY likey now for letting smashy go on. Choko thanky GMY after Zacky Hotty smashy Meany. Oooo.... Choko nos that Meany could singy so baddy. Choko showy how to singy long after show. Ooooo~! Meany lots meany~! He hit peepy and that baddy~! Choko hatey Meany lots~!

Choko thinky thingy was great~! Choko thinky this was great because Choko thinky great. Choko needy nos ansy.


Thingy 3

Choko still hatey Meany. Choko hopey peepy ok. Choko feely baddy for peepy. Choko wishy best for peepy. And Choko vowy that Choko make righty~! Yous see! Oooo~! Zacky Hotty chasy Meany in car~! Choko likey that idea~!

Choko thinky thingy was good.


Thingy 4

Ooooh... Jimy and Brocky planny stuffy? Yucky~! Choko nos needy that icky knowy. ICKY~! ICKY~! ICKY~! Oooh~! Matchy timey~! WEEE~! Uppy nexty~! Wes havey Maddy Matty, whom be cutey, and Ragydolly... Choko thinky Ragydolly funny looky. Hm? Choko nos getty matchy ruley, but Choko thinky matchy be a joy~! WOWWY~! MATTY FLY~! Maybe Matty teachy Choko fly so well. Choko lovey to fly so well~! BOO~! Choko nos likey that Matty lose firsty fall by cheaty. Matty nos cheaty~! BOO~! Comey Maddy Matty~! Choko cheery you on~! MADDY MATTY~! MADDY MATTY~! Why peepy nos joiny with Choko? Maybe Choko shouty more~! Ooo~! Maddy up and WOWWY~! Choko wowwy by Maddy Matty~! Biggy move~! OooH~! Maddy Matty needy pinny~! MADDY MATTY~! MADDY MATTY~! ...why no peepy joiny Choko?! OUCHY~! Bangy heady hurty. Choko do that, and that hurty lots~! YAH~! Maddy Matty wins~! WEEE~! ...huh? Matchy go still? Choko thinky matchy never end. Make Choko's heady hurty. HEY~! Ragydolly nos cally namey~! Or Choko hurty yous lots~! Choko can~! WAH~! MADDY MATTY LOST~! WAH~! ...Choko nos likey Ragydolly, but Choko be biggy to say that Ragydolly won matchy. Choko nos likey Ragydolly at all. STOPPY~! YOUSFATTY MEANY~! CHOKO HURTY YOU LOTS NOW~! RAGYDOLLY WILL BE HURTY MUCH~! Choko say truthy that Ragydolly will be hurty much~!

Choko thinky thingy was great~! Choko lovey pace, and Choko lovey matchy. Choko nos likey Maddy Matty lose. Nos likey Ragydolly hurty Maddy Matty too~! MEANY~!


Thingy 5

Hm... Choko thinky Gweggy needy some funny~! Choko nos likey Gweggy funny at Cole-a-Coke. Cole-a-Coke be... be... ...ok, funny at Cole-a-Coke be ok. Oh... Empty threaty... Funny Cole-a-Coke nos getty. Gweggy creepy.

Choko thinky thingy was meh. Choko thinky that Gweegy nos creepy nuff, and thingy too short for funny. Thingy nos feely to it.


Thingy 6

Eck. Choko nos likey Duperdinky at all. Choko wishy Duperdinky go away. GO AWAY~! ...why Duperdinky nos go away? ...icky. Choko musty heary that? Oooh~! Comey CWMY~! Choko sorty likey him. Choko nos thinky CWMY likey Choko, so Choko nos fully likey him. Um... Talky be shorty. CWMY toss Duperdinky away~! YAH~! Duperdinky GO AWAY~!

Choko thinky thingy was good. Choko thinky it too shorty but still good.


Thingy 7

Tyrese be silly at PKy. Then Tyrese be silly at soda~! Heheheheheheh... Choko getty such laughy. Cry try to be silly and pinny PKy, but Cry and Tyrese then fighty as PKy getty away~! OH~! Matchy TIME~! Parky and Zy have matchy~! YAH~! Nicey start to matchy. OUCHY~! Parky shoulder be hurty. Nos good. Nos good. Ouchy, hurty lots more from kick. Why are peepy comey to ring with table of glass? NOS~! BADDY PEEPY~! BADDY~! Oh... Parky nos table, but hurty and lose. Nos good.

Choko thinky thngy was good. Choko laughy. Choko hatey Baddy Peepy, but good thingy.


Thingy 8

Icky Guy buggy Cry~! Nos buggy Cry~! Choko hurty yous if yous do~! Cry~! Nos after Icky Guy~! Icky Guy go to trappy~! Nos follow~! Yous heary Choko?! Choko thinky nos. NOS~! BROCKY HURTY CRY~! NOS~! YOUS MAKE CHOKO ANGRY~! YOUS NOS LIKEY CHOKO WHEN CHOKO MADDY~! WAH~! CHOKO NOS LIKEY YOUS NOW~! CHOKO SMASHY YOU~! CHOKO HURTY YOU~! CHOKO MAKE YOUS HURTY LOTS~! CHOKO LOVEY HEARS YOUS SCREAMY~! ...ahem... Choko be nicey now. Choko promise. Choko just hurty Brocky later. Choko make Brocky hurty LOTS~! ACK~! Why Freaky on heldDOWN now?! WHY FREAKY SAY THAT AGAIN? Freaky say same thing before Choko and Freaky have matchy. ...wha...? Choko fighty likey guy with girly part??? But... Choko cute... CHOkO CUTE~! WAH~! (Dor: [mutter]...I was hoping she'd missed that...[/mutter]) ...Choko ok. Choko nicey now. Choko hatey Alixy, but Choko hatey Freaky more. ...how comey matchy so likey likey matchy Choko had. ...oh, Choko be silly. Choko watchy this now. WEEE~! KIRA-KIRA AND CHOKO WINNY~! BADDY FREAKY~! CHOKO HATEY YOUS FOR HURTY CHOKO~! CHOKO HURTY YOUS LOTS IN TAG MATCHY~! CHOKO SWEARY~! ...heh... Here comey, Viccy... Viccy be Choko's Knight. Choko's very own Knight.

Choko thinky thingy is good. Choko thinky that matchy was spotty and Choko nos spot blassy. Choko be puroresu. ...Dor, what be puroresu again? (Dor: I'll tell you later, just finish up.) Ok. Choko hurry~!


Thingy 9

Couchy creepy... Choko likey Couchy be creepy. Nos that way creepy be Choko. Oooo~! Some Guy talky~! Talky about smashy 'Saulty~! Choko nos likey 'Saulty, yetty only likey on popcorn and masstados. OUCHY~! Some Guy Somekicks Saulty. That hurty Choko bet. Hm? Newbie comey? Choko wonder who.

Choko thinky thingy was good. Choko thinky Couchy be too creepy.


Thingy 10

WEE~! VICCY'S MATCHY~! ...Choko saddy that Viccy lost. Choko happy that Choko hurty Freaky first. Viccy getty hurty Freaky later.

Choko thinky thingy was good. Choko wishy that Viccy won.


Thingy 11

WEEE RACING~! Choko likey racing. Choko lovey the race that Viccy gives Choko...EEEK...yous forget Choko say that, ok? Choko nos say that. Choko NEVER say that. Yous say Choko say that, Choko maybe hurty yous~! Nos, Choko WILL hurty yous. Ooooo~! Car chase over~! Choko saddy that it over. YAH~! Matchy will finish though~! WEEE~!

Choko thinky thingy was great. Choko like this thingy most!


Thingy 12

...ok. Choko thinky thingy just weirdy... Um... Choko thinky this be meh, as Choko nos getty point. (Dor: Choko, Hex was trying to humiliate Caboose by replaying last week's stuff and .... yous not getty this Choko?) Nos. (Dor: ...sigh...)


Thingy 13

GRRRR~! Who thinky this Darky Poet? Barney? Darky Poet just never go away. Wishy he did. Choko nos likey him. Oooo~! Spidey comey out to play~! WAH???? TWO SPIDEY???? Choko shocky~! Choko ... uh ... Choko stunny... um... Wowwy... Real Spidey, mind if Choko help? Choko can hurty him for yous if yous want~! Nos? Oh, Choko never getty funny.

Choko thinky thingy was EXCELLENT! Choko thinky only one wrongy thingy with thingy. NEVER shocky Choko again. Choko hatey being shocky.


Thingy 14

Weee~! Widow make Real Spidey feel all better. Maybe Real Spidey getty a race later from Widow? ;) ...nos funny of Choko. Choko be happy that Real Spidey ok. Real Spidey has lots of peepy that likey him.

Choko thinky thingy was good. Choko thinky that thingy needy more feely.


Thingy FINISH~!

YAH~! WEEE~! FINAL THINGY~! Choko be thirsty from all this talky. OOOOO~! ZACKY HOTTY~! Choko thinky Ally nos mindy if Choko stealy Zacky Hotty for a night. ...nos? Poo. Choko be funny, nos mean it. ACK~! NOS~! ZACKY HOTTY GETTY FACEY HURTY~! NOS~! ...whew. Choko getty worry there. OOOO! That School Out had to hurty! 1...2...? No winny for Zacky Hotty? WAH~! ZACKY HOTTY WINNY~! BOO REFFY~! BOO~! ...ouchy~! Trash can hurty~! WEEE~! SPIRIT LIFTY THINGY~! WOWWY~! ZACKY HOTTY HURTY MEANY BADLY WITH MOVE~! ...hope Zacky Hotty not to hurty. Choko likey Zacky Hotty.

Choko thinky thingy was great.


Choko thinky that Choko needy be invite to next party that any peepy throw. Choko likey party. Choko thinky whole show be good~! Choko getty Dory to take back post~!






...um, yah. So there's the feedback... Um, can we possibly say I've lost my mind tonight?

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Guest Zack Malibu

I don't care if I can understand it only half the time or not, Choko needs her own column. That review was hysterical.


No Flik, you're not insane.

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Guest Lightning Flik
I don't care if I can understand it only half the time or not, Choko needs her own column. That review was hysterical.


No Flik, you're not insane.

Glad someone liked it... I thought it might've been lame or something.


Well, if I'm not insane, I'm crazy then... Either of the two...


[Choko: "Dory nos crazy! Dory be silly~!"]


...uh, right...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
and I'm sure CWM must enjoy writing promos for "me".

I make you look better than you ever did yourself.

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Guest Lightning Flik
I have to agree Zack, that Choko thing was the shit.

[Choko: *Tilty heady* "Choko notty shitty~! Choko be cute~!"]


...uh, I think that was what he was meaning Choko.


[Choko: "Oh... Needy say better than~! Choko notty getty."]



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Guest Lightning Flik
lol, where does this all come from dude?

[Choko: "Hm... Needy knowing. Where do Choko comey from?"]


...she comes from the fact that I'm a little messed up and thusly she's the only way I can satisfyly let loose that weirder me.


[Choko: *THWAP* "Nos silly Dory! Where findy Choko? Nos yous funny self."]


*Rubbing the back of my head* I really don't recall. You just appeared one day.


[Choko: "AH~! It make all knowing now~!"]


*puzzled look* It does???


[Choko: "Choko be Dory's Guardy Angy~!"]




[Choko: "Yah! Choko be always cute and nevery dying!"]

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