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Soldier Field

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Guest The Czech Republic

Kinda sad to see the old place go, but it does look all right. Hopefully the terrible sightline dilemma from Old Soldier is fixed, because a Bears game is one of those that you definitely watch on TV and not in person.

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Guest The Czech Republic
Sightline dilemma?


How so?


Since I never really heard much about that.

The layout of the bowl left for a lot of bad seats.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

yeah, you won't like it once you see it from the inside Bond.

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Guest The Tino Standard

I saw Soldier Field back in March when I visited my girlfriend (you could see the stadium from her apartment window).


I thought the whole thing looked incredibly awkward. It was like they tried to build an ultra-modern-looking stadium, while maintaining the 1920s-style cement columns. Each are perfectly acceptable in their own right, but putting them together was bad news. I'll reserve final judgment until I see it on Opening Day, but from what I've seen already, the new stadium design just doesn't mesh at all.

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