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Guest Nevermortal

Terry Funk to be on Raw?

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Guest Nevermortal
Mick Foley stated on WWE Byte This yesterday that he hears WWE is planning some sort of special ceremony for him this Monday at RAW from Madison Square Garden. The segment is rumored to involve Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk. No other details are currently available.




And he's gonna go there all fucked up too. Barbed Wire tonight!

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Guest Retro Rob

That would be cool. I was hoping it was going to be Funk as the ref for HIAC.

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Guest razazteca

So they ran out of contenders for HHH? So when are going to bring back Steamboat, Race, Vader?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I just know that there are millions of people around the world who want to see Terry Funk hobble down to the ring one last time and get his ass beat by HHH.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

Too bad 3MW are no more. This would be the perfect scenario for them to use for their schtick. Which would lead to a tag match between Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie VS 3MW. Damnit why did they boot Jamal???????

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Guest Nevermortal
Too bad 3MW are no more. This would be the perfect scenario for them to use for their schtick. Which would lead to a tag match between Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie VS 3MW. Damnit why did they boot Jamal???????

Because he's been a bad bad bad samoan.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye
Nevermortal Posted on Jun 20 2003, 10:31 AM


QUOTE (Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye @ Jun 20 2003, 01:27 PM)

Too bad 3MW are no more. This would be the perfect scenario for them to use for their schtick. Which would lead to a tag match between Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie VS 3MW. Damnit why did they boot Jamal??????? 


Because he's been a bad bad bad samoan. 



Bad Shmad! They are letting a potential gold mine of a feud go to waste here!!

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Guest bob_barron

Terry Funk at MSG??? Awesome.


He'll be in the area- He's working Philly this Saturday

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Guest El Satanico

Damn...that means I'll have to watch Raw now...just to see what crazy ass Funk does.


Sadly Terry Funk with two destroyed knees is still a better worker than the current HHH, Nash, Goldberg...hell half of the Raw roster.

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Guest Choken One

I see it now...1000 spot...Foley comes out to do his Thank yous and promote the book...


Austin comes out and says he has a little PARTY planned in Mick's Honor...


They play a video tribute...Austin opens an Cooler and They drown a couple...


HHH and Evolution come out and Mock foley...


Funk, Dreamer and Dudleyz (ECW/NYC stalemates) rush them out and kick their asses...


Evolution runs away and Funk, Foley, Austin, Dreamer and The Dudleyz Pose and drown beer...



That's the WWE way.

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Guest bob_barron
I see it now...1000 spot...Foley comes out to do his Thank yous and promote the book...


Austin comes out and says he has a little PARTY planned in Mick's Honor...


They play a video tribute...Austin opens an Cooler and They drown a couple...


HHH and Evolution come out and Mock foley...


Funk, Dreamer and Dudleyz (ECW/NYC stalemates) rush them out and kick their asses...


Evolution runs away and Funk, Foley, Austin, Dreamer and The Dudleyz Pose and drown beer...



That's the WWE way.

Oh God...That would be awesome

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Guest razazteca

After the commercial break Eric Bischoff is confronting Austin in the "GM Office" to make a match up of Foley vs Ortan.

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Guest Choken One

Yep and instead of giving Foley that big sendoff...Orton gets the HHH treatment from Foley.


Foley chants lead him out as he goes to his car with Dreamer, Funk and Dudleys walking with him...His wife and kids are there and Foley goes


"BANG-BANG" and drives off...


The perfect hollywood ending...


Instead WWE will have foley back in three weeks to give Rodney Mack the rub...

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Guest JAxlMorrison

A more likely scenario: HHH comes down and takes out Funk and Dreamer with chairshots, pedigrees Foley through a table and hits him with a sledgehammer. Foley is taken out in an ambulance and doesn't come back for a month so he can do his book tour. Then when he does come back he has ample time to promote the Summerslam match.

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Guest Lightning Flik
A more likely scenario: HHH comes down and takes out Funk and Dreamer with chairshots, pedigrees Foley through a table and hits him with a sledgehammer. Foley is taken out in an ambulance and doesn't come back for a month so he can do his book tour. Then when he does come back he has ample time to promote the Summerslam match.

Oh bloody hell... THAT sounds so right.


Also plays into the rumors of the SlumberScam Card.

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Guest HellSpawn


Because what RAW needs is another pack of segments dedicated to Legends and GM.

After all, that Redneck $#!T at Bad Blood was *Amazing*.

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