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Guest Anglesault

Well, I sure am glad...

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Guest Anglesault

That I had to sit through a month and change of Rodney Mack so the big blow off could be another attempt to get the fans to actually cheer Fuck Goldberg for more than two weeks at a time, which will all be rendered useless when the PPV comes around.


I feel enriched and satisfied. Don't you?

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Theodore was right all along. Rodney Mack was held down by Da Man! :angry:

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Guest Slapnuts00

Im pretty sure they never actually had a "plan" for the white boy challenge, but realized it would be a conveniant way to put over Goldberg. I don't have many problems with it since Goldberg needs to be rebuilt badly, and if they're counting on him to be a credible challeneger to HHH he needs effective wins. So strangely enough Rodney Mack has helped get Goldberg over.

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Guest the pinjockey

Don't you get it though? The way to get Goldberg over is to put him over the entire roster three times over so this will make sense in the long run.


I would mark out though if Mack becomes Jerry Flynn v2.0.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

At least the crowd popped. Ane the spear through the pyro was neat.


in the long run...Rodney Mack doesn't matter anyway.


The true absurdity is the revalation that Goldberg is a ratings draw every week...and they give him roughly one minute of air time this week.

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Guest Anglesault
in the long run...Rodney Mack doesn't matter anyway.

Of course.


I'm just annoyed that we had to watch him every week so he could put FGB over before the next PPV where the crowd turns on him.

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Guest RollingSambos

Actually, that's probably the most over Goldberg has been post-match since he showed up in WWE. Every other time, the fans turn on him halfway through (Jericho)...or even from the start (Rock).


You know why? Because Rodney Mack fucking sucks. Everybody hates him legit, and it was real satisfying to see Goldberg make him his bitch. Hell, I don't even like Goldberg and I was PRAYING for Goldberg to come out when I saw Mack in the ring.


The only shame is that Goldberg didn't hit him with the Bret Killer.

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Guest RepoMan

I'm not saying Rodney Mack is even decent in the ring, but I really dug his character, and now his build up is totally ruined. They could have feed anyone to Goldberg tonight, MSG is ussually hot. They should have waited for an up and coming cracker to win the white boy challenge.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I feel enriched and satisfied. Don't you?


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Guest The Czech Republic
Rodney Mack is the new Roadblock.

In that case he better started carrying a road horse to the ring, and use that cool rope-assisted moonsault from the apron as his finisher.



I know my mid 90s WCW jobbers.

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Guest AndrewTS

I very much agree. The win could have made a new star. Instead they wasted it someone who isn't going to be working there in 3 months.

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Guest FatKane
I very much agree. The win could have made a new star. Instead they wasted it someone who isn't going to be working there in 3 months.

I disagree. Who the fuck cares if someone beats Rodney Mack? Let's say they brought up an OVW guy this week and gave him to Mack instead of Goldberg, NO ONE WOULD FUCKING CARE, and I certainly doubt that you'd all be talking about it in its own thread right now. The win did more for Shitberg than it could have for someone else. They could have made a new star? From Rodney Mack? Give me a break. It's not like they heavily publicized his winning streak anyway.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I disagree completely.


I don't care if they spent a whole nother year having Mack squash midcarders.


No one would have cared no matter who beat him.

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Guest Quik

What happened to that Horseshoe guy they signed? He should've been the one to beat the Mack.


The spear through the pyro looked as good as Kane's burns.

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Guest Anglesault
I very much agree.  The win could have made a new star.  Instead they wasted it someone who isn't going to be working there in 3 months.

I disagree. Who the fuck cares if someone beats Rodney Mack? Let's say they brought up an OVW guy this week and gave him to Mack instead of Goldberg, NO ONE WOULD FUCKING CARE, and I certainly doubt that you'd all be talking about it in its own thread right now. The win did more for Shitberg than it could have for someone else. They could have made a new star? From Rodney Mack? Give me a break.

Mack isn't over enough to make a new star.


But if you are going to waste everyone's time trying to push him, find a better blow off than trying to stop the bleeding as regards to Fuck Goldberg

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Guest the pinjockey

I really don't care about Mack. My two problems are they are going to start a Goldberg streak which will kill off the roster. And second, I still have the utmost confidence that they will continue to push a Rodney Mack white boy challenge/winning streak type of thing, which after tonight will kill off any part of the roster that Goldberg forgets about. Once you get squashed in 25 seconds you don't get to have a streak/challenge type deal ever again, but he most likely will.

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Goldberg streak which will kill off the roster


The entire WWE roster isn't big enough for a 2nd Goldberg streak to mean anything! :ph34r:

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But then again, its not like the 1st one meant shit anyway except to those fucking Turdberg fans!

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Guest the pinjockey

Or they could always just make up numbers like WCW did.


JR: "With that win over Rodney Mack, Goldberg's streak is now at 38 wins."


Typical fan: "Hasn't he only wrestled 5 matches?"


WWE stooge: "You are just one of the smarks on your mommy's computer aren't you?"

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Or they could always just make up numbers like WCW did.


Goldberg actually worked house shows back then though... :ph34r:

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But then again, its not like the 1st one meant shit anyway except to those fucking Turdberg fans!

Yeah, damn those 20,000 to 40,000 fans who made him the most over man in the business for quite a while. Damn them for cheering for someone who at the time they were entertained by. Let's give them a funny name shall we! Dumbass.


And that streak, it didn't mean anything because it was only the biggest of the 1990's. It never meant a damn because Goldberg only popped the fans HUGE after beating Hogan for the belt. It meant nothing because it only made a new star from nowhere. Yeah...it meant nothing, didn't it?

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Guest Jobber of the Week
And that streak, it didn't mean anything because it was only the biggest of the 1990's. It never meant a damn because Goldberg only popped the fans HUGE after beating Hogan for the belt. It meant nothing because it only made a new star from nowhere. Yeah...it meant nothing, didn't it?

But it's not like that feud didn't cost WCW. They threw every midcarder, jobber, and eventually main eventer that Time Warner's money could buy nationwide against the guy, and thus made everyone else look weak by comparison. Not only does the WWE have a tough time coming up with a roster as deep to make another Goldberg streak, but the Raw brand split by itself sure as hell doesn't!


The other problem is that it's not like this guy was Andre The Giant and was friends with everybody and thus everybody felt okay jobbing to him. There was (and still is) very little humility, very little compassion for anyone who put out the efforts to get the guy over. He /HAS/ stepped on "the little people" on his way, and didn't even bother to thank them. After all, wrestling is just some meaningless form of entertainment to this guy.

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Guest nl5xsk1
And that streak, it didn't mean anything because it was only the biggest of the 1990's.

It's not like he's the '72 Dolphins winning all their games in a season. Or Dimaggio hitting in 56 straight games. A winning streak in wrestling only occurs because the writers want it to. It could have happened to anyone.


And if Goldberg's was the biggest of the '90s, what was the biggest of the '80s? Andre before his feud with Hogan?

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Guest nikowwf

Well, im sorry it upset some of you, but those 15-16k people at MSG were crapping all over Rodney Mack and then decided this was a truly awesome segment once Goldberg came out and destroyed him. Everyone was happy.


I think a WHY ARE THEY WASTING RODNEY MACK TO PUSH GOLDBERG thread is really really inane. My only question is why didn't they stop this stupid push sooner. Mack sucks hard....yes, Goldberg is no prize but they have a thousand times better chance of drawing money with him than by BACKING THE MACK.



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Guest Polish_Rifle

I too back the Mack! But its not like he had anyone else he could beat in the white boy challenge. Maybe Al Snow or Dreamer and then that was it. I don't think his stock was hurt at all by the 26 second squash since they're making Fuck Golderg to be this monster who beat the Rock and Jericho. It's not like he losta white boy challenge to Spike Dudley.

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