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Guest RollingSambos

They went with the No Mercy version of Kane!

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Guest RollingSambos

Looks like they were trying to create the burn pattern from the No Mercy game, but it got splotched and smeared by his sweat.

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Guest HellSpawn

IMO, I think Kane looks good. Not great, but good.

It looks like some of you want Matrix or ILM FX.

Some people is NEVER satisfied.

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Guest RollingSambos

Well, now that I've looked at his No Mercy face I can see what they were shooting for. The only problem is, burn victims aren't charred black like that...they have patches or splotches of lighter scar tissue where the burn occurred.

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they could have at least added some scar tissue on the forehead and cheek...at least......but all they did was put soot on the face. That just SCREAMS low budget

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Guest CronoT
they could have at least added some scar tissue on the forehead and cheek...at least......but all they did was put soot on the face. That just SCREAMS low budget

Hell, ECW could have done it better.

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Guest FatKane

You think they were modeling Kane's face tonight after a video game? And you replied to your own post 2 times? WHAT THE FUCK

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Guest The Metal Maniac
It looks like some of you want Matrix or ILM FX.

Some people is NEVER satisfied.


Maybe we just wanted more then 5 minutes worth of effort.


There's a WORLD of difference between smearing black crap on your face, and using CGI. They could gone ANYWHERE in between, but instead, we get good ol' splotchface...

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