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Guest djsunyc

russo's raw review - anyone got it

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Guest djsunyc

hey, i was away for a bit and missed out on the russo raw review. anyone have a link to it or can reply to this via copy and paste. thanks.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

If you are looking for one from this week, I don't think that he does reviews for them anymore.

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Guest nikowwf

His head exploded from the hypocricy.




His eyebrow finally gained life and killed him.



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Guest nikowwf

It makes sense that they would not want there booker spending time writing a column about the competition.


Did they even know he was doing that?



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm not sure if they knew...I'd figure they would have put a stop to it right away if they did.


They asked 1wrestling to take it down though.

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Does anyone have a link to previous reviews Russo did? I'd really like to check them out.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Too bad. I'd almost like to see Russo's take on this last show.

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Guest Dangerous A

Russo would've trashed the show, just like anyone else who watched that had eyes, ears, and a fuckin brain in their head would. God, that show was horrible. How could they drop the ball in MSG? Are they trying to kill one of their tried and true territories?

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Guest FatKane
Russo would've trashed the show, just like anyone else who watched that had eyes, ears, and a fuckin brain in their head would. God, that show was horrible. How could they drop the ball in MSG? Are they trying to kill one of their tried and true territories?

I'm not afraid to say that I enjoyed the show overall. The Foley segment was classic, and the Kane stuff was actually quite compelling down til the end. Not a GREAT show by any means with all the shitty wrestling, but definitely an above-average Raw.

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