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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

Pringle on the unmasking, SD! roster growing...

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

From 1wrestling.com


Pete Hedderson sent this one. ... Paul Bearer has released a statement regarding his feelings on Kane de-masking. You can view his commentary by clicking here..


For those curious, the ratings for Raw really didn't kick in until hour two this week.  The show started at a 3.0 before doing a 3.4 and then two 3.7s.  Hour two, which started with the tribute to Mick Foley, spiked (I better watch out or Mr. Lee will sue me for using that word) to a 4.5.  The next three segments dropped to 4.0 and two 4.1s before the overrun delivered a strong 5.0 quarter hour for Kane's de-masking. ... Ratings are compiled by and are the property of Nielsen Media Research.



From what I have heard from a number of people over the past few weeks and months, there has been a stunning transition in the Smackdown brand locker room as many of the wrestlers on that show are not happy with how they are being used by management, and more and more have been complaining about it openly.  Obviously, it's not hard to figure out which talents on the roster have been used poorly of late.  From what I have heard, the complaints have been directed mostly to the writers and the agents, with very few to no one going up to Vince McMahon himself about it, due to the fact that they have families to feed.  Hell, after seeing how he acted on Real Sports last night, even if he was trying to "work a character" (which is beyond stupid when dealing with the mainstream press in my opinion), I can see why people wouldn't want to go up and complain to him, especially at a time when money is down and there aren't any real alternatives out there for them.  As some in the brand see it, Vince is spending all of his creative time on his storyline with Hulk Hogan, Zach Gowen and now pimping out his daughter and time and energy is coming at their expense.  For what it's worth, I agree with the talent completely on that one. What makes this all the more troublesome is that until recently, the Smackdown locker room was the "happy" one.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Gee, and I thought Vince, Hogan, Sable, Steph, and Big Show taking up 75% of tv time was a good thing.

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Guest Youth N Asia
I miss Paul Bearer :(

ehhh...he just bothered me. His promos were painfull to listen to.

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Guest edotherocket

It would be cool if Undertaker's bike had a sidecar for Paul Bearer to sit in. He could have a helmet and be decked out in denim and be an American Badass Sidekick.

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Guest Youth N Asia
It would be cool if Undertaker's bike had a sidecar for Paul Bearer to sit in. He could have a helmet and be decked out in denim and be an American Badass Sidekick.

I read that before. Someone pitched the idea that PB's decked out in leather and Taker would call him "Pops"

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Guest nl5xsk1
It would be cool if Undertaker's bike had a sidecar for Paul Bearer to sit in.  He could have a helmet and be decked out in denim and be an American Badass Sidekick.

I read that before. Someone pitched the idea that PB's decked out in leather and Taker would call him "Pops"

that just sounds WAY too "alternative lifestyle" for Mr. Calloway and Mr. Pringle.

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Guest razazteca
It would be cool if Undertaker's bike had a sidecar for Paul Bearer to sit in.  He could have a helmet and be decked out in denim and be an American Badass Sidekick.

I read that before. Someone pitched the idea that PB's decked out in leather and Taker would call him "Pops"

He did that in WCW as Big Daddy Dink as the manager of the Freebirds or something or am I confusing Percy Pringle for another fat manager of the past?



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Guest Downhome

Percy HATES the Kane unmasking deal. As he's said many times in the past, WWE paited themselves into a corner in terms of the Kane character. All they can do now, that they've unmasked him, is to just move forward and "forget" about it.


Go check out a lot of his posts talking about this...


Yep, it's a damn crying shame. Kane and I talked about this situation many times. Remember, he has no choice in the matter. They created him, and they will kill him.



...he thinks bad of this more than any of us here, heh.

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Guest BrokenWings

I can't say I disagree with anything Percy has said regarding this whole Kane situation. He really hit the nail on the head in that column.

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Guest Boo_Bradley
It would be cool if Undertaker's bike had a sidecar for Paul Bearer to sit in.  He could have a helmet and be decked out in denim and be an American Badass Sidekick.

I read that before. Someone pitched the idea that PB's decked out in leather and Taker would call him "Pops"

He did that in WCW as Big Daddy Dink as the manager of the Freebirds or something or am I confusing Percy Pringle for another fat manager of the past?



Oliver HumperDINK was Big Daddy Dink, He was a Portland staple as a manager in the early 80's (House of Humperdink vs Piper's Palace) and moved on to win the Florida title (Don't ask) before going to the WWF to manage BBBigelow and Paul Orndorff.

Edited by Boo_Bradley

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