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Guest BigPoppaKev


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Guest welshjerichomark

In school we have been told so many horror stories about Ecstacy. I mean what's the point? people have died from taking one, once. Don't you care about your future?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

That's because they were toxic rolls of dirty amphetamines. The actual desired chemical isn't too bad on the body. I'm not advocating doing the stuff of course, but solely based on the mediocrity of the buzz, and not because of the horror stories told about people who are too dumb to know the risks of what they're putting in their bodies.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid
In school we have been told so many horror stories about Ecstacy. I mean what's the point? people have died from taking one, once. Don't you care about your future?

That's assuming the stories are true. In the 30s, they told you weed turned you into a homicidal maniac. I don't recommend E precisely because you have no idea what you're getting, as AOO pointed out - but there are plenty of options to reduce your risk (in terms of what you're actually getting). Know your source, invest in a mail order test kit (cheap, and not legally considered paraphernalia), visit DanceSafe booths if you're somewhere that actually has them (go North America! Better dead than getting the idea that getting high might not be evil! All right!). Taking mystery pills is never wise - and a note: the majority of those who die the first time die of dehydration, which is avoidable if you take basic precautions and keep track of what you're doing (avoid heat, although that's unlikely at a rave). Again, not everything you've heard is false, but some of it definitely is. Also, if there weren't suburban white girls on that list of deaths, you wouldn't have heard half of what you did. Consider what you hear about E in proportion to what you hear about crack these days (I'm going by the information in my part of Canada) - there's a shitload of crack around, but it barely gets mentioned compared to ecstacy.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Oh man. The ending of Reefer Madness.


"I know why you're here! You're here to kill me!"


I loved how they showed the guy, a hopeless addict, caring only for another joint..ha.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid
Oh man. The ending of Reefer Madness.


"I know why you're here! You're here to kill me!"


I loved how they showed the guy, a hopeless addict, caring only for another joint..ha.

Faster! Faster! (maniacal laughter)

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Guest welshjerichomark
In school we have been told so many horror stories about Ecstacy. I mean what's the point? people have died from taking one, once. Don't you care about your future?

That's assuming the stories are true. In the 30s, they told you weed turned you into a homicidal maniac. I don't recommend E precisely because you have no idea what you're getting, as AOO pointed out - but there are plenty of options to reduce your risk (in terms of what you're actually getting). Know your source, invest in a mail order test kit (cheap, and not legally considered paraphernalia), visit DanceSafe booths if you're somewhere that actually has them (go North America! Better dead than getting the idea that getting high might not be evil! All right!). Taking mystery pills is never wise - and a note: the majority of those who die the first time die of dehydration, which is avoidable if you take basic precautions and keep track of what you're doing (avoid heat, although that's unlikely at a rave). Again, not everything you've heard is false, but some of it definitely is. Also, if there weren't suburban white girls on that list of deaths, you wouldn't have heard half of what you did. Consider what you hear about E in proportion to what you hear about crack these days (I'm going by the information in my part of Canada) - there's a shitload of crack around, but it barely gets mentioned compared to ecstacy.

Why go through all that trouble for a fucking pill? it's just stupid. Buy some beers. People also forget that drugs are illegal and even only half the stories we get told are true, then that's still thousands of people who have died from it.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid
In school we have been told so many horror stories about Ecstacy. I mean what's the point? people have died from taking one, once. Don't you care about your future?

That's assuming the stories are true. In the 30s, they told you weed turned you into a homicidal maniac. I don't recommend E precisely because you have no idea what you're getting, as AOO pointed out - but there are plenty of options to reduce your risk (in terms of what you're actually getting). Know your source, invest in a mail order test kit (cheap, and not legally considered paraphernalia), visit DanceSafe booths if you're somewhere that actually has them (go North America! Better dead than getting the idea that getting high might not be evil! All right!). Taking mystery pills is never wise - and a note: the majority of those who die the first time die of dehydration, which is avoidable if you take basic precautions and keep track of what you're doing (avoid heat, although that's unlikely at a rave). Again, not everything you've heard is false, but some of it definitely is. Also, if there weren't suburban white girls on that list of deaths, you wouldn't have heard half of what you did. Consider what you hear about E in proportion to what you hear about crack these days (I'm going by the information in my part of Canada) - there's a shitload of crack around, but it barely gets mentioned compared to ecstacy.

Why go through all that trouble for a fucking pill? it's just stupid. Buy some beers. People also forget that drugs are illegal and even only half the stories we get told are true, then that's still thousands of people who have died from it.



Completely different (and some would say better) buzz, legality in itself does not determine morality or safety, and half is a very high estimate. In that order. And as for my future, well, it includes delicious drugs.

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Guest welshjerichomark

Half? i thought that was a low estimate. Do you seriously think they make people up, and get an actress- paint her blue and put her on a life support machine? um no. Real people have died from taking ecstasy and thats a fact.


Hey it's your life do whatever the hell you want, it's not going to affect me if you die. But don't pretend that taking drugs isn't dangerous. That shit is illegal for a reason.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid
Half? i thought that was a low estimate. Do you seriously think they make people up, and get an actress- paint her blue and put her on a life support machine? um no. Real people have died from taking ecstasy and thats a fact.


Hey it's your life do whatever the hell you want, it's not going to affect me if you die. But don't pretend that taking drugs isn't dangerous. That shit is illegal for a reason.

I never denied that people die. Look earlier in the thread. But these are (often, not always, I'll grant that) overdosed, died of dehydration due to improper precautions, etc. Doing it properly, one-shot-dead is unlikely. Not impossible, but unlikely. I'm not saying taht drugs are great, but they're also not the evil they've been made out to be. Of course there's a danger, there's a danger in almost everything, but it has been greatly exaggerated, largely because E is popular with suburban white girls, who the people with the power to make commercials, run schools, etc. tend to care the most about.

But there's also a reason they have surprisingly few video clips and still shots for tens of thousands of Ecstacy users, and considering al good number of what they give you are uncredited statistics with no photographic evidence, third-hand accounts and the like, I'd still say half is a high estimate. And don't get me started on the logic behind "illegal for a reason". It all depends on what the reason is. We've obviously reached an impasse, so rather than restating my arguments again and coming off sounding like the raisin pusher, I'm going to admit that I'm not going to change your mind (or anyone else's). That wasn't my intent anyway - I'm just presenting the arguments for the other side. But thank you for granting me permission to do as I see fit with my own life.

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Guest EricMM

I'm sure more people have died from Alcohol, or had horribly violent and dangerous episodes from Alcohol, WJM.


I've been around people on E, and it's kind of cute but annoying, mostly weird. But they're ok now. It can, however, fuck your brain up good if you use up your seratonin, and the day after can be really unpleasant as your brain tries to recover from the effects.


But alcohol has it's own problems, I don't think it's really right to advocate it over E.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid
and it's kind of cute but annoying, mostly weird

This also describes the buzz itself pretty well. That and the sudden desire to touch everyone, but I guess that falls under "cute but weird"

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Guest BigPoppaKev

The thing about when I did it the other night, I personally knew the person that was getting the pills and I knew the person he got it from. This person has been reliable in the past when it comes to getting pills and no one I know of has ever had any problems. And if you do research most problems with E are because of dehydration and over stimulation of the body. I think I was pretty well prepared with 2 gallons of water sitting with me and drinking it all night. Also I was just sitting around and not doing anything physical while on E. I will admit the next day definately does fuck with you. I kept getting body rushes, although not all that strong, throughout the next day. I also fell asleep very early because my body felt really drained. Right now I feel as if I never took E and am fine. I don't plan on doing it again for a long time.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I had a friend once, he took some Ecstacy

Tried to marry me and everyone in the room

He was sorta loving, kinda caring

Kinda tried to fuck my lazy boy


it got a bit messy, all over the curtains,

armchair covers, throw pillows, and carpeting.

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Guest Ripper

Ecstasy is the worse drug in the world

If anyone ever offers it to you, don't do it

Kids, two hits could drain all of your spinal fluid

And spinal fluid is final, you won't get it back

So don't get attached, it'll attack every bone in your back.

Meet Zack, 21 one years old.

After hangin out with some friends at a frat party, he gets bold

and decides to try five, when he's bribed by five guys

and peer pressure will win every time you try to fight it

Suddenly, he starts to convulse and his pulse goes

into hyperdrive and his eyes roll back in his skull

His back starts to look like the McDonald's Arches

He's on Donald's carpet, layin horizontal barfin

And everyone in the apartment starts laughin at him

"Hey Adam, Zack is a jackass, look at him!"

cause they took it too, so they think it's funny

So they're laughing at basically nothing except maybe wasting their money

Meanwhile, Zach's in a coma, the reaction is over

and his back and his shoulders hunched up like he's practicing yoga

And that's the story of Zack, the ecstasy maniac

So don't even feed that to squirrels class, cause it's bad for you.


Drugs are bad mmkay..

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Guest EricMM
I had a friend once, he took some Ecstacy

Tried to marry me and everyone in the room

He was sorta loving, kinda caring

Kinda tried to fuck my lazy boy


it got a bit messy, all over the curtains,

armchair covers, throw pillows, and carpeting.


*marks out*

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Ecstasy is the worse drug in the world

If anyone ever offers it to you, don't do it

Kids, two hits could drain all of your spinal fluid

And spinal fluid is final, you won't get it back

So don't get attached, it'll attack every bone in your back.

Meet Zack, 21 one years old.

After hangin out with some friends at a frat party, he gets bold

and decides to try five, when he's bribed by five guys

and peer pressure will win every time you try to fight it

Suddenly, he starts to convulse and his pulse goes

into hyperdrive and his eyes roll back in his skull

His back starts to look like the McDonald's Arches

He's on Donald's carpet, layin horizontal barfin

And everyone in the apartment starts laughin at him

"Hey Adam, Zack is a jackass, look at him!"

cause they took it too, so they think it's funny

So they're laughing at basically nothing except maybe wasting their money

Meanwhile, Zach's in a coma, the reaction is over

and his back and his shoulders hunched up like he's practicing yoga

And that's the story of Zack, the ecstasy maniac

So don't even feed that to squirrels class, cause it's bad for you.


Drugs are bad mmkay..

This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read, and I really, really hope you didn't write it.


MDMA does NONE of that shit regarding dissolving one's spine.


When someone gets fucked up from ecstacy, it's only because it's something ELSE, and not actual x. It could be PCP, various quantities of speed and LSD, the list goes on...

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Guest nl5xsk1

The sadist in me justs sits back and laughs when young kids today party all this E and don't think of the future repurcussions. It's a drug that can fuck up your mind and your body, and it's misuse is too recent to even know what the longterm effects might be. Plus, even if you don't become addicted right away, you can over time. It's not a drug you want to "dabble" with.


I've tried just about everything else out there (and I mean EVERYTHING) and wouldn't use E if it was free.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I did them because like I've said, I'll try everything once. I know that these drugs are poison, and I know the effects, and I guess thats why I took low "dosage" of it all. The drugs didn't effect my life in any way/shape/form, except for the fact that after I took them all, I was dawg ass tired.



not to sound like a broken record but.......your a fucking idiot

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Guest subliminal_animal
Last night I tried ecstasy for the first time. I was a little nervous about doing it but I must admit it was probably the greatest feeling I have ever had. It was like everything in the world was right. The only problem I had with it is that I couldnt get to sleep until about 5 in the morning after take it at 7:30 the previous night. Also right now being about 1 the next day I am still feeling the affects of it on ym body. It isn't a bad thing like a hangover. It is just very weird and I can't really describe it. But all in all it was a great experience that I don't think I will ever forget.

This man is a Great American Influence. Thanks a million for the positive message.




And the IQ of the human race continues to plummet now past the 3 Toed Sloth.

They're fast, too.


And it's not as much as it's plummeting as much as it is that they're getting smarter from all the so-called "smart" drugs that are way too uncool for our slickly-coated consumption.


We wouldn't be caught dead using those—we'd rather die using the good stuff.




Really though.... I was in gifted and talented classes all through school up until 7th grade

That doesn't necessarily make you smart.




so I think I have a few extra cells to spare and I wasted em on these drugs...and yes....my intellegence is lowing by the second.

See? Not necessarily.



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Guest KJ Brackish
not to sound like a broken record but.......your a fucking idiot

M'kay....how exactly did that make me sound like a "fucking" idiot?!? I really do not understand. Just becaue I say that it didn't affect me?!? I don't understand whatsoever. Please clarify before you just post this. I don't appreciate being called a "fucking" idiot without probable cause.





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Guest cynicalprofit
Would you try cocaine? That would be "just unbelievable" to. Same with gay sex I bet. Maybe murdering someone?

oh please, murder is the worst habit and easiest to pick up.


doing drugs does not make one a fucking idiot, letting drugs become the main focus of your life to where you do anything and everything to get them and use them, makes you a fucking idiot. except for pot, but even then, you should stop smoking everyonce and a while.


id say running off and starting a war with out a whole lot of real proof would make one a bigger fucking idiot then doing extacy. or however the fuck its supposed to be spelled. if you wish to fuck up your life, fine, but doing it on a one to one basis is ok, just stop fucking up people who dont care.

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Guest The Old Me
This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read, and I really, really hope you didn't write it.

It's an Eminem song.

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Guest whatitistoburn
But don't pretend that taking drugs isn't dangerous. That shit is illegal for a reason.

Because only dangerous things are illegal. And NO ONE dies from alcohol. Nope. Never. And tobacco? That's just good clean fun right there.

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