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Guest Prototype450

Tough Games

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On the RPG side, 7th saga whipped your scrawny ass mercilessly. If you picked anything but the 'tanks' of the game, the first enemies posed a very real threat. YOu could progress in the game, my friend and I made it to the last dungeon, but were sick of levelling up.

Defining moment? We spent hours and hours beating this dungeon and its boss, only to step outside, and get TORN APART by a radom encounter.

That why I gave up on that game about 2/5 the way through it... you level up, do what you have to do and then go to the next area and get POUNDED.


I beat Dolphin way back in the daythoiugh too late to get the patch.


I agree with the age theory... some games just used to intimidate the hell out of you until you either sacked up and beat it or you got older and matured a little.


Rescue on Fractalus is a perfect example for me. I got that game for my Commodore and I'm doing okay with it, progressing along... I land and go to rescue someone... he runs up to the ship, I expect him to knock on the airlock door, but this ugly alien thing pops up, making this god-awful noise, clawing at the canopy... I was so startled by that that I didn;t turn my shields on in time and he ended up breaking through the canopy and killing me.


After that near heart attack experience, I did not play that game again for almost a year. Anytime I even looked at the floppy disk my heart would flutter.

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