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Guest BoboBrazil

TNA News From The New Observer

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Guest BoboBrazil

1. Jeff Hardy was supposed to be AJ's partner, but talks fell through. There are rumors that he is planning to go back to WWE soon.


2. Raven has stopped being a large part of the writing process and now the two main writers are Gilberti and Russo, with Jarrett revising the script they come up with.


3. Joey Styles is supposed to come in as the host of that tna talk segment they were mentioning a couple of weeks ago. The plan is for him to tape it the same day as the MLW tapings, so he wouldn't have to come to Nashville.


4. TNA has plans to start bringing in Mexican wrestlers to help gain viewers in the hispanic community.

Edited by BoboBrazil

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Guest Zack Malibu

1)Sting was by far, a better choice than Jeff Hardy. Sting still has a mystique, the fact that he's been away for so long, as well as a name value star. Hardy has a name, but it's for all the wrong reasons these days.


2)That sucks. Raven's got one of the best minds in the business. He should have more of a creative input, as he has had more than a few good-great ideas in the past.


3)It'll be good to see Styles again, and considering I haven't seen MLW yet, hopefully TNA gets him.


4)Juvi tore the house down against Lynn, Super Crazy still looked good (albeit a bit heavier)...if they can get these guys back, as well as some others, the X Division will be on fire again.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Sorry, I meant to say AJ's partner was supposed to be Jeff Hardy, but it ended up being Xpac.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Eh, honestly, I'm kinda glad it was Waltman. If it was someone new to TNA, they ran the risk of getting a "Welcome to TNA" first time pop (Hardy would have, no doubt in my mind). That might have taken away from Sting's aura, and desensitized his debut. Waltman at least was someone we saw before, plus he doesn't get pops ;).

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Is Disco Inferno Glenn Gilberti?


As far as Mexican wrestler go, they bettter no get AAA guys, Its so cartoony and fake looking. Maybe thats why I love 'em and dont want them to go.


They should go with CMLL and ~SUPER PORKY~!!!

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Guest bob_barron

I hope they don't bring Juvy back. I wasn't impressed at all with his match v. Lynn- both guys looked to be moving in slow motion

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
I hope they don't bring Juvy back. I wasn't impressed at all with his match v. Lynn- both guys looked to be moving in slow motion

Wasn't Lynn injured though?

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Guest Markingout

Hardy back to WWE :angry: As for Joey, he is my favorite announcer. He does a great job with Underground TV. As for the Mexicans... Meh. There are better indy guys like American Dragon and Xavier.

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Guest Raven_Effect01

Xavier? Heh heh. The former ROH security guard that has to be carried to watchable matches?

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Guest bob_barron

Xavier would be awesome in ROH- The guy always draws lots of heat.


Xavier is the man who MADE Paul London. Sure London was hot shit coming off Unscripted but w/o his two matches v. Xavier- I don't think he'd be the top face in the company.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

Well, if La Parka showed up in TNA, I'd have to start ordering the PPVs.

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Guest BoboBrazil

I don't understand why TNA hasn't brought in La Parka. He works MLW shows, so obviously he would be willing to work for them and he would get crazy over with the crowd. Meltzer kind of insinuated that TNA was racist against hispanics in the new observer. He said if Gilberti would have had the match that Super Crazy had with Jerry Lynn, he would have already been world champion and Super Crazy hasn't been brought back. Both Crazy and Juventud were both over like crazy with the crowd and they were only brought in for 2 appearances.

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Guest razazteca

What are you saying that Disco Inferino is holding down Super Crazy and Juvi. One of which is clearly past his prime?


Is there a working relationship between TNA and MLW?


My dream match would be Shocker vs AJ Styles.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1
Next week:



I would mark the fuck out...just saying

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

I would too. Man, Tito is underrated. Funk dat! He never gets props for the awesome worker he was. Watch Brainbusters vs Strike Force from that one Mania and tell me he doesn't do like one of the 5 best figure fours EVER in that match. And he didn't look that bad on Nitro a few years back!


Up with Tito.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

His feud with Greg Valentine is one of the most underated ever. They had a great run of gimmick matches, hell, they made a lumberjack match seem badass. I think after Strike Force, it seemed the WWF stopped caring about Tito, what with the STUPID El Matador gimmick.


When he came back in 2000, and wrestled against Jarret(the match where Funk brought back old legends to kick Jarrets ass...led to the AWESOME Benoit Headbutt off the cage, if I remember correctly) he still wrestled great. Does anyone know if he's a road agent for WWE? I think he was a spanish broadcaster

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Guest bort

i say tito at when worlds colide in 1996 in a 6 man match with benoit and 2 cold scoprio and he didnt look 2 out of place and was able to somewhat stay at there leval

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