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TNA Preview for 7-1-03

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Actually, its for the 2nd of July, my mistake.




The team of Chris Harris & James Storm (America's Most Wanted) recaptured the NWA World Tag Team Titles last week in a grueling cage match against Triple X. Both men came out of the match banged up and aren't even near 100%. They'll be defending the belts this week against the team of Sonny Siaki & David Young, a team that just might be in the right place at the right time. Will Siaki & Young be able to take advantage of the situation? Find out Wednesday night!




In the "good old days" when two men couldn't settle their differences in a "traditional" wrestling match, promoters would come up with a "gimmick match" to bring a feud to conclusion. The match between Jerry Lynn and Justin Credible might not accomplish bringing the feud to conclusion, but the "Russian Chain Match" is one of the great "gimmick matches" from the "good old days". It's a really a simple concept. Two men are connected to each other by a steel chain, and they can use it to beat each other senseless.




The Hard 10 Tournament concludes with a battle between two of the most "extreme" guys on the TNA roster. When you think "hardcore", Sandman and New Jack are two of the first names that come to mind. This unique tournament has played out over the last several weeks to determine the toughest and most hardcore wrestler in TNA. Expect a brutal and physical battle that will likely take place all over the Asylum.



Kid Kash has a new "protector" in the form of the mysterious monster he found in the cage backstage at TNA. The monster has made an impact the last couple of weeks with his attacks on Erik Watts and Goldylocks, and this week Watts has a chance to get his revenge in the ring. Erik Watts faces his biggest challenge this week as Kash unleashes his monster again. Will Erik Watts be able to survive a one on one confrontation?



Mike Tenay sat down for an interview with Sting before our Anniversary Show and the result is a fascinating look at one of the most popular wrestlers of all time. Sting answers questions you never thought he would answer and shoots straight about his career and the people who influenced him along the way. Part one of the interview airs this Wednesday night, and if you ever needed a reason to set your VCR for a TNA show you're got it this week.



AJ Styles and D-LO Brown came to blows last week in a wild impromptu cage match that did nothing to settle their differences. D-LO wants something AJ has, and that's the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Will they come to blows again this week? When, if ever, will D-LO get a shot at the belt? What about Jeff Jarrett? He still wants the rematch that Vince Russo says he will never receive. Frankie Kazarian proved a point last week in his match with Chris Sabin. These two had a great match that left the crowd wanting more. They are both scheduled to be at the Asylum on Wednesday night. Shane Douglas said last week he had sold his soul to the devil, and later in the program the devil turned out to be James Mitchell who ended up throwing a fireball in Raven's face at the end of the program. What does Mitchell have planned this week, and how will Shane Douglas fit into those plans? All this and much more, and only on pay-per-view!




The Sting interview looks intriguing as there are gonna be two parts. Way to milk out that contract TNA! I hope AMW will have a good match with Young/Siaki. TNA needs some more tag teams in there. I also hope that Kazarian and Sabin will be wrestling, together or not. 2 X division matches is always a good thing. And finally! HARD 10 TOURNEY IS OVER!

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Guest Space_Cowboy

AMW vs Siaki/Young should be pretty good, as should Credible/Lynn provided they finally give them the time to have an actual match.


The Hard 10 should stink as expected, but with New Jack involved i'd expect a Shark Boy/New Jack segment somewhere on the show, so that almost makes up for it.


Hopefully 'Kid Kash's monster' is actually good in the ring, and i'd guess we'll get another thrown together tag main event involving some of Jarret/Styles/Gilberti/Raven/D'Lo/Douglas or something.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

I saw the monster guy working as Prince Justice a couple of years ago, and I was moderately impressed. Kind of like Rhyno when I saw him.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

wow, that sounds like a very mediocre card for this week.....

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Guest Markingout

Coming off last weeks awesome show, it sounds pretty crappy.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Card does not sound so good, but I will be ordering on the merits of last week's spectacular show. This week could suprise, its not like last week's card sounded THAT promising.

Plus I want to hear what STING has to say.

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Guest BrokenWings

Yeah, I'd like to see Elix flourish in some good one on one matches while Daniels is away. While on topic, how long will he be gone on the tour? And how much longer until Low Ki returns from injury?


Admitted, the card doesn't seem that great this week, but provided Lynn/Credible can finally get the time to have an actual match, that should be watchable.


New Jack/Sandman will be sloppy until the inevitable giant bump.


I like both Siaki and Young, so it'll be interesting to see how they function as a team.


Erik Watts' in ring work is blah.. I don't expect 'Big Scary Dude' to be any good, so that could be an advantage as he doesn't have to live up to my expectations to impress me.


I'm looking forward to the Sting interview, hopefully some good questions are asked so it's a memorable shoot like sit-down.


I'm more interested in what's in the "ALSO ON THE SHOW". Shane Douglas' mic work. Frankie Kazarian and Chris Sabin. AJ and D'lo. Raven. So of course I'll be watching, but I'm hoping more focus goes towards these people than the events listed for the show.

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Guest J*ingus

Big Scary Dude was damn good on the indy circuit as Justice, but in those matches he usually did a lot of jabbering with the fans and comedy spots. I have no idea how he'll do as the big ol' monster. In his favor, he is pretty athletic for such a big guy, does a nice frog splash.

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Guest tpww7

Daniels is in Japan until August. Ki will be out until August, when he is then likely working the two ROH shows and going to Japan.

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Guest BrokenWings

August?! :( That's so depressing. If they don't utilize Elix, I'll cry.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

When I saw Justice in NWA Nashville (now USA Championship Wrestling) he was a monster, not doing any comedy, and he did it quite well.

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Guest TheBro

My Preview for tonight's show....... Not like anyone cares, but here it is....


You know one of my Friends looks like Timothy Busfield...... http://webhome.idirect.com/~kmillard/busfield.htm ...... It's an ongoing joke because if there was ever a clone for Timothy Busfield it would be my friend..... Unfotunately my friend thinks he resembles Michael Rappaport instead... Now there's a stark difference between the two.... See Timothy Busfield had a semi-stellar career in acting with such roles as one of the nerds in Revenge of The Nerds 1 and 2 and he played an almost retired major league baseball player in ' Little Big League ', and lets not forget that stirring role in ' Trapper John, M.D. ' ...... Michael Rappaport on the other hand has a reoccuring role on ' Boston Public ' and has appeared in greats such as ' CB4 ' and yeah... ' CB4 '...... Anyways Busfield is sorta like a father role model, he looks like the kindly neighborhood dad who goes outside after there paper in there bathrobe, Michael Rappaport reminds you of those cool white kids that could pull off being black and all the black kids liked them....... I can see why my friend wants to be Michael Rappaport, but my friend also wears sweater vests and pleated henley shirts....... Thus, making him Timothy Busfield incarnate....I have no idea why I'm telling you about this really, but when he gets on my nerves i just go ' shut up Timothy Busfield ' and that drives him insane..... You can't go ' shut up Timothy ' or ' shut up Busfield ' it's gotta be 'shut up Timothy Busfield ' for that added effect..... And what kinda family lineage is named after a field of busses anyways??? That's retarded!!!!! Anyways on to today's preview...... A preview mind you, that could be historical..... Why could it be historical??? Well this could be the first preview I do, withought me actually attending the show tonight...... You see there are these things on cars called brakes, and said brakes stop your vehicle from moving. Well, it seems when I was driving this morning my brakes just wanted to fail on me, but after doing a few moves that would make Vin Diesel and Paul Walker cry, I pulled that bad boy to a stop, only problem??? I have no car...... Irony - Replacement Brakes and Rotor were in passenger seat waiting to be put on before the show tonight. I know what all you wrestlers who hate me were thinking, ' Why couldn't he have crashed and burned???? ' Well, it's because I rule, any other questions???

Jerry Lynn vs. Justin Credible ( Russian Chain Match )

These two shouldn't be reduced to gimmick matches to settle this rivalry and they defintly shouldn't have to fight in a Russian Chain Match...... I mean exactly what is a Russian Chain Match??? How do we know the chain is Russian??? I mean they could have easily bought a chain from Ace Hardware and put little Stalin pictures on it, and I wouldn't know the difference. Maybe we'll get Huge guys in those furry hats bringing out the chains and all they can say is ' Husk, Husk '........ Who knows how this match is gonna play out...... Will it last 5 minutes??? Hopefully, the last two have lasted under.... And what role will Lollipop play in this match??? Maybe that's where the Chain part of the Russian Chain match plays in...... Get it, Ha... Sometimes I amuse myself, even if I don't amuse you...... Next week I predict : Crazy 18th Century Costume Combat....... Jerry Lynn and Justin Credible will get to dress up in there favorite 18th Century Costumes and have a thumb war in the middle of the ring to settle this heated rivalry........

Erik Watts vs. Kid Kash's Monster ( Smiling Slyly )

As much as i try to suspend disbelief in wrestling and kinda make myself a child again the preview on www.nwatna.com for this match makes me die laughing, read this...... ' Kid Kash has a new "protector" in the form of the mysterious monster he found in the cage backstage at TNA ' ..... Now from that I'm supposed to deduct that Kid Kash was just walking around backstage and there was a cage with a Human Being stuck in it........ Let me repeat this for you...... There just so happens to be a cage backstage with a Human Being in it, that has been in this cage and noone found him until Kid Kash did??? Man someone needs to call Leonard Nimoy and get the ' In Search of ' Crew out here for this story...... This is Amazing..... Not only has this person been living in a cage, but this guy also knows how to wrestle, made a pretty d@mn skippy good mask from i guess stray hair and dead skin and also survived off of random food particles that have been left around....... My friend, Delgado, is under the impression that Bert used to slip him crumbs like a sewer rat back in the day and this is the modern day C.H.U.D. ............. I think all those rumors about Bonnie and Bert were true and this is the product of there tumultuous affair.......

Sandman vs. New Jack ( Hard Ten Finals )

This should be the best Hard 10 matchup to date...... To old ECW guys known for there extreme bumping ability get to face off for the Hard 10 final. I don't know what they win, hopefully it's a belt or a statue....... A belt would be cool, if they do a statue it should be a destroyed barbie burnt and all the hair off stuck on top of a kendo stick glued to piece of table and a chair back. I heard who ever wins gets to have the Oddities come out and dance in the ring with them while ' Oddities ' by the Insane Clown Posse plays. ' Wanna be down with the clowns... The big oddity freak shows in town '.... Don't let The Doug, the leader of the HeelSection, fool you, he loves Insane Clown Posse, he'd mark out more for them than he would for Tommy Dreamer, hands down!

AMW vs. Sonny Siaki and David Young ( Tag Team Championship )

Wow, what a history these two teams have...... Oh yeah they don't.... TNA's tag team division is weak outside of AMW and XXX. I love Siaki and The Hoss Boss, but there not a true competitor for the Tag Straps. TNA, if you're reading this..... Shampoo!!!!!!!! But other than that, Hire the following Tag Teams..... The Naturals,Backseat Boyz,Lost Boys,Briscoe Bros. and bring back the S.A.T. ....... All those teams would be great additions to the Tag Team ranks and would do alot for the division. Also while we're on it, hire Sonjay Dutt!!!!!!!! Now or forever have to look at Borash Nude.... He's a eunich, you know?

Behind the Mask : A Sting Interview

Again, I've got to chuckle as I don't remember a time that Sting actually wore a mask...... I mean I was always under the impression it was makeup, unless he wore a makeup looking mask that peeled off like makeup.... Again, call Nimoy and his ' In Search of Crew ASAP '...... Also what words of wisdom will he drop on us??? ' Riddle me this, riddle me that, who's afriad of the big black bat...... That was actually a saying that was taught to me by my dear friend Horatio, who's a parapalegic, he was trying to say ' Griddle me this, Griddle me that, I'm not afraid of a little fat ' He's was talking about the times I used to grill him omelettes in the morn. ' I'm sure will get some real ( looks around, puts his hand to the side of his mouth ) ' Kayfabe ' moments....... Also in a couple weeks look for ' Behind the Spectacles : A Sting Interview Part 2 ' this time Sting removes his sunglasses.

Also on the show :

We'll get the inside scoop on Douglas and Mitchell the new pairing....... What will happen between AJ and D-Lo...... Kazarian and Sabin will be in the same place at the same time... Maybe Kazarian will speak!!!! Dum,Dum,Dum..... And get this Jarrett wants a title shot, go figure.... ' I run this company, i want a shot, want a job, give me the shot, like my pants, there pulled past my nips, you jealous??? ' Ah, I'm outta here, i may be there, i may not..... Truly, who gives a sh*t????? Should be a decent show, but it doesn't look blow-away! [email protected]

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Am I the only one who likes the name "Kid Kash's Monster" for this guy?

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Guest TheBro

Probably, but your avatar is the best thing ever!

Hulk + Branch = Eternal Love

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Guest BrokenWings

Yeah. Big Scary Dude is cool, funny and gets the point across. :P

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
Hulk + Branch = Eternal Love

Yes. Yes, it is. Now go buy another copy of Hotel Paper.

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Hey, does the quote-unquote stuff annoy anyone else? Especially "good old days". Jeez, did Russo write that or something to further his "old school rasslin' sucks" agenda or something?

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