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Guest Downhome

Non-Spoiler SD match listings please...

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Guest Downhome

Thanks, it would be appriciated in every way.




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Guest Mulatto Heat

Rey Mysterio vs. Nunzio

Benoit/Rhyno vs. Bashams

Billy Gunn vs. John Cena

Eddie/Tajiri vs. Former Team Angle

Orlando Jordan vs. A-Train

Gowan/Steph vs. Big Show

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

mysterio/nunzio could be great

eddie/tajiri vs. TBDTTP could be good too

but no ultimo.....damn

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Guest Downhome

I am perfectly content with that card. Nothing too outstanding, nothing too horribly bad.

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Guest Anglesault

Jamie Noble/ Spanky

Sean O'Haire/ Funaki

Kannon/Mike Bell

Matt Hardy/Shannon Moore

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Guest Youth N Asia

Rey Mysterio vs. Nunzio...good match, Guido jobs.


Benoit/Rhyno vs. Bashams...this Rhyno/Benoit break up tease has been going on way too long. Plus Benoit seems to be the only one putting over rookies these days.


Billy Gunn vs. John Cena...I hope they're not stupid enough to have Billy go over.


Eddie/Tajiri vs. Former Team Angle...they've wrestled too many times, I like the belts where they are.


Orlando Jordan vs. A-Train...I'll just save myself the trouble and vomit now.


Gowan/Steph vs. Big Show...hope they wrap this storyline up, cause as a wrestling match this'll blow ass.

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Guest Miss Independant

Of course Ultimo is in a dark match. He has to pay his dues!




Excuse me while I have an anurism...

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

"Hey, Mr. Asai..."

"Yes Vince?"

"Um, you have to pay your dues."

"What do you mean? I've been wrestling for the past decade at least."

"But not here."

"But I'm one of the world's top wrestler of all-time."

"But you weren't ever in WWE before."


"Look, I don't want to fire you or send you down to OVW to 'learn how to work.'"


"But you need to pay your dues more. Last week's match with Shannon Moore was awful. Not even a chinlock, and little punching."

"Vince, we got everybody in the audience on their feet."

"I don't care, because you need to pay your dues and work the WWE Style."



SmackDown's a skipper, and Velocity is to be seen only for Spanky/Noble.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I can see HHH standing on the corner of the office nodding "You tell em Vince!"

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Guest TheArchiteck
"Hey, Mr. Asai..."

"Yes Vince?"

"Um, you have to pay your dues."

"What do you mean? I've been wrestling for the past decade at least."

"But not here."

"But I'm one of the world's top wrestler of all-time."

"But you weren't ever in WWE before."


"Look, I don't want to fire you or send you down to OVW to 'learn how to work.'"


"But you need to pay your dues more. Last week's match with Shannon Moore was awful. Not even a chinlock, and little punching."

"Vince, we got everybody in the audience on their feet."

"I don't care, because you need to pay your dues and work the WWE Style."



SmackDown's a skipper, and Velocity is to be seen only for Spanky/Noble.

That just made my stomach flip.


Man, I was looking forward to another Ultimo match too.

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Guest Goodear
"Vince, we got everybody in the audience on their feet."

Let's not go crazy now.

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