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Guest JMA

An AIM conversation...

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Guest JMA

Jericho585 is a recently banned member. As BPS said, he is a previously banned poster. He IMed me today (at random it seemed). Here is what happened:


sylea220: hey

NotSuper2k: Hey.

NotSuper2k: Who's this?

sylea220: do you like trish?

NotSuper2k: Yes.

sylea220: cool

NotSuper2k: You're from the Smart Marks board?

sylea220: yeah

NotSuper2k: Cool.

NotSuper2k: What name do you go by there?

sylea220: the jericho name

NotSuper2k: Oh...

sylea220: Oh..., lol

sylea220: hilarious

sylea220: No reason I should have been banned

sylea220: doesn't matter though

sylea220: My point was made clear, and some people got it

NotSuper2k: You were previously banned before.

sylea220: yep

NotSuper2k: Who were you?

NotSuper2k: Zacalex, right?

sylea220: no

NotSuper2k: Rob Stone?

NotSuper2k: The Genius?

sylea220: no

NotSuper2k: Banky?

sylea220: no

NotSuper2k: Bubble Boy?

NotSuper2k: Dopey?

sylea220: nope

NotSuper2k: Tank Abbot?

sylea220: maybe

sylea220: i might not be him

sylea220: but i agree with what he did

NotSuper2k: I never paid attention to him.

sylea220: oh

sylea220: Mole said he wanted to show a pic of his dead mom and dead dog when they were alive

sylea220: so in the next post tank abbot said "unzips pants"

NotSuper2k: So, why don't you think it was Trish?

sylea220: Because her AIM name was never validated

sylea220: it is not public on her official website

NotSuper2k: There have been legit interviews that were not posted on official websites.

sylea220: interviews are mentioned in his news section on her website

sylea220: Like what?

sylea220: If an interview happens, it would be posted on the news section on someone's official website if they have one

NotSuper2k: Haven't you ever seen them?

NotSuper2k: Not always.

sylea220: If it doesn't happen, then you would have to e-mail Trish from the official website, NOT ask her on AIM, because that is a BOGUS AIM name

NotSuper2k: Do you have any proof?

sylea220: Yes, it is isn't mentioned on wwe.com or trishstratus.com

sylea220: it should be mentioned there

sylea220: I believe when an interview is done, it is mentioned on a wrestler's official website

NotSuper2k: It would never be mentioned on WWE.com.

NotSuper2k: Ever.

sylea220: why?

NotSuper2k: They've never done that.

sylea220: that doesn't make sense, but if thats true then it would be listed on the wrestlers official website

sylea220: if somehow they forgot

sylea220: then the website should be e-mailed

sylea220: but make sure the e-mail goes to trish

NotSuper2k: Well, what if Trish does put it on her website?

sylea220: then it is real

NotSuper2k: Maybe she will.

sylea220: it could happen but i highly doubt it would happen because of 2 reasons

sylea220: #1 it would be late

sylea220: #2 in the interview she mentions reading scott keith and having his book

sylea220: no wrestler would read scott keith

sylea220: he is a joke writer with no credibility

NotSuper2k: I doubt that very much./

sylea220: doubt what?

NotSuper2k: And why would you join the site if you hate Keith?

NotSuper2k: He started the concept.

sylea220: Keith doesn't write for TSM

sylea220: He didn't

NotSuper2k: He started the board that eventually became TSM.

sylea220: True, but the board has nothing to do with him now

sylea220: Keith is a bad writer with no credibility and no wrestler would want to read him

sylea220: especially trish

NotSuper2k: That's your opinion.

sylea220: he has no credibility, that is fact

NotSuper2k: They're both Canadian.

sylea220: bad writer, i guess that is opinion

sylea220: doesn't matter

NotSuper2k: That's not a fact.

NotSuper2k: It's an opinion.

sylea220: it is fact, he hasn't done anything

NotSuper2k: Anyway, why IM me? I'm nobody important.

sylea220: he has never been mentioned by anyone

sylea220: to make sure you got it

NotSuper2k: Got what?

sylea220: that the interview is fake unless it is confirmed by trish or trish's official website

NotSuper2k: I believe the interview is real. And most others do as well.

sylea220: It sounds like Trish except for the Keith part, but that doesn't mean it is Trish

sylea220: you shouldn't believe an online interview instantly

sylea220: anyone can impersonate anybody

NotSuper2k: I don't.

NotSuper2k: I don't believe it instantly.

NotSuper2k: Retro Rob is a credible guy, though.

sylea220: This was uncredible for him to do

sylea220: He even said HIMSELF that he doesn't know if it is trish

sylea220: he just ASSUMES it is her

sylea220: meaning he doesn't know 100% for sure

sylea220: very uncredible thing for him to do

NotSuper2k: Well, you do realize most people believe it IS real, right?

sylea220: Because it sounds like her, but I and others have more common sense

sylea220: just because it sounds like her, doesn't mean it is her

sylea220: you people just think it is her because it sounds like her

sylea220: *you people think

NotSuper2k: I have to go. I guess I'll post this IM in the NHB folder... even though I disagree with you.


There was some small talk after that. Nothing really important.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm glad I got on the site real early this morning.


I can only imagine how many more posts saying these same things he would have made by now.

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Guest Retro Rob

Just so everyone knows, I asked about it appearing on the official site and it won't for two reasons.


1) Almost no interviews ever appeared on that site.


2) Her site is more or less an online resume and this wouldn't really fit in with the rest of the material.

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Makes sense to me.


Why am I not surprised that he was a previously banned poster? he certainly acted like he didn;t know when to shut up about the interview... its his right to believe the interview is fake but after everyone basically blew him off, he came pretty close to trolling.

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Guest MaxPower27
Why isn't the interview on TheSmartMarks anymore?

Read the thread in the WWE folder. :)

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Guest Vitamin X

That's the first thing I thought reading that AIM conversation as well. The random IM, the insistence on a concept noone but himself really gives a fuck...

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I figured SmarkZone, due to the horrible lack of capitalization.

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Guest goodhelmet
I figured SmarkZone, due to the horrible lack of capitalization.

i could be accused of the same thing but i'm no smarkzone.

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Guest The Old Me

That's the first thing I thought reading that AIM conversation as well. The random IM, the insistence on a concept noone but himself really gives a fuck...

I though the same as well. That prime dipshit IM'ed me a couple times.

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