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Guest Markingout


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Guest Markingout

Wow! Tenay says next week is Shocker vs NEGRO CASAS for the #1 contendership to the world title!


1000% Gaupo Shocker! W00t!~ This guy is awesome. Negro Casas is one of the best in Mexico. I am going to buy next week. I have seen Shocker a few times and he is one of the best in the world. I saw him a few times in CMLL and in that brutal MLW match againest La Parka

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Guest razazteca

Negro Casas is good but to get the best match out of Shocker they should of gotten Ultimo Guererro or Rey Bucannero.


But either way this is a win win situation for all.


Shocker vs AJ Styles is my dream match.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Didn't Tenay say #1 contender for the X title? I don't think he said world title.

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Guest razazteca

Maybe this can be the opening that will expose the general public to Lucha Libre just like Rey, Juvi, Psicosis did in the 90s. It would be great if lesser known luchadores like Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucannero, Ricky Marvin, Tony Riveria, Virus, Hombre Sin Nobre get the big break.

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Dunno if it's for the World or X title, but if the good things are true in what I heard about these guys...either way, the title match will be good considering it's either Styles or Sabin.


EDIT: Ok.....I just went to observer and didn't see this in the PPV report last night. He must've added it in afterwards or something.


"Negro Casas vs. Shocker vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Paul London with the winner getting an X title match at Chris Sabin"

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Guest BoboBrazil

Fuck, why did they have to add London and Kazarian? That sucks cock.

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Guest Joe_G

Why the hell is Casas there? He's great and all, but he's also 44 and works a style I don't think will get over in the highspot-weaned X-Division. There's about 4 dozen young CMLL guys I would've brought in before him.


If TNA was smart they'd push Shocker and try to attract the Latino audience. He not only oozes charisma, he's also fluent in English and Spanish. I hope this goes well.

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Guest Markingout

Casas is the Hamada of Mexico. He is in there to represent the old school Lucha I suppose.


PAUL LONDON and SHOCKER in the same match,this is already a must buy!

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Hamada > Casas


All I know is that I better see Shocker hit that balls to the wall tope or else I'll ask for a refund.


And London + Kazarian in that match should rock BELLS, MAN...I don't see what's the big deal. After Kazarian's match last night, I think it's a very good thing.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Kazarian bores the shit out of me. I just can't get behind the guy.

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Guest razazteca

So will this match be like the week 2 X Division match that had double elimation, if so I can see Negro Casas being the 1st to go like Psicosis did.


I would of prefered Dr Wagner or Black Tiger but I guess TNA is on a budget.

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Guest Markingout

Its double elimination! Sweettttttttttt. Seeing as Karazian is getting a push in TNA, I think the final two will be Karazian,and Shocker. Iwant it too be Paul London and Shocker though.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Where does it say double elimination?

Im not familiar with either of the Mexicans but am looking forward to seeing them. Great point about it being like in 95/96 where some of the great international stars were exposed to the US and made stars.

Konan had been pretty vocal in interviews and such about giving more Mexicans a chance and using them to have hot matches like in WCW and it looks like he's getting his wish!

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Guest Markingout

I wish it was double elimination.


"All I know is that I better see Shocker hit that balls to the wall tope or else I'll ask for a refund."


If he wins,he'll probabley save it for his match againest Sabin

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Guest razazteca

Shocker should use La Reinera


Negro Casas should use La Majistrial Cradle


Paul "Please Don't Die" London should try to one up Shocker in suicidial bumps


I thought all 4 way X Division matches were double elimation?

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Well, 1wrestling said in its PPV report that it'll be Shocker vs Negro Casas in a first round tourney match. Either way, I'm for X division matches.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm still trying to figure this out.


So...is it a 4 way? If so is it single elimination or double? Or is it a tournament with Casas vs. Shocker and Kazarian vs. London in the first round? Or what?


Where are people reading these things?

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Guest Markingout

There reading it from Meltz and 1wrestling.com. I'd rather it be 4way... LONDON and SHOCKER in the ring at the same time... DAYUM :P

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