Bored 0 Report post Posted July 6, 2003 July 12, 1993 Yokozuna def. Crush; WWF Title Match The Headshrinkers def. Aaron Furguson & P.J. Walker Tatanka def. The Brooklyn Brawler Mr. Hughes def. Tony DeVito Adam Bomb def. Scott Amati July 11, 1994 Bret Hart def. The 1-2-3 Kid; WWF Title Match Crush def. Matt Hardy Razor Ramon def. Barry Horowitz Irwin R. Schyster def. Ray Hudson July 10, 1995 The Roadie def. Jerry Flynn Savio Vega def. Mike Khoury Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Matt Hardy The Allied Powers def. Tatanka & Henry O. Godwinn July 8, 1996 The Ultimate Warrior def. Owen Hart by DQ Savio Vega def. Justin Bradshaw Vader & The British Bulldog def. The Godwinns July 7, 1997 The Great Sasuke def. Taka Michinoku Savio Vega NC Crush Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith def. Faarooq & D-Lo Brown by count out Steve Austin def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Brian Christopher def. Eric Shelly Bret Hart def. Goldust July 6, 1998 Savio Vega def. Brakus in a Brawl for All Match Ken Shamrock def. Jeff Jarrett by DQ Vader NC Bradshaw Disciples of Apocalypse def. The Headbangers D-Lo Brown def. Terry Funk Hawk fought to a draw with Darren Drozdov in a Brawl for All Match Val Venis def. Dustin Runnels by DQ Ken Shamrock def. Mabel The Undertaker (posing as Kane) def. Mankind in a No Holds Barred Match July 12, 1999 Gangrel NC Edge Val Venis & The Godfather def. The Hardy Boyz by DQ; Tag Title Match Road Dogg, X-Pac, & The Rock def. Triple H, Billy Gunn, & Chyna Al Snow def. Droz in a Evening Gown Match Test def. The Mean Street Posse by DQ in a Gauntlet Match Steve Austin & The Big Show def. The Undertaker & Kane July 10, 2000 T&A def. The Hardy Boyz (1st elimination) and Too Cool (2nd) in a Triple Threat Elimination Match Chris Jericho def. Road Dogg Rikishi def. Kane and Val Venis (dq’d) in a Triple Threat Match for the IC Title Edge def. Bradshaw Lita def. Trish Stratus by count out in a Street Fight Triple H NC X-Pac The Rock def. Chris Benoit by DQ July 9, 2001 Diamond Dallas Page NC The Undertaker in a Street Fight A.P.A. def. The Dudley Boyz to win the Tag Team Titles Albert def. Rhyno; IC Title Match The Big Show def. Jeff Hardy Booker T def. Kurt Angle; WCW Title Match Kane & Chris Jericho def. Lance Storm & Mike Awesome by DQ X-Pac def. Scotty 2 Hotty; LHW Title Match Team WWF & Team WCW NC Team ECW in a 20-man Tag Match July 8, 2002 Booker T def. Eddie Guerrero Chris Benoit def. Bubba Ray Dudley Bradshaw & Trish Stratus def. Christopher Nowinski & Jackie Gayda Ric Flair def. Steven Richards Jeff Hardy def. William Regal to win the European Title n.W.o., Chris Benoit, & Eddie Guerrero def. Rob Van Dam, The New Dudleyz, Booker T, & Goldust Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Old Me Report post Posted July 6, 2003 Well, I guess you were bored, weren't you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted July 6, 2003 Yes this week it is the one year anniversary of Raw is Quad which featured two memorable moments. First the recap of the Jackie Gayda match by CRZ and then Kevin Nash's quad tear match recapped by Scott Keith: TRISH STRATUS (Toronto, Canada) and BRADSHAW (Hardcore champion - Sweetwater, Tejas - with RAW is brought to you by Stacker 2, JVC's Tower of Power HX Series, and Honda!) v. CHRISTOPHER NOWINSKI & JACKIE GAYDA in a mixed tag referee: JACK DOAN Lawler proudly demonstrates the poster included in the latest copy of WWE Magazine (I'm guessing that's what they call it now?) and Ross calls him "Pootie Tang." I wonder how long Nowinski is gonna have that shiner, anyway. Looks like the men are gonna start. Nowinski assumes a three point stance and dares Bradshaw to do the same - then, when he does, Nowinski hits the Heisman pose - ha! Bradshaw is not amused and lunches for him, so Nowinski tags out and hits the floor. Doan demands Bradshaw tag out, so he does. Gayda runs into the new women's division showcase manoeuvre, the Japanese armdrag. Stratus with a dropkick, elbow, elbow, elbow, into the ropes is reversed, clotheslined down by Stratus - 1, 2, Nowinski breaks it up ALMOST too late but Doan lets it slide. Bradshaw wants in but Doan holds him back - behind his back, Stratus runs at Gayda and...nothing happens, so she kinda plays with the top rope. I have NO idea if Gayda was supposed to shove her over the top or what, and Trish can't come up with a good improv, so she bounces back to the ring - tries a drop toehold but Gayda utterly fails to figure it out, ending up falling on top of her - they roll a bit and the Philly crowd wastes no time turning on them. Boooo! Gayda settles on a choke and Trish decides she can work with that. Bottom rope choke. Stomp. Another stomp. And, as you all know, once you have the advantage in a mixed tag - it's best if you tag out. Nowinski decides to ignore the rules and attempts an elbowdrop on Stratus - but she rolls out of the away. Another elbowdrop misses and Bradshaw gets the tag. Shoudlerblock by Bradshaw. Into the ropes, big boot - into the ropes, clothesline ducked, Nowinski tries a crossbody - well, shit, you KNOW Bradshaw's gonna catch you for the COFS but go ahead. Nowinski manages a tag. Gayda climbs Bradshaw's back but he won't fight her - throwing her off and tagging Stratus. Stratus attempts to grab and hold a headlock as Bradshaw goes outside to chase Nowinski around the ring - they eventually go over the barricade and away through the crowd. Back in the ring, Stratus snapmares her over - in the corner and you can see her trying to run down the spots for her - chop - chop - chop - whip is reversed, clothesline by Gayda - kick, kick, foot on her neck. Gayda sits her on top - forearm, forearm, climbing to the second rope - Trish is all "the hell you are, I don't trust you with NOTHIN'" and shoves her off. Gayda flails around in the centre of the ring, completely cluess, while Stratus patiently waits - Gayda runs into a boot - Stratus off the top with a - well, I'm sure it was *supposed* to be a bulldog, but Gayda doesn't figure out what's happening until she sees Stratus hit the canvas, having completely passed her by. In what seems like an eternity of moments, Gayda finally falls to the mat, having seemingly suffered a delayed reaction on Trish's hand grazing her hair. Crowd boos again. Stratus covers - 1, 2, looks like Gayda kicked out but Doan hits 3 anyway. Ross: "Mercifully, it's over." (3:15) Stratus looks incredibly pissed off, ha ha. GOOD OL' JR quickly makes sure we all know he had *nothing* to do with that by dropping his infamous "bowling shoe" bomb. Not to suggest that it wouldn't be a good idea to put Jackie back on the taped show, but there's *gotta* be better ways that live burial on nationwide television.....? Chris Benoit, Eddy Guerrero, X-Pac, Big Show & Kevin Nash v. Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Goldust, Bubba Dudley & Spike Dudley. RVD starts with X-Pac and gets a monkey flip. Heel kick and standing moonsault get two. Goldust comes in with an atomic drop and powerslam. Bubba pounds him and drops the elbows for two. Spike comes in but gets suplexed, and Benoit does some damage. Front suplex and Eddy slingshots in and pounds away. Rob comes back in and monkeyflips Eddy, but Benoit suplees him and Show headbutts away. Suplex and X-Pac drops a few knees to set up the kick combo in the corner. This match is going nowhere. Rob superkicks him and goes up, but gets crotched by Michaels. Bubba comes back in, but Shawn trips him up. Rob valiantly chases HBK back to the entrance, but gets jumped by Brock Lesnar and beaten up. Back in the ring, Benoit whips Bubba around the Vanilla Midgets work him over. Nice to see Nash making his big comeback like this. Hot tag Booker, and he sidekicks X-Pac, but Nash cheapshots him and earns his $700,000 a year with a big boot before tripping over Booker and tearing his quad ala HHH. Nash, karma, karma, Nash. Big brawl as everyone runs around in a tizzy and Show chokeslams Booker for the pin at 9:26. This was no Dallas 10-man. ** I’d say “Oh woe is Nash”, but here’s a guy who spent a year on the sidelines collecting his Time-Warner money and lobbying for Scott Hall to come into the WWF, watched as Hall destroyed himself and got canned, took another three months off to rehab an arm injury despite not actually doing anything in the ring to warrant an arm injury, came back as a mouthpiece and had the finish of a couple of matches changed to protect his friend X-Pac, and finally made his triumphant return, only to trip and rip his leg apart. I guess this is the metaphoric “stake through the heart” that’ll get rid of you, eh Kev? On the bright side, you always have your hair. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted July 6, 2003 Well, I guess you were bored, weren't you? Well every Sunday... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Old Me Report post Posted July 6, 2003 I liked the addition of CRZ and SK's comments. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted July 6, 2003 MMM...It's an historic date... ECW INVASION/WCW MERGER and Raq is Quad II Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mulatto Heat Report post Posted July 6, 2003 Choken, don't front, I'm sure you were adamantly pro-Nash then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted July 6, 2003 Plus Yoko/Crush started the awesome Savage/Crush angle which totally ruled. AND Bret/Kid in a classic. Great week for Raw wrestling wise, historically and comedically. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Plus Yoko/Crush started the awesome Savage/Crush angle which totally ruled. AND Bret/Kid in a classic. Great week for Raw wrestling wise, historically and comedically. Time to pull out some olllllld CRZ ( recaps for the above matches: Crush v. Yokozuna for the WWF Championship - Yokozuna's not being too kind to the flower girls anymore. Perhaps he's angry that he had to come out first, no, he's angry from being slammed by Lex Luger. Vince: "Can Crush do the job?" Crowd: "USA...USA..." Lockup, Crush pushed away. Lockup, 'Zima pushed away. Crush with lots of punches, 'Zima counters with bodyslam. Crush makes the champ miss, then puts a boot to the head. Yokozuna falls out of the ring. Lockup...ten minutes later, shoulderblock attempt by Crush, no one moves. Second shoulderblock, no one moves. The third time Crush tries, 'Zima puts up an elbow. Crush responds with a flurry, but ends up elbowing the cornerpost. The champ takes Crush down, and keeps him there with general pounding and shots to the throat, both with his hand, and with the ropes. Crush is thrown out, dragged back in. Knife edge chop. Yokozuna slaps on a nerve pinch as we take an ad break. When we come back, Crush is moving around again, but ends up in the same hold (some progress). Luckily, the "USA" chant starts up again, and just in time for Crush to stand up. Yokozuna, with repeated chops, flattens the big Hawaiian once again. Finally, 'Zima attempts the banzai zplash, but Crush moves out. Crush takes the momentum and down goes the champ. Crush with flying clothesline from the top. Only 2. Crush keeps hammering, but makes the mistake of climbing the one corner that Mr. Fuji is standing near. Somehow, the Japanese flag strikes Crush in the back, and he falls to the floor. 'Zima exits and zlams Crush. Taken back into the ring, the champ hits a belly-to-belly zuplex, and then a legdrop to the face. Crush gets dragged to the corner, and the big buttdrop isn't far behind (get it? get it?). 1, 2, 3, no matter how hard the crowd chants "USA," Crush ain't gettin' up from *that*. 'Zima goes up and drops the BUTT a second time. He goes up a third time, and...hits another BUTT drop (haha, bet you thought Crush was going somewhere). Despite the repeated protests by referee "Blind" Joey Morella, Yokozuna shows no signs of stopping. And who comes out to make the save? Tatanka. One chop from the champ and the Indian is history. Buttdrop #4. Out come jobbers Maggs, Riggins, and Apollo. Chop, chop, chop. Three jobbers down. There's no saving the big, wait! Apparently violating some sort of Tunney edict, Savage goes into the ring and drags Crush away. While Savage fends off the Japanese superstar with a chair, the stretcher boys take Crush away. The host of WWF officials arrive, much too late. The damage is done. Bret Hart v. the 1-2-3 Kid for the WWF Title - Cue Owen and Jim, who come out after the entrances. Owen wants the belt, you know. Referee "Blind" Dave Hebner won't start the match until the pair of Harts leaes. Two more refs come down to ringside and escort the gentlemen out. Does this mean we WON'T get a screwjob? I can only hope. I mean, this ain't the WCW (see last Saturday Night). Lockup, the Kid takes him down. Hart is surprised. Test of strength lockup, nothing. Repeat, Hart with arm wringer. The Kid coutners into a wristlock and armbar. Hart counters with a slam. Kip up by the Kid (Is that a Kid up?). Lockup, Kid with headlock into hammerlock (thank God Ross knows all the names of these moves). Hart tries to throw the Kid over, but he rolls with it and keeps the hammerlock on. The Kid with an arm wringer, and Hart elbows the Kid in the jaw off the ropes. Hart snaps him over and applies a headlock. The Kid gets up and powers out. Hart with a shoulderblock. Leapfrogs. The Kid with a sunset flip. Hart catches the Kid, so the Kid gives him a ghetto blaster, and follows it up with another thrust kick. Hart goes outside, and we take an ad break. When we come back, the Kid has Hart in an arm bar. Make your own Steamboat joke. The commentators speculate on whether the pair of Harts will make a return appearance. The Kid has a counter for every one of Hart's attempts to get out of the arm bar. The Hitman pushes out and after going off the ropes, Hart drives a knee into the Kid's stomach. Hart plants a boot to the abdomen. Hart with scoop slam followed by a legdrop (not o' doom though). The Kid struggles to get up. Elbow by Hart...or is it a forearm? Ross calls them European uppercuts, and they look pretty painful. Hart delivers about five of them. Hart with...well, something. Elbow to the back of the head. Another elbow. And a kick. All these moves are legal, sayeth Ross. Swingin neckbreaker by Hart for 2. Hart goes to the reverse chinlock. Elbow to the temple by Hart. Head into the turnbuckle. Repeated kicks. (all legal!). Back to the European uppercuts. Whip into the corner, and the Kid lands hard. Whip into the ropes, Hart misses an elbow, and the Kid manages a high cross body for 2. Hart with a headbutt. Whip into the corner, the Kid was supposed to try a victory troll, but it didn't work, so Hart sat on him for 2. Hart whips him into the ropes, the Kid goes under and tries a crucifix. Again Hart sits on him. 1, foot on the ropes, 2, 3. Hart tries to tell Hebner that there was a foot on the rope. Referee "Blind" Tim White comes out and tells Hebner the same thing. Apparently, Hart's an idiot, he wants the match to continue. He gets his wish. Let's take an ad break. Segunda caida - Well, it didn't work for Jeff Jarrett last week, but maybe Hart knows something. When we come back, they're at it. Let's go to the double feature. During the break. The Kid tried a sneaky rollup and got 2. Meanwhile, Hart gets a 2. Hart has a chinlock on the Kid, whose arm falls twice. The Kid somehow gets up and elbows out. Backslide by the Kid for 2. Hart with an elbow to the back of the head. Legdrop for 2. Hart with a DDT! 1, 2, no! Hart with a bodyslam, and he climbs the ropes. Hart meets up with a boot for his troubles. Hart comes back first, and kicks the Kid in the ribs. Hart misses a clothesline, and the Kid lands a martial arts kick. The Kid manages to get up, and kick Hart on the way in. BIG martial arts kick. Whip into the corner, BIG dropkick with Hart having nowhere to go and absorbing ALL of it. The Kid climbs the ropes and lands a quasi-moonsault for 2. The Kid with a powerbomb (Ross calls it a jackknife, ick). The Kid climbs the ropes again and drops a leg, from the top, for 2. Both men get up and the Kid clotheslines the Hitman over the top to the outside. The Kid tries a moonsault from the top to the floor, but doesn't quite make it. They're both down. Hart gets in the ring first, and the Kid goes in, and climbs to the top AGAIN. He misses ANOTHER moonsault when Hart rolls away. Hart manages to get up and apply the Sharpshooter, but the Kid is too close to the ropes. Hart goes back to the European uppercuts. Hart sits the Kid on the corner. Superplex! The Kid lands on Hart for 2! The Kid whips Hart into the ropes, and misses a victory roll start. Hart drags the Kid by the hair into a corner. Bulldog for Hart. Hart decides he'd better go up to the top, too. The Kid grabs him and throws him into the centre of the ring. Then the Kid goes up. Hart blocks the dropkick and puts on the Sharpshooter. The Kid gives up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Boo_Bradley Report post Posted July 7, 2003 That was Warrior's last TV Match in the WWF as well... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JaKyL25 Report post Posted July 7, 2003 July 11, 1994 Crush def. Matt Hardy July 10, 1995 Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Matt Hardy July 12, 1999 Val Venis & The Godfather def. The Hardy Boyz by DQ; Tag Title Match July 10, 2000 T&A def. The Hardy Boyz (1st elimination) and Too Cool (2nd) in a Triple Threat Elimination Match Historically, it sucks to be Matt Hardy this week. Heck, look at the present--relegated to Velocity! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adam 0 Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Maybe we will have yet another memorable moment this week. Hopefully. I doubt it. No. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted July 7, 2003 July 7, 1997 The Great Sasuke def. Taka Michinoku Savio Vega NC Crush Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith def. Faarooq & D-Lo Brown by count out Steve Austin def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Brian Christopher def. Eric Shelly Bret Hart def. Goldust This is the night after Stampede, right? If so, this was a GREAT RAW, curtain-jerked by a ****1/2 Taka/Sasuke match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted July 7, 2003 That was Warrior's last TV Match in the WWF as well... Recap by Kevin James Posiadilk on the RSPW message boards: The Award-Winning Owen Hart (w/Cornette and cast) vs. the Suspended Warrior It's the James E. Cornette show tonight, with our favorite tennis racket wielding manager concerned in both main events tonight. If Owen's injury is a fake, he's gone above and beyond the call of duty in selling it over the past six weeks. And it still appears to be a bit tender. Owen winces once when Cornette touches him in the wrong place, and again when the Warrior's music begins. So now let's look on as we watch the Warrior's entrance ceremonies for what may possibly be the last time (this time). Or, go make a sandwich, whatever moves you. Owen commences proceedings by charging into the ring right at the Warrior. The Warrior steers Owen aside, Owen makes like a pinball for a while, until the Warrior steps in with another course correction and Owen sails over the top rope. Tilt. Meanwhile, standing by in relatively real time, we have a pair of champions who are the newest members of the "I Got Stiffed by Hellwig" club. Vince says "notwithstanding" again, and gets on to the topic of who Ahmed Johnson and Shawn Michaels have picked up as a replacement partner for their little get-together at In Your International House (of Pancakes). Michaels avows that, unlike with other third-man mysteries, the suspense on this one will not be dragged out long, and that they will introduce their partner as soon as he shows up. Darn that Green Bay traffic. Meanwhile, Owen has played a very successful game of hide and go seek with the Warrior, which ends with Owen missing a clothesline and running into a shoulderblock on the return pass. After a couple of hip tosses, Owen is clotheslined back outside of the ring. And with that, it is time to begin the speculation, just *who* is this mysterious third man? I think Hulk Hogan can be safely ruled out. Lawler makes it his theme of the day to spout out ludicrous suggestions (starting out with himself). McMahon suggests the man who replaced the Warrior the last time he skipped town, Mr. Perfect. Speculation cuts off at this point as Owen is back up on the apron in order to get slingshotted back in the ring (one wishes he and the Warrior would have been more in sync on that move). Warrior follows up with an overhead slam, followed by another esoteric slam, sort of half a Curtain Call. Cross-corner whip (two inches), followed by right hook practice by the Warrior. Another cross-corner whip (three inches *and* a bounce), into a scoop and slam. And another whip into the corner. And a sidewalk slam. So, other than that, how's your day been going, Owen? McMahon expresses surprise that the Warrior is able to focus on this match, given all that about being suspended and all. Okay, Vince, whatever you say. Warrior sends Owen for the ride, and Owen manages to assert a reversal. Owen with his Kick of Doom to the Warrior's jaw. No Sale!! Owen, somehow anticipating this, goes right back into it with a clothesline. The Warrior is still not in a vending mood. Another clothesline. It looks again like economy will remain stagnant, but then, to put it in Lawler's words, "he sold that a little bit." Owen, most grateful for the chance to do something other than get beat up, goes on the offensive with a mixture of kicks and punches. Eager to inject some wrestling into the action, Owen goes for a suplex, but the Warrior will not cooperate. Instead, the Warrior selfishly takes the suplex for himself, and goes for his big splash... Owen says no thank you, not yet, and gets the knees up. Down goes the Warrior, up pops Owen. Sharpshooter tease, and a kick to the lower abs. Owen does his Flair impression again, then winces at his wrist again. Then another sharpshooter tease, this time Owen leaps between the Warrior's legs and drops the elbow. Well, it's a change of pace if nothing else. -- ad break -- And Owen is into his impression of the Warrior. Very nice indeed. Owen works on the back of the Warrior's neck, and, when he can get away with it, the front of it as well. He unclogs his nose at the Warrior, then resumes with the more conventional stomping technique. A rope choke, the referee takes Owen aside to warn his about cheap shots like that, and Cornette steps up and does what comes naturally. Owen back with four more seconds of rope choking, this time followed up with the Bossman sit. Another warning from the referee, another opening, another show for Cornette. Owen goes back to the stomps, but the Warrior is showing signs of his usual miracle comeback. Owen pulls out all the stops to try to quell this, including a headbutt he might later regret, but finally seems to find the key and his Kick of Doom, right to the temple where it belongs. Owen immediately capitalizes on this by running over to Cornette, grabbing his Slammy Award, and jumping up and down like an idiot. Owen eventually gets back into the match with a headbutt, then climbs to the top rope. McMahon notes that if Owen hits Warrior with the cast, it's all over. We assume he means Owen would get DQed. So, instead, Owen goes for the dropkick, and nails it. Owen finally makes the match's first cover, Warrior kicks out at two, sort of accidentally tossing Owen out of the ring in the process. Not to be put off by this setback, Owen scampers back inside, drags Warrior to the ring center, and this time, motions to actually put on the Sharpshooter. Halfway into it, Owen hesitates big-time, and finally the Warrior takes the hint and kicks Owen away. Another brief pause in the action, so mystery guest, enter and sign in, please. It's the British Bulldog, who takes his post at Cornette's side. Meanwhile, in the ring, Owen attempts to reassert the offensive, but it is too late, the Warrior has reached the top rope and is shaking it vigorously. Oh well, better luck next time, Owen. At this point the best Owen can do is minimize the damage, so he lays down for three quick clotheslines and the inevitable flying body press. Warrior lays his hands down on Owen for the cover, but the referee refuses to count, until someone gets that dog out of the ring. Dog? Oh, you mean Diana Smith's husband. The Warrior steers the Bulldog's initial charge past him and into the turnbuckle, and for some reason it is at this point the referee calls for the DQ. At this point the Warrior turns his attention back to Owen, and more importantly away from the aisle way, from which TMTC Vader is emerging. Warrior slugs Owen, then turns around and gives Vader a taste of fist as well. One more for Owen, and again Warrior leans into Vader, but this time Vader is ready and grapples Warrior to a stalemate. Meanwhile, the Bulldog is back in it, and he grabs the stymied Warrior from behind and hits his trademark running slam. And now it's Owen's turn, as Vader and the Bulldog hold the Warrior up while Owen hits him with the cast from the top rope. Paging Dr. Goldust... But no, it's one for all and all for one at Camp Cornette, and Vader has to get his lick in yet. And while they set up for the Vader bomb, even Cornette gets one delicious swipe with his tennis racket before making way for his big man. Gee, Warrior, any regrets about that suspension now? You really could use some concerned teammates to get you out of this mess. But no, the Vader Bomb hits, and the cavalry is nowhere in sight. The Warrior is in trouble as never before, and he's getting the stuffing kicked out of him, too. 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Bored 0 Report post Posted July 7, 2003 July 11, 1994 Crush def. Matt Hardy July 10, 1995 Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Matt Hardy July 12, 1999 Val Venis & The Godfather def. The Hardy Boyz by DQ; Tag Title Match July 10, 2000 T&A def. The Hardy Boyz (1st elimination) and Too Cool (2nd) in a Triple Threat Elimination Match Historically, it sucks to be Matt Hardy this week. Heck, look at the present--relegated to Velocity! Oh what the hell...recaps by CRZ ( for the '94, '99, '00 matches; recap by KJP on the RSPW message boards for the '95 match Crush (his friends call him Kona) v. Matt Hardy - Crush is accompanied by Fuji, and not Cornette. YOu tell me why Hardy has "HV" tights. Savage repeatedly does his Andres Cantor impersonation (make your own joke here). Crush with a quick 360 backbreaker for the pin. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Matt Hardy McMahon wonders if Hardy is thinking the same thing Horowitz was. For Hardy's sake, I hope not, because I don't think Helmsley is going to be as cooperative as Skip was. The crowd's reaction to Helmsley was, well, to put it bluntly, hilarious, and I only wish I could do it justice in words. On to the discussion at large, McMahon lets the Internet know that the WWF is reading us "loud and clear", even if they don't care too much for our opinions. Actually he doesn't make it clear whether he's talking about passive commentary, such as this column, or the newsgroup, or the stuff that gets dumped in their laps because it was e-mailed directly to them. This leads us somehow to In Your House again, specifically how it compares favorably to the All-Star Game or the Stampede in Calgary, which leads Lawler straight back to the Hart family. From there we go on to the recent passing of Eva Gabor, and the problem of letting her mother in on the sad news. With nowhere else to go from there, we return to the subject of Barry Horowitz, and how Skip is possibly going to cope with the humiliation. Lawler says he doesn't know what he would do. I suggest he wrestle Horowitz and then find out. From there we go on to how Jerry was apparently born with a crown on his head (now *that* would be labor pain!) Helmsley with the smooth duck of Hardy's otherwise spectacular backflip, and finally ending this tortured discussion with the Pedigree. Again the crowd reacts in that... amazing manner. VAL VENIS & GODFATHER (with ten - no, five ho's) v. HARDY BOYZ (with Michael Hayes) for the Tag Team titles - Let us take you back to last night's Heat where Prince Albert did a really cool double suplex on the Hardyz but nobody noticed because the Acolytes were busy running in and messin' up the match. Val compares his dick to Mick Foley - would that make it Dick Foley? Free idea for Al Snow: Come out to the ring carrying a half dozen garden hoes. It's funny, trust me. The Hardyz have new music which sounds less like the Prodigy, too bad. Jeff and Matt start with the double team as Val ends up in the wrong neighborhood. Jeff does a pretty funny hip swivel before putting the boots to him. Whip is reversed, and Val holds on and clotheslines him. Repeat. There's a - something. Tag to Godfather, who runs over both men. Time now for the Ho Train Avalanche splash. Tag to Venis - Jeff sent to Godfather for the Pimp Drop, and there's the money shot. 1, 2, Hayes in with the tag belt to Venis. Referee "Blind" Tim White calls for the bell (DQ 1:34) and I actually buy this story - undermatched team holds onto the belt solely because of heel antics of dick manager. The same old story! TOO COOL v. T&A (with Trish Stratus - the fitness model) v. HARDY BOYZ (with Lita) in a Triple Threat Elimination match - Let Us Take You Back to last night as Trish took out Lita with a variety of cheap heel tactics. Lita, of course, immediately looks for some retribution tonight, and we ignore the Pier Six brawl in the middle of the ring to watch the goings on outside as the chase is on. Tonight, the Acolytes FINALLY get the title shot that they've earned! Hooray! Referee "Blind" Mike Chioda finally separates the women as the ring empties of all but TOo Cool and Albert - double DDT for 2. Hotty right, right, right, into the ropes, reversed, duck, Hotty into a press, but gets out - but eats a clothesline to the back of the head. Albert off the ropes, splash misses, Hotty breakdances back up a la Booker T, elbowdrop, tag to Sexay, off the rope swith a clothesline, another is absorbed, Albert puts up the boot on the third attempt. Test tagged in - right, right, clubbing forearm. Into the corner, boot up for a superkick, back elbow stops a second charge, tornado DDT. Test stumbles into the Hardyz corner where Matt hits him - Test is a pinball between Grand Master Sexay and Matt Hardy - but Chioda is saying that counts as a tag! So Sexay calmly sneaks up behind Hardy and hits a backdrop suplex. Hardy avoids a dance and charge in the corner to follow it up - second rope legdrop gets 2. Head to the buckle, tag to Jeff, into the opposite corner, all fours assisted side kick, 1, 2, nope. Gutshot, gutshot, Sexay kicks back, side headlock, powered out, off the ropes, shoulderblock by Sexay. Off the ropes, up and over, leapfrog, flippy flippy, they collide head to head and both men are down. Sexay up first and tossing Hardy out onto the apron - Test reaches over and tags himself in, then drops to the floor and drops Hardy on the barricade. Hardy put back in, tag to Albert. Into the corner, do si do whip - Albert avalanche, into Test's big boot - but only 2 off the cover? Tag to Test - open shot. Right hand. Head to the buckle. Right, right, right, right, right, stomp, stomp, shove for Chioda as well. Test brings Hardy out - scoop...and a slam. Test perched on the second rope - but both feet go up. Hardy ducks a clothesline and sails to his corner to tag in Matt! Block, right, right, discus right, into the ropes is reversed into the corner, back elbow up, flying clothesline by Hardy...for 2! Test with a gutshot, pump handle - but Hardy shrugs off the Meltdown and shoves him into Too Cool's corner, where he collides with Scotty 2 Hotty! Apparently, *this* one DOESN'T count as a tag, because after Hardy hits the Twist of Fate, he's able to tag in Jeff for the swanton bomb as BOTH members of Too Cool come in to argue that THEY shouldn't be getting a piece of this. Unfortunately, this means that Chioda totally misses Albert come in with a double choke bomb on Jeff - and drag Test on top of him. 1, 2, 3 (6:00). Lita finds a celebrating Stratus and muscles he down to the mat...but Albert is quickly over to give his manager an advantage, holding her for a big clothesline. Matt Hardy off the apron...and into a big bearhug - Hardy vaults himself onto this pile. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Test dumps out Sexay, but falls to a Hotty bulldog. The Worm is cut short by TAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, who chokes out Hotty long enough to take Test's top-rope Canadian elbow and lay out for the pinfal. (7:13) Oh yeah, Trish is Canadian too. That's a coincidence, I'm sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted July 7, 2003 July 7, 1997 The Great Sasuke def. Taka Michinoku Savio Vega NC Crush Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith def. Faarooq & D-Lo Brown by count out Steve Austin def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Brian Christopher def. Eric Shelly Bret Hart def. Goldust This is the night after Stampede, right? If so, this was a GREAT RAW, curtain-jerked by a ****1/2 Taka/Sasuke match. Indeed it was but I wasn't able to find a recap of the show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted July 7, 2003 MMM...It's an historic date... ECW INVASION/WCW MERGER and Raq is Quad II Well as long as I'm here....recap by CRZ: KANE (with Let Us Take You Back To Earlier Tonight) v. AWESOME MIKE AWESOME & LANCE STORM in a handicap match - Storm and Awesome come out to one of Awesome's early WCW themes. Before the match begins, the Y2J countdown hits - hmmm. CHRIS MONDAY JERICHO is out - looks like we just jiggered us up a tag match here. IT'S NOT ABOUT COFFEE!! Pier Four Brawl is on - small with small and big with big - Jericho tosses Storm through the ropes so it looks like it'll be Kane and Awesome to start. Kane with a right, back elbow, right, head to the adjacent buckle, whip into the opposite corner - clothesline by Awesome, right, right, Kane reverses a whip attempt and pulls him into a clothseline. No hardcore 24/7 stuff until after Invasion, yo - wonder who made THAT decision? Big sidewalk slam. Storm in - Storm down with a Kane clothesline. Awesome's head hits the buckle - Jericho holds him back for Kane's offense - right, left right left right left, right. Tag to Jericho - knife-edge chop, chop, chop - into the ropes is reversed - Jericho ducks the clothesline, Jericho ducks the backhand, lands the crossbody - 1, 2, no. Side headlock - Awesome powers out - Jericho sent over the top but lands on the apron, unbeknownst to Awesome who - get this - turns his back to celebrate. Jericho runs to the corner - double axehandle off the top! Shot for Storm as well. Awesome powers up with a clothesline. Head to Storm's boot, tag, Storm with an open knee. Whip is reversed, Storm slides under - Jericho off the ropes with a flying jalapeno. Clothesline off the ropes. Chop. Chop. Another chop. Elbow. Into the ropes is reversed - Jericho up and over - Awesome with a knee in the back, slowing Jericho down - but Jericho sidesteps Storm, sending him into Awesome - bulldog for Storm! But Awesome manages an apron clothesline to swing it back his team's way. Storm with a clothesline. Tag to Awesome - open kick, shot by Storm, overhand forearm by Awesome, stomp by Storm. Jericho sent into the ropes - press and drop. Kick in the face - elbowdrop - 2. Crowd chants "Y2J." Straight right by Awesome - tag - forearm by Awesome, kick by Storm, right, right, right, into the ropes, dropkick misses when Jericho holds the ropes - Jericho tries a Lionsault! But Storm gets the knees up. Man, every time that middle turnbuckle rattles, you can hear it on one of the mics out there - that's kinda annoying. Storm pulls him to his corner and tags out. Stomp by Awesome. Snapmares him over - to the headlock. Referee "Blind" Chad Patton checking in but Jericho won't give. Fighting back to his feet - elbow, elbow, right, chop, Awesome sends him into the corner but Jericho gets an elbow up - Jericho off the second rope, but Awesome catches him and tosses him in an overhead suplex. Wow. Stomp, hooks the leg, 1, 2, no. Head to the buckle - tag to Storm - into the ropes, double clothesline. Stomp by Storm, stomp, stomp, into the ropes, head down so Jericho kicks - Jericho with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Will Kane get the tag? Say, when was the last time we saw Jericho as the face in peril instead of waiting in the corner for the face in peril, anyway? Tag to Awesome - HOT TAG TO KANE! Block, right, right, right, into the ropes, big boot! Clothesline for Storm! Into the ropes, BIG back body drop for Storm! Awesome put in the corner, big clothesline follow. Kick puts Storm on the outside. Scooped up - powerslamming Awesome like he was a hundred pounds lighter. Kane going up top - he's gonna fly - clothesline! 1, 2, Storm manages to come in with a dropkick just in the nick of time. Jericho with a missile dropkick on Storm! Awesome runs at Jericho - double leg - but before he can put on the Walls, Storm knocks him out of the ring with a forearm. Kane shoves Storm away - Awesome on Kane - now a doubleteam on Kane - into the ropes...Kane clotheslines Awesome - Storm ducks, but Jericho is back in with a double leg - WALLS OF JERICHO! And Kane has Awesome in the goozle...but before he can hit the chokeslam - whoa! It's ECW's TOMMY DREAMER & ROB VAN DAM come to town to stir up trouble, and looks like they've succeeded. (DQ 7:05) A SECURITY guy gets up on the apron...then gets the signal that this is part of the show and backs up. It's four on two as the WCW guys team up with the ECW guys to take out Jericho and Kane... Here comes the WWF LOCKER ROOM - tonight I see Tazz, the Dudley Boyz, Justin Credible... wait a minute - Raven, Rhyno...oh no....oh no. "Staredown" in the ring as Paul gets jolly. "Feel it, JR - FEEL this moment!" The WWF guys slowly turn round - and look at Kane and Jericho. "For the rest of your life - feel it." And now THEY punk out Kane and Jericho. We've got a ten on two here - amazingly, Ross STILL hasn't figured it out...but the crowd has. Heyman: "Spiccoli Driver by Tommy Dreamer! ... Oh my God - it's the Van Daminator! You wanna know what this is about? I guess you want answers! You want answers? Well I say you finally deserve, JR...a damn answer!" He drops headset, removes his tie, and heads up to the ring. The Dudley Boyz stop him - then part the ropes for him. "Well, I guess now it's time, JR - that YOU WANT THE TRUTH - so JR, tonight, I'm gonna give you the whole damn truth! I have been sitting, I have been sitting like a damned corporate sellout next to that damn pig - and I have been talking - I have been TALKING about WWF versus WCW - Ihave been spilling my guts about this Invasion, and it seemt to me like everyone has forgotten about the tribe of extreme. It seems to me like these men were too extreme for WWF versus WCW - it seems to ME that this man...and this man have LEFT Shane McMahon's WCW - it looks to ME like these six men have left Vince McMahon's WWF - it looks to ME like they all have joined..... E.... C.... W. So Vince - or Shane - any time you guys want revenge - we'll take on the WWF, we'll take on WCW - we're not hard to find, because THIS Invasion just got taken... TO THE... EXTREME." "Theme from ECW" plays - Jericho and Kane STILL haven't moved. *recap snip* WWF SUPERSTARS and WCW SUPERSTARS (with Shane O. Mac) v. ECW (with Paul Heyman) - Let's set the tables here - for the WWF, we've got the APA (and their music), Hardcore Holly, Billy Gunn and the Big Show; on the WCW side, it's Chuck Palumbo, Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak, Sean Stasiak and Chris Kanyon. Say, do you see anything strange about the men representing the WWF here? Chad Patton and Billy Silverman are both in the ring for this match. Anyway, the WCW superstars (not stars) come out to "Brand New Money." Did ring flowerpot LILIAN GARCIA just say "Chris Kanyon, Chuck O'Haire" and then completely give up on introductions? And she started out with such promise, actually saying "20 man tag." I'll give you a gut feeling - it's 10:58 - I doubt we'll get any sort of real tag action...assuming, of course, that there won't be a shocking swerve coming up - and by no means is THAT even CLOSE to a safe assumption. You can tell it's an uneasy alliance - words exchanged all around before the second team even comes out. O'Haire ends up slapping Bradshaw and now it's on. Two officials aren't gonna break up five pairs of brawlers, that's for damn sure. Slowly, the ring ends up cleared of WCW riff-raff, much to the delight of the crowd...just as the music starts again. Ross: "Well this ain't no by-God bingo parlour, let me tell you!" Coming down through the crowd, as they apparently left earlier, are the ECW contingent. All eleven men now sport ECF'nW T-shirts (presumably purchased off the rack at a Philadelphia Goodwill) except Heyman, who still has his jacket on over HIS shirt. It's ten on five now as the WCW guys are content to stay outside and watch. The WWF folks don't fare too badly given the numbers, but very slowly, one by one the WWF folks are tossed outside - although it takes almost all of them to dump the Show - leaving the ring filled with ECW guys. They turn to the WCW guys and dare THEM to give it a shot - in they high five them. Kanyon dumps Patton. Half of the guys go outside to beat on the WWF guys while the other half stay in the ring to watch...Shane and Paul embrace. I have to tell you, even seeing it sends chills down my spine. I just don't know which KIND of chills yet. Here's MR. McMAHON out with mic in hand. "What the hell-- what the hell is this? What the hell is goin' on out here? What the hell are you doin'?" "Just sit back and enjoy and watch - watch - check out your WWF." Shane does a little play by play - Hardcore Holly falls to a Tazzmission. Sean O'Haire gives Bradshaw his fireman's carry into a spinning DDT. Faarooq gets 3D (Dudley Death Drop). Gunn gets a Van Daminator. Surprisingly, Silverman is trying to act like a ref here - how confusing! Vince starts towards the ring. "Hey, hey, back it up right there. Hey hey, watch it, watch it, watch it. Hey Dad, you wanna know what's goin' on? Can't you see what's happening? I said I can never, ever compete with your checkbook, but I can...outsmart you. And that's exactly what I've done tonight. That's exactly what we did tonight. You see, Dad, you told me in the locker room back there that I was personally responsible for everything that happens out here tonight. And you know what, Dad, you're right - I AM personally responsible for all of this! I am personally responsible for WCW - I am personally ersponsible for for ECW being here tonight! ANd hear me out, listen up, listen up, and I am personally responsible for the MERGER of WCW and ECW coming together, tonight! So Dad, at Invasion, this new entity - WCW and ECW is gonna kick the WWF's ASS! Oh yeah - oh wait wait - I got one more thing for ya - one more - and I am also personally responsible, and privliged to introduce you to the new owner of ECW - I believe you know this person quite well...ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Vince's daughter, STEPHANIE McMAHON-HELMSLEY!" "My Time" plays and out she walks...past the ring - where she and Shane raise hands. Ross: "May God have mercy on our WWF souls!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites