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Guest edge-o-matic

Billy Kidman on CityTV's Breakfast TV

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Guest edge-o-matic

First schintillating question?


"When did you cut your hair?"


Apparently 3 weeks ago.. wow, this interview is going to drag on forever.

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Guest edge-o-matic

Oh, Billy's gonna get whupped..


"They don't want to see the Undertaker, they want to see the small guys."

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Guest edge-o-matic

- He used his college tuition money to get into a wrestling school, costed $3000


- Learned pretty quickly in training (could've fooled me :P)

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Oh, Billy's gonna get whupped..


"They don't want to see the Undertaker, they want to see the small guys."

I'm predicting it right now.


August 7th, 2003 - World Wrestling Entertainment has parted ways with Billy Kidman. We wish this talented performer the best of luck in his future endeavors.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

What's CityTV?


Did he actually say that about UT?...

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Guest The Old Me
Oh, Billy's gonna get whupped..


"They don't want to see the Undertaker, they want to see the small guys."

Run Billy! Here comes Bradshaw, BAH GAWD!!

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Guest BifEverchad
Oh, Billy's gonna get whupped..


"They don't want to see the Undertaker, they want to see the small guys."

I'm predicting it right now.


August 7th, 2003 - World Wrestling Entertainment has parted ways with Billy Kidman. We wish this talented performer the best of luck in his future endeavors.

No Way!


Billy Kidman is the Rick Martel of our generation!



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Guest wildpegasus

Quote Mystery Eskimo


"It's a work"


I didn't see Breakfast Tv but can you please explain why you think it's a work? Thanks.


wildpegasus- who is now Kidman's biggest fan if the quote about people not wanting to see the Undertapper and people wanting to see the small guys is true.

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Guest Vyce

It's likely a work because Billy's new gimmick is supposedly an arrogant prick. I think. Therefore, it makes sense for him to act and talk as if no one out there in the crowd wants to see anyone wrestle but him, and guys like him (i.e. cruizers).


Of course, that said, I'm sure he was semi-shooting.

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Guest CanadianChris
What's CityTV?

Independent TV channel in Toronto.


Did he actually say that about UT?...



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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Because Kidman's new gimmick is arrogant. Sounds like the interview was kayfabed. Without seeing it all I could be wrong, of course, but no ones going to go on radio and bury their career by insulting the Undertaker unless they're extremely stupid.

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Guest Goodear

Considering Billy would have to be a complete retard to say that in just about any respect you would care to name, it sure sounds like a work to me.

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Guest edge-o-matic

Not that many people would care if it wasn't.. especially on this board. ;)

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Guest AndrewTS

How many people are even going to see this show? How many of the ones who see it will be wrestling fans?


I think it won't really matter. :P


Although Taker isn't a draw anymore, but I think the closest thing to a draw SD has right now is Brock, with the Cruisers (mainly Rey) among the lesser draws.

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