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Guest MideonMark

Do you think there should be more male managers?

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Guest MideonMark

I ask this question because Teddy Long over the past couple of months has been one of the most entertaining aspects of Raw. Also when Heyman was around he managed to make Big Show into a legitimate threat. Anyway I was thinking about the WWF in that late 80s/early 90s, when it seemed there were more managers than wrestlers, some of them worked(Bobby Heenan for instance) and some of them didnt(Harvey Whippleman, during his stint managing Sid in 1992 sucked ass). Since then male managers have been forced out in favour of blonde haired, big titted female ones who serve no purpose other than to look good. So do you still think there is a place for male managers in the WWE, should there be more and if so who do you think would make good male managers?


Some of my choices include-


-William Regal-the rumours are that hes coming back to be a moderator between Austin and Bischoff as yet another authority figure in the WWE, this should NOT happen, cause thats the last thing we need. Regal would be far better served as a manager of maybe a tag team, such as Nowinski/Storm.


-Arn Anderson-why they havent already used him as a manager is beyond me. Stick him with either a heel or face Benoit


-Tazz-dont get me wrong I think Tazz is the best commentator in the WWE at the minute, but I think hed make a good manager of a heel such as Rhyno. The guy was always pretty good on the mic as the angry, bitter Taz in ECW.


-Shane McMahon-granted its another McMahon on TV, but hes the most likeable McMahon and I thought his stint as manager of Benoit was great


Anyway opinions, thoughts etc.

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Guest nl5xsk1

Kevin Sullivan - I know it'll never happen, but it would rock to see him back in his Satanic-gimmick.


Paul Heyman, in Paul E. Dangerously-mode - fans love to hate him.


Jim Cornette - Old School heel heat, great talker. Maybe too Old School for new fans, but I'd mark out for him.


Bill Alphonso - whistle and all.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Steven Richards - They are never going to do anything with him as a wrestler plus he was really good when he was leading/managing RTC.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I haven't been too pleased with Teddy Long's work.


I'd love to see Jim Cornette back and think he can still appeal to today's fans. Excellent on the mic.


Paul Heyman is due back soon and he is great on the mic as well.


I'd like to see Dusty Rhodes back just to see if any of the new fans can determine what the hell he is saying.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Well, if you wanna go outside the box


-Jim Mitchell


-Jeff Bailey from Wildside

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Guest Choken One

As for Anderson? He is still rehabbing at the moment...


I don't know who to stick him with...We've pushed for Benoit for years but I don't think that will work nowadays...


Names to have as Managers


Teddy Long

-Pretty Much the LONE male manager these days in WWE.


Paul Heyman

-Being wasted as an non-commentator and non-head writer. Put him back with TBDTTP and Rhyno as TEAM HEYMAN.


Jim Cornette-Time for CAMP CORNETTE to return...Put him with the New Tag Team coming up (seven and Bane) and give him an singles star like RVD to work with...Yes...Cornette/RVD it will work.

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Let's face it, who wouldn't mark out for the return of the tennis racket shot finish. Cornette forming an OVW stable on either side would rule, and give the OVW guys another reason for being there.


You HAVE to have Heyman. I watched the No Mercy HIAC with Brock/Taker yesterday, and Heyman's screaming of 'NO!!!' and 'OH MY GOD ARE YOU CRAZY!?!' had me laughing my ass off.



Joel Gertner

If TNN or whatever it's called this week is going to be a 'strictly male' channel or something, they can be risque. Give me old school ECW Dudleyz with Gertner and I am there. Gertner can get over, and can give the Dudleyz a boost.


Michael Hayes

The mark in me is begging Hayes to manage a reformed 3 Count. BEGGING! Seriously if they bring back the Freebird Hayes, I will mark. He helped the Hardyz out. Give him a couple of new guys, give them a Freebird type gimmick and he can help them along.



Regal is perfect manager material, cause he can talk. Could you imagine Johnny Storm and Jodie Fleisch with Regal...

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Guest Army Eye

Bill Alphonso w/ whistle.. definitely. Do I even need to say who he should be managing..


Jim Mitchell / Sinister Minister - tremendous promos.


Cyrus - again, amazing talker. Better than just about anybody WWE has. I don't think the two sides like each other very much though.


Regal - agreed.. he's a natural as a heel manager. It's too bad that Regal/Tajiri storyline was never finished.. they had something pretty good there.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I think Shane McMahon could be a good manager. He works well as the cowardly type, and we know he can take bumps which is always important (look at Heenan & Jimmy Hart).

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I say bring back Jimmy Hart.


I liked the Megaphone...dunno why, but I just did.


If their egos wer more in check...Michaels and Hogan would be interesting managers. I could have seen Hogan being Gowen's manager...

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