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Guest Jobber of the Week

Michael Savage : MSNBC :: Roddy Piper : WWE

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Guest bob_barron

Question for Marney-


Is Michael Savage's last name REALLY Weiner?


Because if so then that's hilarious

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Guest Cancer Marney

Yep. He published something like 18 books under that name, according to Salon.com. Check the link in my last post.

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Guest bob_barron

That's too funny.


The guy deserved to be fired- Whether he was set up or not- He should've known it's not too bright to wish AIDS on someone- WHILE ON THE AIR

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Guest Spicy McHaggis
Savage calling homosexuals "sodomites" reminds me of Pat Buchanan. He's been known to use that word before. Expect Rush and Rush Jr. (Hannity) to complain about this.

I know I'll get flamed for this...


Are male homosexuals who engage in sodomy not sodomites?

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I guess.


I knew a gay guy that just did oral.


And, no, I wasn't the guy he did it to


Not that there's anything wrong with that...

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Guest Spicy McHaggis

Of course not... some one's personal sexual preferences are nobody's business but their own!

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Unless they are raping me -- then it's my business...

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Guest Vyce
The guy deserved to be fired- Whether he was set up or not- He should've known it's not too bright to wish AIDS on someone- WHILE ON THE AIR

Dude, it all boils down to one word: ratings.


I've heard Howard Stern and guys like Opie & Anthony wish death by AIDS, cancer, and a variety of other illnesses, diseases, or homicidal methods, literally HUNDREDS of times.


The difference is, people like Stern get away with it because in the end, he brings in good ratings which the ad-men can use to sell to sponsors.


I have no firsthand knowledge of Savage's ratings, but I imagine they weren't good enough for the company to warrant keeping him around for the ad dollars.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I also believe in the sanctity of marriage and in families. Savage has sad over and over (ad nauseum in fact) that he is a bedroom libertarian. He doesn't care what people do in bed.

Bullshit. I've read his book and know otherwise.


I know I'll get flamed for this...


Are male homosexuals who engage in sodomy not sodomites?

Kind of, but it's sort of like calling a woman "bitch" just because of her gender.



EDIT #2: Whoa, Marney really did some homework. :ph34r: I think he should have kept the old last name though, because "The Weiner Nation" could really sell millions!

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I read that Salon article on Weiner too, but I have a suspicion that he simply let these feelings come out due to the fact that he's now syndicated, and not because he just made them up to get ratings. Someone can't truly be that vile without having a prior basis in hatred.

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Guest bob_barron
The guy deserved to be fired- Whether he was set up or not- He should've known it's not too bright to wish AIDS on someone- WHILE ON THE AIR

Dude, it all boils down to one word: ratings.


I've heard Howard Stern and guys like Opie & Anthony wish death by AIDS, cancer, and a variety of other illnesses, diseases, or homicidal methods, literally HUNDREDS of times.


The difference is, people like Stern get away with it because in the end, he brings in good ratings which the ad-men can use to sell to sponsors.


I have no firsthand knowledge of Savage's ratings, but I imagine they weren't good enough for the company to warrant keeping him around for the ad dollars.

Howard Stern is not a political commentator- He is a radio shock jock. Howard also doesn't vehemently hate gays like Savage seems to so anytime he wished AIDS on someone- it probably wasn't mean to be maliscious like Savage saying the same thing would be.

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Guest Retro Rob
Howard Stern is not a political commentator- He is a radio shock jock. Howard also doesn't vehemently hate gays like Savage seems to so anytime he wished AIDS on someone- it probably wasn't mean to be maliscious like Savage saying the same thing would be.

I listen to Stern for a little while each morning. Although his views on homosexuality are quite out there, he doesn't wish death on to anyone because of their sexual orientation. The only times I have heard him wish cancer or AIDS on someone is when that person is someone that he has a personal vendetta with or if a caller is being incredibly racist.


Savage Weiner on the other hand wished AIDS upon someone solely because they were a gay man.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway
Howard Stern is not a political commentator- He is a radio shock jock.

The sad thing is I find Howard most entertaining when he talks about current events/politics. It's when he has strippers/porn stars on that I change the channel, although I haven't really listened to him in a while anyway...

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Guest nl5xsk1

I have no issue with Savage saying such horrible things. Right or wrong it's his right as an American to have an opinion, and if he has a public forum to say them than he can. This forum can be radio, TV, print, 'net, whatever. We also have the right to turn him off or tune him out whenever we want. And, in my opinion, having him say such stupid things on the air will only make people side more with a group like GLAAD, rather than just be indifferent.


As I get older I tend to listen to talk radio on AM more than the alleged "music' on FM, and find that people from BOTH sides of the spectrum sound incredibly stupid. The key is to pick the points you agree with and use those (and the points that you most vehemently DISagree with) to make up your own mind.


Lastly, I lost interest in Stern when he started putting himself on such a pedestal. If I hear one more story about an idea of his that was stolen, or how he invented shock-jock radio, or how much he's condemned by the mass media, I think I'll puke.

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Guest Vyce
Howard Stern is not a political commentator- He is a radio shock jock.

So is Savage - he just doesn't know it.


The sad thing is I find Howard most entertaining when he talks about current events/politics. It's when he has strippers/porn stars on that I change the channel, although I haven't really listened to him in a while anyway...


Oh, agreed. I'm a fan of talk radio in general, so I admitt to listening to Howard in the mornings. But I do it primarily for the last hour / hour & a half of the show, during the news segment. That's when he's his most entertaining.


Especially if Gilbert Gottfried is hanging out that day.


Lastly, I lost interest in Stern when he started putting himself on such a pedestal. If I hear one more story about an idea of his that was stolen, or how he invented shock-jock radio, or how much he's condemned by the mass media, I think I'll puke.


Not to turn this into a Howard Stern thread, but.....I agree, Stern can be ridiculous.


He's become a joke (even worse - a parody of the kind of d-jay he always claimed he was against in his rise to the top - like Imus). That's one of the things I enjoyed about the Opie & Anthony show, before the two were silenced by Stern's gag order preventing them from talking about him. Their constant jokes about Howard's claims always brought a smile to my face.


"I invented radio. I invented breathing too. Now everyone's ripping me off, Robin, this whole inhale-exhale thing. Hoo hoo hoo, show me your cans!"

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Guest Slapnuts00

I remember reading about Savage and that he was actually a liberal that graduated from BERKLEY but after affirmative action cost him a spot in graduate school, his political views turned hard to the right...

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Guest Crazy Dan

I like Stern every now and then, but I think that once he divorced his wife and got a "hot" girlfriend, he lost a lot of his edge. All of the sudden his stories were about how hot his girlfriend is and that they had so much fun last night.


For morning radio programs, I enjoy this trio up in Sacto, who make me laugh and can actually have varied conversations. I can stand Stern every now and then, but I think he might have peaked as "King of All Media". Just call it a hunch.


As for Savage, I am glad that this happened to him. I think that he is Troll, and I stand by it. I think this gay wishes this was still the 50's. And I really hate that word "Sodamite". It's so ancient and condescending. I think this guy is a "Homophobe", a "Xenophobe", and a "Isolationist". And Savage stating that he had no idea that his remarks would be aired, is just him trying to spin, plain and simple. I think that Savage is an example of someone who is way, way too Conservative, and just as extreme liberals are obnoxious, Savage is just as bad and lost in his own world.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway
I remember reading about Savage and that he was actually a liberal that graduated from BERKLEY but after affirmative action cost him a spot in graduate school, his political views turned hard to the right...

Where did you read that? I'm not saying I doubt you, but I would be interested in reading that, if it was posted on the web...

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Savage went overboard with wishing death upon the guy. Now how about some consistency. Here are some examples of liberal commentators and their hate speech (none of them were fired, reprimanded, or apologized in any way). You may not believe him, but Savage has apologized and has offered an explanation.


Julianne Malveaux (Maryland Public Television): "You know, I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter, and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease." She was speaking about Justice Thomas. When confronted about her statements she said, "Well, that's how I feel. He is an absolutely reprehensible person."


Nina Totenberg (NPR): "I think he ought to be worried about what's going on in the Good Lord's mind, because if there is retributive justice, he'll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it." She was speaking about Jesse Helms. No apology or explanation was offered.


Aren't these liberals lovely people, much more compassionate than nasty people like Savage.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Nice to see you popped your cherry at this place Terror.


Or should I call you Swift?...

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Ah, there's nothing like your first time...


Oh, and let's not forget about the very calm and decent Neil Rogers (radio shock jock in Miami, Fl). He got suckered by an internet hoax claiming that Katherine Harris had died in a plane crash. Upon reading this fake news report, he exclaimed--on the air--"Katherine Harris is dead! I've got the news story right here, it's on the Internet. A plane crash! Yes!!"

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Guest Vern Gagne
I like Stern every now and then, but I think that once he divorced his wife and got a "hot" girlfriend, he lost a lot of his edge. All of the sudden his stories were about how hot his girlfriend is and that they had so much fun last night.

No more Jokeman! :( I only see the E! show, and I can tell how much Artie sucks.


They could spend 20 minutes making fun of Jackie.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Aren't these liberals lovely people, much more compassionate than nasty people like Savage.

It's not a partisan thing, but you're blinded into making every arguement into a right/left thing if you see it that way. It's a "people are scum" thing, and I see your examples every bit as scummy as Savage's. (your third one though, is kind of pulling hairs and probably isn't as worse as those of us on this board who were happy to see Strom Thurmond go, both on the left and the right.)


Where the difference is, most likely, is that Savage has made himself a Grade-A Media Whore in the past year. I've never even heard of the people you quoted.

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Guest bob_barron
I like Stern every now and then, but I think that once he divorced his wife and got a "hot" girlfriend, he lost a lot of his edge.  All of the sudden his stories were about how hot his girlfriend is and that they had so much fun last night. 

No more Jokeman! :( I only see the E! show, and I can tell how much Artie sucks.


They could spend 20 minutes making fun of Jackie.

Artie Lange is awesome. Jackie the Jokeman was awful- He thought he was hot shit and in the end he learned no one gave a crap about him. I'm glad Artie is on the show- He's always making me laugh

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Guest SideFXs
I remember reading about Savage and that he was actually a liberal that graduated from BERKLEY but after affirmative action cost him a spot in graduate school, his political views turned hard to the right...

Affirmative action gives an advantage to people less qualified because of race. Those who put in the effort through hours of study because they value an education are penalized. People’s dreams are being shattered because they cannot get into the best school for the vocation they want. In-turn, they do not get a degree from the best college, which will best qualify them for the job market. Is that fair? Should people who want the best or themselves and their family be told they can’t have those opportunities because they are white?

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Guest Vern Gagne
I like Stern every now and then, but I think that once he divorced his wife and got a "hot" girlfriend, he lost a lot of his edge.  All of the sudden his stories were about how hot his girlfriend is and that they had so much fun last night. 

No more Jokeman! :( I only see the E! show, and I can tell how much Artie sucks.


They could spend 20 minutes making fun of Jackie.

Artie Lange is awesome. Jackie the Jokeman was awful- He thought he was hot shit and in the end he learned no one gave a crap about him. I'm glad Artie is on the show- He's always making me laugh

You're missing my point. Jackie the Jokeman was so bad he was funny. Him thinking he was this great comedian made it only better.

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Guest bob_barron

Oops- I understand you- I was afraid someone liked Jackie the Jokeman

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Guest Slapnuts00

I usually dont feel like searching the net for articles, but Im in a giving mood :-) There's a long article here: http://archive.salon.com/news/feature/2003...vage/index.html

and from it


Born 60 years ago in the Bronx, Weiner has lived in Northern California for most of his adult life, making a living as an herbalist and nutritionist. He communed with Fijian traditional healers, got married in a rain forest and studied ethno-medicine at the University of California at Berkeley. He swam naked with Allen Ginsberg, dreamed of being the next Lenny Bruce and wrote a rambling novel about a half-mad alter ego. His son's middle name is Goldencloud. For years, he made a name cranking out a pile of books on alternative medicine, recommending bizarre remedies such as using vitamin C to stop AIDS and kicking cocaine with coffee enemas.

Since Weiner's conservative leanings took a hard right turn, he's complained that he was held back because of his race, gender and political beliefs. He currently gripes that no institute of higher education would hire him, despite his qualifications. "I discovered I could not gain a professorship even after applying many times," he writes in "The Savage Nation." "My crime? I was a white male."

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