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Guest BoboBrazil

Some Notes From The New Torch

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Guest BoboBrazil

-Mike Sanders has been told that he won't be booked on TNA shows for the foreseeable future. Sanders has never been a favorite of Jeff Jarrett, but the word is that Vince Russo has been trying to talk Jarrett into using Sanders again. "Mike doesn't do himself any favors," said one wrestler who noted the locker room heat Sanders has developed because of his often brash personality...


-There have been rumors that David Young will not be booked in the future. As of press time, the official word was that Young was simply told that he would not be booked for this show but was not given any indication that he would not be used again


-There has been a lot of talk that Goldylocks's role as the backstage interviewer will be reduced due to the new decision to eliminate the bulk of the pre-taped segments. Goldy has done live interview segments in the past, but the feeling now is that there won't be nearly as many backstage interview segments as there have been in the past. About the only segments that TNA plans to pre-tape are the sit-down interviews, the Interrogators segment, and the vignettes with Konnan, Ron Killings, and B.G. James...


-Lots of speculation that Crash Holly will be brought in for a match


-Bull Buchanan received a tryout match a couple of weeks ago on Xplosion. TNA officials went so far as to have a new outfit made for Buchanan, so it won't be surprising if he debuts in a new gimmick soon


-TNA will not be holding live pay-per-views for two weeks in September, as the Fairgrounds will be unavailable due to the state fair taking place. There was some talk of pre-taping two weeks worth of shows or even moving to a different location, but the latest plan is to take those weeks off and air "Best of TNA" shows on pay-per-view those weeks...

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Guest JHawk

I'd rather see them start that tour they've been talking about for the last six months and do two live broadcasts as part of the tour.


That's just me though.

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Guest ConspiracyVictim

Damn...no more David Young? Well I guess that gives him more time to wrestle elsewhere and impress more people. The guy is good...im sad TNA isnt gonna book him anymore

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Guest TheGame2705

Gee just when I start to be comfortable and enjoy TNA they say they aren't gonna book one of my favs? Ugh, fucking Jeff Jarrett. I'll save my bitter rant on mr. white bread for another time.

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Guest bob_barron
Mike Sanders has been told that he won't be booked on TNA shows for the foreseeable future. Sanders has never been a favorite of Jeff Jarrett, but the word is that Vince Russo has been trying to talk Jarrett into using Sanders again. "Mike doesn't do himself any favors," said one wrestler who noted the locker room heat Sanders has developed because of his often brash personality...




You're fired

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Well, I had been a fan of Sanders when he came in, but he wasn't given stuff to work with and with what he was doing, it wasn't impressive.


Too bad David Young is out, I think a feud with Siaki earlier in the year would've worked.


And please! NO BEST OF AIRINGS! Just move to a different place!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



Best of shows will only further screw up the week counting systems.


Quick...let's all email TNA that they must pre-tape shows!!!!!

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Guest BrokenWings

No more David Young? Bah. I enjoyed his work.


As for Mike Sanders, I can't exactly say the same. *Begins the "na-na-na-na hey hey hey goodbye song"*

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I hope Dames NEVER finds this thread.


But yeah...count me in for the David Young fan club.

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Guest Zack Malibu

My guess is they aren't booking him since they can't really payoff the split with Siaki with Desire on the injured list (since they appeared to be going that way).


As for Sanders, some of his situation reeks of Bischoff canning X-Pac to "send a message" to Hall and Nash. Perhaps this is what someone is doing to Russo?

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Too late, Bps...too late.


Honestly, I'll miss Sanders, but it's not like he was doing anything to make me mark out as of late anyway.



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Guest BoboBrazil

I remember when everyone was clamoring for Mike Sanders to debut for TNA and now everyone hates him. He has been a disappointment though.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I don't hate him, but I agree the run has been lackluster.

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Guest goodhelmet

can someone give me an example... just one... where mike sanders actually had a really good match (not a passable or watchable) but really good match?


can you point to me a promo that didn't have ric flair in it to make you say "this kid is CHARISMATIC~!"


good riddance mike sanders! auf wiedersehn!

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Guest The Notorious CRD

Sanders is a horrible wrestler IMO, but gold on the stick. TNA doesn't really have a need for guys like that though.


I do hope they reconsider about not using David Young though. I liked him.

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Guest bob_barron
can someone give me an example... just one... where mike sanders actually had a really good match (not a passable or watchable) but really good match?


can you point to me a promo that didn't have ric flair in it to make you say "this kid is CHARISMATIC~!"


good riddance mike sanders! auf wiedersehn!

Ummmmm- He can say the word 'hey'.


That's about it

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Guest JacK

*sniffle* I still liked Sanders! He was cool! That whole ~Hey!~ thing had me cheering for him so very quickly; it was just so damn cheesy; but I still loved it!


He may have been nothing special in the ring and all; but he was alright; there are worse people than him . . .


Oh well; I spose I've only seen him wrestle three times; but then again; that's more than I've seen Raven. (it's not my fault; really; I'm an Aussie, we didn't get Heat, I don't have PayTV to watch Heat even if we did; and so it is quite difficult to watch any wrestling at all without resorting to some form of scabbing/begging/pleading/leaching off people)


We'll miss seeing Mike. Well; at least *I* will.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

They have nothing for Sanders, gold on the mic, to do...and nothing for Young, pretty damn good in the ring, to do...


...yet I STILL see Vince Russo on my TV...


Sanders = good on mic

Young = good in ring

Gee...think you could, I don't know, have Sanders MANAGE Young? Have Siaki beat down Young, or something, due to Russo...and Sanders was beat down by The Harris Bros. before...so they could, I don't know, TURN and be all "yay tradition"...?

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Sanders was extremely dissapointing in the ring. I blame those faggy tights during the majoriy of his stint. But on the mic, he was fucking awesome. All this firing, politics, Jarrett not "passing the torch" (if you will)...he can be the next Shane Douglas! :rolleyes:


Young didn't impress me too much. He was great for a guy his size, but he wasn't given much in the way of standout matches, imo. I do have this feeling he'll get a WWE tryout before long though. I also have a major hope that if he does, he's hired, renamed David Anderson & will have Arn manage him as the newest Anderson familty member. I'd love that.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Won't happen. Young being hired by WWE? Ha! Young would need about a foot of height, 1/3 the talent he has, long hair so he can get a haircut, some sort of facial hair besides the weak goatee, and a bad moveset. Also, the AA management? Nope. It would require acknowledging the non-WWF/WWE past.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Therein lies the power of hope: so when shit happens you can brag, & when it doesn't you'll bitch. God i love the IWC. ;)

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Guest JacK

Maybe I could make a petition and mail it to TNA about getting Sanders rehired (I'd add David Young as well; but best not to be greedy).


I reckon someone would get a laugh out of a petition arriving with only one signature on it.

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Guest the 1inch punch
can someone give me an example... just one... where mike sanders actually had a really good match (not a passable or watchable) but really good match?


can you point to me a promo that didn't have ric flair in it to make you say "this kid is CHARISMATIC~!"

He had some decent cruiser matches near the end of WCW, and some of his HWA stuff is really good


The Initial NBT Promo was gold

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Guest DarkHollywood

I'm not a big fan of either guy, so it's not a big blow to TNA to me.


Whatever happend to David Flair & Brian Christopher? They seemed to have disapeared, or maybe I haven't watched for last three weeks.

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Guest BrokenWings

Wait.. you're not disappointed to see Sanders or Young go, but you're interested in Brian Christopher and David Flair?!


Brian Christopher's laugh is honestly one of the most annoying things and wrestlers, and because of the fact he does it 900 times a match, it ruins it for me.


...how I loathe Brian Christopher :angry: :P

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Brian Lawler is a waste of sperm. It's amazing how bad he is when not in a good tag team (Too Cool was pretty good). I don't care if i ever see him again.


David Flair just needs to be in a training facility. He's not a great worker, or even any good, but i think a lot of the bias with him is that his dad set the bar so high, so he went from sucky wrestler to really fucking sucky son of a legend. They need to hire Reid.

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Guest Deviant

I can live without either man on my TV, but shouldn't it be "Na na na na, na na na na, HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY, HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYY, HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYY, Goodbye"? Or would that be too long?


Less interviews, pre-tapes, anything but wrestling = good. I get the feeling that they'll be replaced by Russo in-ring promo though.


Brian Lawler is one of the worst of all time. His music is my cue to leave/change channel/fast forward. Seriously, go watch Anarchy in the Asylum, just how many low blows does he go for? By all right, D'Lo's nuts should have been seriously battered, and he sure as hell wouldn't have been able to compete. Dumbass. And then there is Lawler's acting, selling, character, look and everything else that makes a good wrestler. I seriously cannot remember a good Lawler match that he played a significant part in.

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