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Guest Digapony

Your Favorite Directors

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Guest Digapony

Since I'm new here, I wish to bring up (for my own referential needs) a topic I'm sure has been done to death: Favorite Directors.


Also, since I'm bringing it up, I'll place the heftiest burden on myself and list my 100 favorites:


1. Francois Truffaut

2. Akira Kurosawa

3. Alfred Hitchcock

4. Martin Scorsese

5. Billy Wilder

6. Jean Luc Godard

7. William Wyler

8. Stanley Kubrick

9. Frank Capra

10. John Ford

11. Howard Hawks

12. John Huston

13. Ingmar Bergman

14. Joel Coen

15. Fritz Lang

16. David Lean

17. Sidney Lumet

18. Orson Welles

19. Robert Altman

20. George Cuckor

21. Federico Fellini

22. Luis Bunuel

23. Charlie Chaplin

24. Woody Allen

25. Roman Polanksi

26. Terry Gilliam

27. Jim Jarmusch

28. Sergio Leone

29. Michael Powell

30. Emeric Pressburger

31. Andrei Tarkovsky

32. Paul Thomas Anderson

33. Oliver Stone

34. Peter Weir

35. Fred Zinnemann

36. Lewis Milestone

37. Mel Brooks

38. John Woo

39. Sam Peckinpah

40. Brian De Palma

41. Vittorio De Sica

42. Wes Anderson

43. Rene Clair

44. Milos Forman

45. John Frankenheimer

46. Lasse Hallstrom

47. Elia Kazan

48. Terrence Malick

49. Hiroshi Inagaki

50. David Lynch

51. Spike Lee

52. Joseph L. Mankiewicz

53. Stephen Frears

54. Krzysztof Kieslowski

55. David Fincher

56. Arthur Penn

57. George Stevens

58. Preston Sturges

59. Jacques Tati

60. Michael Mann

61. Quentin Tarantino

62. Pedro Almadovar

63. Sergei Eisenstein

64. Henri-Georges Clouzot

65. Carl Theodore Dryer

66. Cameron Crowe

67. Alejandro Amenabar

68. James L. Brooks

69. Francis Ford Coppola

70. Blake Edwards

71. William Friedkin

72. Yimou Zhang

73. Werner Herzog

74. George Roy Hill

75. Philip Kaufman

76. Curtis Hanson

77. Spike Jonze

78. Louis Malle

79. Ernst Lubitsch

80. Richard Linklater

81. Carol Reed

82. Vincente Minnelli

83. F.W. Murnau

84. Mike Nichols

85. Sydney Pollack

86. Otto Preminger

87. Stanley Kramer

88. Alain Resnais

89. John McTiernan

90. John Carpenter

91. John Sayles

92. John Sturges

93. William Wellman

94. John Schlesinger

95. Alan Parker

96. Christopher Nolan

97. Mikhail Kalatozov

98. Henry Koster

99. Victor Fleming

100. Dario Argento

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Guest Youth N Asia
Christopher Nolan is my favorite director.

Same for right now...although that could change after the next Batman movie.

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Guest El Satanico

In no order and probably not complete


Stanley Kubrick

Orson Welles

Alfred Hitchcock

Martin Scorsese

Joel Coen

Terry Gilliam

Sam Peckinpah

David Lynch

Quentin Tarantino

Cameron Crowe

Francis Ford Coppola

George Roy Hill

Christopher Nolan

Darren Aronofsky

Dario Argento

James Whale

Roman Polanski

Tim Burton

George A. Romero

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Guest Nevermortal

David Fincher

PT Anderson

Francis Ford Coppola

Martin Scorcese

Guy Ritchie

Kevin Smith

Darren Aronofsky

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Guest HellSpawn

My memory is not at 100% right now but...


Wes Craven

Dario Argento

Renny Harlin


And the associates with Jerry Bruckheimer.

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Guest Downhome
Christopher Nolan is my favorite director.

Same for right now...although that could change after the next Batman movie.

If anyone can bring some respect and the such back to the Dark Knight, it's Christopher Nolan.

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Guest DVD Spree

Man, I couldn't name 100 directors (I don't think I could, anyway). Kudos.


My personal favourite Western director would be Paul Verhoeven, and favourite Asian director is Stephen Chow.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine

John Woo (his asian work + Face/Off) and Shinichirô Watanabe, I guess.


My favourite Western director would probably be David Fincher, but it's hard to choose just one.


Sergio Leone, too.

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Guest godthedog
And the associates with Jerry Bruckheimer.

my god...you ARE a spawn from hell.


my favorites, in some kind of vague order:


orson welles

paul thomas anderson (shut up)


jean-luc godard


david lynch

wong kar wai

zhang yimou

vittorio de sica

tony scott (my favorite hack, had to put him on the list)


and last but not least...






i kid, i kid.

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Guest godthedog
Christopher Nolan is my favorite director.

Same for right now...although that could change after the next Batman movie.

If anyone can bring some respect and the such back to the Dark Knight, it's Christopher Nolan.

i still say fincher would be a better choice.

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Guest eiker_ir

no order really


- John Carpenter

- Sam Raimi

- Wes Craven

- David Fincher

- Stanley Kubrick

- Tim Burton

- James CAmeron

- Kevin Smith

- Quentin Tarantino

- Dario Argento

- George Romero

- Guillermo del Toro

- Peter Jackson



and more i'm forgeting right now

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

Some of my favourites in alphabetical order


Luis Buñuel

Claude Chabrol

Federico Fellini

Jean-Luc Godard

Howard Hawks

Werner Herzog

Alfred Hitchcock

Jim Jarmusch

Stanley Kubrick

Akira Kurosawa

Sergio Leone

Michael Mann

Roman Polanski

Martin Scorsese

Francois Truffaut

Orson Welles

Zhang Yimou

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

1. Joel Schumacher

2. Michael Bay

3. McG

4. Ridley Scott

5. Tony Scott

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Guest Digapony

Would you believe I have yet to see anything by Chabrol?


Could I possibly entice you to provide some recommendations?

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

Why ofcourse I can...


Alot of people seem to consider Le Boucher (aka The Butcher) to be his best film, which I can definitely understand, though I personally prefer This Man Must Die (aka The Beast Must Die, Killer! and Que la Bete Meure). La Femme Infidele is very good as well. For more recent films La Ceremonie impressed me greatly and is one of my favourite films of the 90's, and I also enjoyed Rien ne va Plus (The Swindle) and Story of Women very much.


As for some films that I haven't seen, but are generally highly regarded, Ten Days' Wonder, Le Biches, Les Bonnes Femmes, Le Cousins and Nada are supposedly very good as well.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Off the top of my head:

John Ford

Howard Hawks

Terrence Young

George Cukor

Henry Hathaway

Don Siegel

Clint Eastwood

Orson Welles

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

In no order:


- Spike Lee


- Ridley Scott


- Cameron Crowe


- Kevin Smith


- Quentin Tarantino


- Christopher Nolan


- Peter Jackson


- John Carpenter


- Francis Ford Coppola


- Ron Howard (Although, he can be overrated at times)


- Michael Bay


- Martin Scorcese


- Sam Raimi


- F Gary Gray (Sue me)


- Wes Craven


- Michael Mann

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Guest La Parka Es Mi Papa

1. Stanley Kubrick

2. Quentin Tarentino

3. David Lynch

4. Alfred Hitchcock

5. Akira Kurosawa

6. Martin Scorcese

7. Orson Welles

8. Luis Buñuel

9. Sam Raimi

10. Frances Ford Coppola

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Guest godthedog

why all the zhang yimou love? i mean, i know why I love him, but why do the others love him?

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

Though I was uncertain as to whether or not to include Yimou, as I don't feel that I've seen quite enough of his work to judge him fairly, I threw him in there on the strength of Ju Dou alone. In that and Hero (but Ju Dou mainly) I found enough stunning visuals and beautifully crafted narratives that I just had to include him. Can't wait to see more of his work.

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Guest godthedog

wow...you put him on there and you didn't even see 'raise the red lantern'? that's weird, 'lantern' is usually the one everybody creams over. good reason to as well, the story isn't quite worthy of the visuals, but the visuals are seriously the greatest i've ever seen in any movie. we watched it in an east asian cinema class, and the class was totally divided on it: the comp lit majors who thought the plot was shit, and the film majors who thought it was great.


he's a pretty good storyteller...nothing mind-blowing, but generally strong. his strongest story is probably 'qiu ju'. but the visuals are always his real strength, and really the only reason he's on my list.


sadly, 'ju dou' is one that i have not seen.

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