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Guest Zack Malibu

Feedbackin' It

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Guest Zack Malibu

OK guys, I think the show came out OK, but if it looks rushed, I apologize. I'm headed out now, but I'll be back in a bit. Leave your thoughts, likes/dislikes, marriage proposals, etc. for me!

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

holee shit, i was the focus of tonights show


Guess I am the most hated man around




Fuck, here, right now, I'm challenging AS and SG and Cabose next week to a 6 man tag...


but who will be my partner?


umm, i dont know



i did like the show, but it aws a bit rushed

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I haven't read the show yet, but I was wondering if I messed up. Stephen Joseph was supposed to be in the building tonight right?


I used him in the end of my match and then realized I might have messed up.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Great show.


K Money vs. Ragz is gonna ROCK THE WORLD.








...I need to start writing more or something.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Many of you are probably wondering why the hell both Slacker and Choko are currently on the IR. I'll be moving here soon so I don't know when the heck I'll have myself back up online. I'm assuming that I'll be back up after License To Pin, but who knows? So until then, both Choko and Slacker are on the IR and will be back once I've moved fully and gotten set up.


Good hD, although rushed is pretty much what I'd call this one.

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Guest What?

Good show, I must say




Feedback on my promo? Good? Crap? In the Middle?

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I loved the show, and props to HSJ for writing a great Tag Match. I'm really liking this angle with him and I.

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Guest caboose

The battle royal was crazy good. The counter/reversal sequence between me and AS was cool. Despite me being a lazy fuck who contributes nothing but cheap jokes and crap, I get booked like a monster.


The show was good in my opinion. Didn't seem rushed. Promos were good.


And Popick challenge accepted.

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Guest caboose



Coach:"This could get very interesting! These two are allies, and this is the first time they've stood face to face as opponents of any sort!"


Caboose and Some Guy were opponents in the Caboose Vs. Some Guy Vs. AlfDogg Triple Threat match at Anglepalooza 2002.


Boy I really hope Coach got fired for that one...



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Guest Zack Malibu


Coach:"This could get very interesting! These two are allies, and this is the first time they've stood face to face as opponents of any sort!"


Caboose and Some Guy were opponents in the Caboose Vs. Some Guy Vs. AlfDogg Triple Threat match at Anglepalooza 2002.


Boy I really hope Coach got fired for that one...



It was within HeldDOWN~! continuity.


And HOW did you pick up on that? Aren't you lazy?

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Guest Big Poppa Popick



pm me about what you think about what should happen in the 6man




ill try n fill you in on ltp stuff so you know how thigns are headed...me n as worked up a stuff

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Guest caboose


Coach:"This could get very interesting! These two are allies, and this is the first time they've stood face to face as opponents of any sort!"


Caboose and Some Guy were opponents in the Caboose Vs. Some Guy Vs. AlfDogg Triple Threat match at Anglepalooza 2002.


Boy I really hope Coach got fired for that one...



It was within HeldDOWN~! continuity.


And HOW did you pick up on that? Aren't you lazy?

Direct your eyes to my member title.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

I need to apologize to Axel, Crystal, and everyone on HD for the craptacular match I wrote. I was in a rush, and put together what was going to be the planned end of the match, with Crystal getting the pin on Heyross. I also had Brock get injured, because right now, I don't know what's going on, since I'm moving to one place, and the rest of my family is moving to another, and I'm sure they are taking my comp. So I may be out for awhile, until I fix my old comp, or buy a brand new one and wait for it to ship. Hopefully, I will be able to write some promos for the coming HD's and write the planned Brock vs. Axel match at LTP.

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Hey dude, I though the match was good. It was my first match, and it is a good angle to go on with. I'm looking foward to really building up this feud.

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