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Gert T

Best Baseball Game

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Guest Lightning Flik

Depends. High Heat is more of an Arcady game and MVP is more Simy.


Really depends on which you like more. They both are high quality games.

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I've heard the vote be pretty much split between High Heat and MVP. Although I have heard people say they don't like the angle that the pitching comes from on MVP...

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Guest Lightning Flik
I've heard the vote be pretty much split between High Heat and MVP. Although I have heard people say they don't like the angle that the pitching comes from on MVP...

Really??? Shit, I love it like that. Besides if you go into the menu you can readily change it to centerized view.

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Guest DrTom

Since when has High Heat been an "arcady" game? It's always been a good sim. Granted, I don't have the 2004 version, but unless 3DO really went into the shitter with how they build their baseball game, I have a hard time believing it's no longer a good sim. HH2003 was tremendous, outdone only slightly by Sega's WSB 2k3.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Good thing you dont have a Gamecube.


Your only choice for baseball is All Star Baseball 2004 (unless you consider games like Slugfest or unlicensed Crushed baseball), and while its a good game, if HH or some other game was available I would have gotten them.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Since when has High Heat been an "arcady" game? It's always been a good sim. Granted, I don't have the 2004 version, but unless 3DO really went into the shitter with how they build their baseball game, I have a hard time believing it's no longer a good sim. HH2003 was tremendous, outdone only slightly by Sega's WSB 2k3.

Sorry, I just meant to say that it had a more arcady feel to it (although it really isn't). My bad.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

High Heat.


You can actually pitch a thrilling 2-1 ballgame!!!!


I love it.

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Guest Choken One

Yep. I got High Heat on right now...


I am the Reds in the NLCS game six right now against San Fran and the game 2-2 in the top of the 8th with Schmidt throwing 10 Ks on me and giving up 3 hits (2 solos shots from Casey and a Triple from Larkin)


and Graves has struck out 1 batter (BONDS!) But given up 11 hits but only Bonds could get two runs in with his homer in the 7th...



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Guest Big McLargeHuge

MVP Baseball. I've played it non-stop since buying it a month or so ago. It's the first in the series (don't let anyone ever tell you it's a dressed up Triple Play title) so I'd probably go with High Heat at this point.


I will be pre-ordering MVP BB 2004. Though I haven't heard much about it.

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