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Guest cpac

DVD Idea

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Guest cpac

How much money do you think the WWE would make if they let you do this? WWE sets up a webpage with every match, promo, everything that has ever been recorded with the time of each thing. They give you 6 hours of footage to fill on your dvd and you can choose anything. So it is a custom made dvd for lets say 30 dollars.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

Awesome idea, but I think it's just plain unfeasible.

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It's a good freakin idea...but the problem is the space. Do you know how much space that owuld take up on a server and would cost them a TON every month. They would probably end up losing money in the end.

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Guest mach7
It's a good freakin idea...but the problem is the space. Do you know how much space that owuld take up on a server and would cost them a TON every month. They would probably end up losing money in the end.

They don't necessarily have to PUT the footage on the servers. Text descriptions could do just fine. I don't see why it's not feasible, CDNOW used to do it with music [i don't know if they do anymore since they were swallowed up by Amazon.crap].

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Guest cpac

I meant that you pick what you want from the lists, the WWE makes it for you and mails it to you.

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Guest DerangedHermit

That seems cool, but it won't happen. Too much of a problem.

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Guest cpac

I dont think it would be a problem. WWE has easy access to all of the footage. All you have to do is choose what you want and they put it on a dvd for you. Maybe giving the royalties to the wrestlers would be a problem but that can be solved. I dont know for sure how much money they would make but it would be alot. I would buy at least several hundred dollars worth of dvd's if they ever did that.

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Oh, ok...i thought you meant downloading from the web to your hard drive...my bad


Cdnow does it but these are long video files......take tons of space

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

that would be.....so awesome. Thats seriously an amazing idea, and im sure tons of smarks and marks alike would buy them.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Disneyland did the same thing with mechanical machines that you could make CDs of various ride soundtracks, including a lot of "waiting in line" sounds, some bathroom music, music to rides that aren't around now, and even the "Your car has temporarily stopped. Please remain seated and wait.." speils.



Why they took them down? In simple terms they made it well known they didn't want to see these things over the Peer To Peer networks, but since there's no way to put any kind of worthwhile copy protection into these things, they wound up online for free download.


Poof, machines go bye-bye. I'd see the same thing happening here.

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Guest Hayabusa Moleman

Completely unfeasible. Making a DVD isn't a 5 minute affair. All the footage would have to be converted to digital format which Vince won't find worth it since alot of the old footage would not get bought. Then to have people sit there and splice things would take alot of manpower. Making a custom DVD isn't as simple as pressing play on one thing and record on the other. I'd love to see something like this, but it'll never happen.

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Guest The Czech Republic

I propsed custom match tapes like a year ago I think. VHS is slightly more feasible than DVD but it's a dying format. Personally I think they should just release more footage on their upcoming DVDs instead of recycling stuff we've seen many times. Case in point the Michaels DVD.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Great Idea... Im-fucking-possible to do. If you ordered now, you'd be lucky to get the DVD by 2006.

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Guest The Czech Republic

off topic...do you think we'll ever get a double-disc Chris Benoit DVD, let alone single-disc? Drool at the possibilities.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The DVD was made for a Best-of-Benoit...


Will we ever get one? Yeah, when pigs fly... sadly, it was Shane who jumped off the SS00 entrance set and not Steph...

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Guest Space_Cowboy

It would be very awesome, but unfortunately it's a pipedream.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

There are few fictional DVDs i'd consider/would buy (Flair, Hogan & HBK come to mind). As for fictional:

Bret Hart (have to be Hogan sized, natch)

4 Horsemen (Wargames, need i say more)

Best of PPVs (Most of '97)

Best Of tHe Cruiserweights (no chance in hell)

Best of Randy Savage (wouldn't matter whats on it, since i love the guy)

Best of WCW/ECW (matches picked by former stars)

& finally Best of the Cage (Wargames. HITC, plain Cage, etc. Magnum/Tully I Quit included)


Interesting idea, but it's kind of implausable. Plus, it makes too much sense.

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Guest Coffey

Part of the reason I collect DVD's is for the cover art. How could this work with cover art? They could ship all the created DVD's in the same case, or a variation of cases. What would it say though "Your WWE CD!" No thanks.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

If WWE really wants to go balls out on this whole From the Vault idea, why don't they come out with a 4 DVD Set of the Best of Saturday Night's Main Event? I really think the SNME logo would sell on its own because MANY current non-wrestling fans grew up with that show and may just gobble it up for the Pop Culture if nothing else.

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Guest JHawk

Why not just release Saturday Night's Main Event as complete episodes? They could use "the complete season" as their marketing tool for it.


Just include the May 1985 show (the first) with the first full season and the two FOX shows with the last full season.


That's six separate purchases and I think a lot of people would buy those.


Remember, someone had a petition about a year ago to put Wrestling Challenge on DVD. Yes, jobber squashes galore on DVD.


If there's a market for Challenge, there has to be one for SNME.

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