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Guest Dillon Likes Bossman

Paul London signed

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Guest BoboBrazil

Cena was good on the mic before OVW got him. OVW had nothing to do with his mic skills.

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Guest bob_barron

To celebrate London's signing-

I finally popped in my copy of Epic Encounter.




WWE did a great job in picking him up

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Guest bob_barron
I'm ecstatic that I get to see Paul London show everyone that dreams can come true.

If that's what entertains you, go rent Dumbo.


If this guy is that good, why do you want him to go to OVW for a year so he can come back and job to Albert?

Because this is what Paul London has worked for his whole life and as someone who has followed him throughout his ROH career- I'm happy that all his hard work in ROH has paid off for him

::highlights and underlines "jobbing to Albert"::


Really paid off for him.


His dream will be his personal nightmare.

I understand your cynicism AS and I know where it's coming from.


But you haven't followed Paul London like I have. You didn't watch him completely captivate you and make you a believer based on one match. That's what Paul London did to me- He made me a believer- He made me think he would defeat Xavier for the title.


Ever since that fateful December night- I've become a big Paul London mark and I've tried to read up on him as much as I can. And he's always said he's wanted to go to WWE and that that was his dream.


So the fact that today he officially lived his dream makes me a happy person. And if ever jobs to A-Train- sure I'll be dissapointed but right now I can be happy knowing I got to see someone who I believed in show me that dreams can come true

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Guest Anglesault
To celebrate London's signing-

I finally popped in my copy of Epic Encounter.




WWE did a great job in picking him up

Has "jobbing to Albert" not sunk in yet?

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Guest Jimmy Saint

If you were to compare his promos at the start of his run in OVW to those near the end you would see the difference. He learnt how to make proper wrestling TV in OVW, working good comedy skits and angles set up by Cornette. They may have been simple but they obviosly worked in his benifit. Also his inring work became massivly improved there especc having the chance to matches with people like Ric Flair on the bigger shows. Cena became much more ready to become a WWE superstar after his run in OVW I can't see how that could be denied if you had seen the progress.



Hopefully the same will be true of Paul London.

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Guest bob_barron
To celebrate London's signing-

I finally popped in my copy of Epic Encounter.




WWE did a great job in picking him up

Has "jobbing to Albert" not sunk in yet?

Nope- I'm just happy seeing one of my favourites make it to the big leagues.


Now I have to start investing in OVW though

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Guest HartFan86

Yeah, I need to start buying OVW stuff, sounds intresting.



*gives a Paul London dropkick to whoever wants it*

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Guest Anglesault
I believed in show me that dreams can come true

I hate to play inspirational speaker, Bob, but...


Dreams do NOT come true.


The world, as a whole, sucks and is filled with people who will take your dreams and destroy them for their amusement.


Bob, life sucks. The only reason we put up with it is because it just slightly beats the alternative.

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Guest Jimmy Saint
Now I have to start investing in OVW though

Trust me its worth it.



Dinsmore, Conway, Jeter etc are some of the best on the indies, who most don't get the chance to see. Cornette also seems to have a midas touch of making practicly anyone watchable and put into entertaining matches and feuds ie recently the APA who looked like a whole other team there. Plus you have awesome commentry by Cornette. Rock solid and logical booking too making you think kayfabe is alive and well.


Which it still is to the rednecks in kentuckiana.



Plus they all hate Nova which is always a good thing.

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Guest bob_barron
Yeah, I need to start buying OVW stuff, sounds intresting.



*gives a Paul London dropkick to whoever wants it*

::Hits HartFan with the London Calling::


I'm sorry AS- This is one thing that I cannot be negative about

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Guest Trivia247

now they need to Hunt down ECW/Indi great


"The Giant" Paul Lauria and throw him against the Big Show

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Guest Sakura

From where I sit London is a fresh, young talent who is a Future main event player in this industry but right now there is Too much sizzle and not enough steak. Until this guy gets The look, can Work the WWE style and is able to Connect with the fans by Telling a story in the ring like an Old school style wrestler at a Methodical pace in his Catch as catch can matches he will be banished to OVW. Even when he gets to the big show it will be ages until he is pushed because It takes time to build new stars. Don't worry though, he has all the time in the world, WWE isn't going anywhere. Though there is a Down turn in the cycle now it's Because of the war and soon huge money drawing programs with older Brand name stars will create a Boost in the ratings. It won't be easy for him, but This ain't ballet.

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Guest Anglesault
Yeah, I need to start buying OVW stuff, sounds intresting.



*gives a Paul London dropkick to whoever wants it*

::Hits HartFan with the London Calling::


I'm sorry AS- This is one thing that I cannot be negative about

I don't want to say that you're setting yourself up for a fall, but, you know.

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Guest Anglesault
From where I sit London is a fresh, young talent who is a Future main event player in this industry but right now there is Too much sizzle and not enough steak. Until this guy gets The look, can Work the WWE style and is able to Connect with the fans by Telling a story in the ring like an Old school style wrestler at a Methodical pace in his Catch as catch can matches he will be banished to OVW. Even when he gets to the big show it will be ages until he is pushed because It takes time to build new stars. Don't worry though, he has all the time in the world, WWE isn't going anywhere. Though there is a Down turn in the cycle now it's Because of the war and soon huge money drawing programs with older Brand name stars will create a Boost in the ratings. It won't be easy for him, but This ain't ballet.


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Guest TheCrowCall

Like Bob Barron, I am beyond happy about his signing. I've loved his matches on Velocity against John Cena and Matt Hardy, and I've seen one ROH match of his from "Road To The Title" against Spanky that I enjoyed very much and thought was beyond awesome. I can't wait to see him on WWE TV regularly, but in the meantime...


Does anyone happen to know the best place to get OVW tapes at the best prices?


~ Pac

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Guest Choken One

I could Care less...


But good for him. Dreams coming true and all...



Ya gotta take AS "dreams not coming true " post as an indicator that his ass never got what he wanted in life and has taught himself the lie that Dreams don't come true...

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Guest ShooterJay

you could probably buy them off the main site. I know a tape dealer that has older ones, but not current.

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Guest subliminal_animal
Really...after all the feuding they've done...of course, it's WWE, so they'd totally forget about it and make them a tag team anyways, like they did with the Basham "brothers"

The WWE shouldn't be restricted by the continuity of other federations. You might have a point with the Basham thing, as OVW is the WWE development territory, but unless the WWE is completely controlling the booking down there, they shouldn't be compelled to act within it. They have more than enough problems with their own writing to deal with OVW too.


With London and Shane, you're being an idiot. The WWE is at fault for wanting to ignore a feud they had in an organization that's below the radar of the vast majority of their audience?


You strike me as the kind of guy that's going to be kicking the shit out this company no matter what. Even with so many other things that could be easily criticized, albeit mostly horses beaten long past death, you reach for something like this.


Think next time, instead of filtering everything through a lens of unwarranted cynicism that just makes you look like a jackass in the end.

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Plus they all hate Nova which is always a good thing.

What? You don't like Nova? What are you on?

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Guest Choken One

Who WOULD like Nova?


I never got the OMG~! reaction he gets around these parts...


He isn't that good fellas...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I remember when signing Rey Rey meant that the cruisers were finally going to get a push.


While, Rey got one. Then they dumped him back into cruiser hell and he ran headfirst into the A-TRAIN!!!!!!!!!

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Guest The Upright Man
I didn't hear Kidman complaining when Brock Lesnar did it. I hope they let him do the London Calling- Kidman can go fuck himself if he doesn't like it.

Why would Kidman have a problem with London doing his cradle DDT?

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Guest Anglesault
Ya gotta take AS "dreams not coming true " post as an indicator that his ass never got what he wanted in life and has taught himself the lie that Dreams don't come true...

Dreams do NOT come true.


This will turn into a living nightmare for him. Why anyone is disputing that, I don't know.


really like Nova. He could do alow in a Tag Team with Hurricane.


Nova invented the Hurricane

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Guest Deviant

Face it, Anglesault is right. The best part is that London will get one or two initial SD matches and everyone will come back here and say "See Anglesault! You were just being overly negative for no reason again! London is doing fine." Then, two weeks later, A-Train and Velocity. I mark for London just like the rest of you, but you know that Velocity is his home now. Sad but true.


5 Star blatantly ripped off my idea for the Hurricane/Nova tag team, the son of a bitch... Anyway, I think they would make a great team, and yes AS, on the money once again, Hurricane is basically a Nova rip off, but that doesn't change the fact that they would both compliment each other nicely and actually add something to the thing Raw calls a tag division.

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Guest bob_barron
I didn't hear Kidman complaining when Brock Lesnar did it. I hope they let him do the London Calling- Kidman can go fuck himself if he doesn't like it.

Why would Kidman have a problem with London doing his cradle DDT?

Oops- I got the moves mixed up. Sorry about that

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