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Lil' Bitch

What could Christian do to make himself

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Just about everybody likes Edge.


And Christian has always been put down / hated by. Why is that? Christian is getting somewhere. What do you think would improve himself as both a wrestler and a singles champion (Yes, I know he lost the title by the way) ?

Edited by Rico_Constantino

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Guest ViciousFish

Well since he never won a single televised match as the IC champ he might wanna push to be allowed to win matches. Even by dusty means. His first match with the belt he lost to Golddust then it was a series of countouts and intentional DQs

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As a wrestler? Use more actual moves. Less stomping, choking, and restholds. Heels don't HAVE to use incredibly bad offense.


As a champ? They'd need to actually put him over people. Christian, as a character, did everything right. His promos were fine and he gets good heel heat from the crowd. It's all a matter of how he is booked.

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Guest eiker_ir

he has to win matches to gain credibility, even if cheating.


his first match as champion was at Raw, where he lost to Goldust to a powerslam, a powerslam!

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Guest Choken One

He needs to learn how to get a moveset other then Punch-Kick-Chinlock-Choke-Punch-Chinlock-DDT.


He can cut a decent mid-card heel promo but he doesn't connect with the crowd...


He was never cut out for Singles Dominace like his "brother" was...


Edge adapted and learned...


X just looks lost by himself...

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I think he should do some cardio so he won't have to bust out the restholds every other minute.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

I don't think it has much to do with Christian's conditioning. I mean, he's shown in the past that he's capable of more moves, but as a heel he can't use any of those. I think the logic is, and this is a dumb piece of logic at that, people will boo if you do basic stuff which the crowd normally shits on, thus the number of chokes, restholds and such.

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Guest Dangerous A

He needs to connect better with the crowd like Choken One suggested.


He needs to almost be reinvented. The current crowd doesn't buy him as anything except a lower midcard bum since they weren't buyin him as champ.

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Guest Raven_Effect01

Ever notice how when he was a face, he did more high-flying moves, unlike his current heel run? I'm not sure if he's got Sean Waltman syndrome or if it's WWE's style that has him not to fly much as a heel, but one thing's for sure, his current moveset is definitely not the talk of the town.

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