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Guest BoboBrazil

A Few WWE Notes From Thie 7/14 Observer

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Guest BoboBrazil

1. Jindrak will no longer become the 4th member of Evolution.


2. They are planning to build the US title around Eddy Guerrero as a wrestling belt.


3. Nathan Jones will spend a few weeks in OVW after coming back from Australia and getting his visa renewed. At this time it is only considered a short stay to get some ring rust off.


4. Chris Nowinski is suffering from post concussion syndrome, which is what ended Bret Hart's career.


5. Bret Hart was planning to go to the Calgary house show to meet with McMahon and other current wrestlers that he has never met, but all of the Montreal stuff on the last Raw soured him on the deal. Bret was planning on giving a farewell speech at Wrestlemania 20.


6. Mark Henry is someone on the edge at this point and if he doesn't make significant improvements in his new role as a heel his time may be up.


7. The original plan in the women's battle royal was to give Jacqueline the title and have her turn heel and go with Theodore Long. No reason why it is changed.


8. Smackdown is looking to add another strong Latino babyface, since the show is #1 with the Latino population in the US. Carly Colon might take this position.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"7. The original plan in the women's battle royal was to give Jacqueline the title and have her turn heel and go with Theodore Long. No reason why it is changed."


Someone realized that she was the worst choice possible??

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Guest HartFan86



Bret in MSG would of been so fuckin fitting.


And Vince fucked it up.




Edit: More latinos? Savio. Fucking. Vega.

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Guest BoboBrazil

No, it is his son Carly. He is going to use his father's name in the US though. Here is a pic:



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Guest Anglesault
3. Nathan Jones will spend a few weeks in OVW after coming back from Australia and getting his visa renewed. At this time it is only considered a short stay to get some ring rust off.

What about the ring suck?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Don't tell me they are planning on bringing Jones back. I thought they gave up!

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Great about Eddy. WWE may have smartened up, but of course the very next update is about this year's biggest fuckup getting another chance. I hate JR.

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Guest Anglesault
No, it is his son Carly. He is going to use his father's name in the US though. Here is a pic:



Now, I know I'm not "hip"


But why is he taking his pants off in that shot?

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Guest Choken One

Jindrak out? Good. They dont need a 4th guy.


Eddy used to build the U.S divison? GREAT!


Nathan Jones is coming back? We can't win all the time...


Damn Nowinski has a P.C.S? That sucks...let's hope it's not severe.


I don't even want to get started on Bret and Vince again.


Henry oughta just be Theodore's Bodyguard.


Jackie? The Champion? Gazooks!


Carly Colon being pushed? As long as it's not Billy Gunn...

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1. Jindrak will no longer become the 4th member of Evolution.


YES!!!!!!!!!! :headbang:


2. They are planning to build the US title around Eddy Guerrero as a wrestling belt.


YES!!!!!!!!!! So this means no Billy Gunn and the final being Benoit / Guerrero, right? :D


3. Nathan Jones will spend a few weeks in OVW after coming back from Australia and getting his visa renewed. At this time it is only considered a short stay to get some ring rust off.


What do you mean he hasn't been fired yet? :huh:


4. Chris Nowinski is suffering from post concussion syndrome, which is what ended Bret Hart's career.


NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alright, whose the culprit? :angry:


5. Bret Hart was planning to go to the Calgary house show to meet with McMahon and other current wrestlers that he has never met, but all of the Montreal stuff on the last Raw soured him on the deal. Bret was planning on giving a farewell speech at Wrestlemania 20.


Vince...you...are...a...fucking...IDIOT! :bonk:


6. Mark Henry is someone on the edge at this point and if he doesn't make significant improvements in his new role as a heel his time may be up.


He's still around? :lol:


7. The original plan in the women's battle royal was to give Jacqueline the title and have her turn heel and go with Theodore Long. No reason why it is changed.


NO!!!!!!!!!!! God damn it, I wanted Ivory to win! :angry:


8. Smackdown is looking to add another strong Latino babyface, since the show is #1 with the Latino population in the US. Carly Colon might take this position.


Who? No Juvi, Psychosis, or La Parka? What the fuck? :huh:

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho
Henry oughta just be Theodore's Bodyguard.

As long as he stays out of the ring, I'm all for it.

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Guest HartFan86

They can't fire Henry, I thought he was still under one of those huge 10 year contracts.


He's got like 3 years left.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Does this kid even have anything in the ring? I mean WTF...I've never even heard of him!

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

1. Good, now Jindrak will fall off the face of the earth like he should.


2. Also good, because that means it has at least occured to someone at WWE that Billy Gunn should not win.


3. Nathan Jones could be the next Mark Henry if he works hard enough.


4. ehhhh...dont care


5. ehhhh...dont care


6. ooo, I got an idea! Mark Henry/Nathan Jones tag team champions!


7. This one's funny


8. I feel pretty confident in saying htere are better Latino wrestlers in the world than Carly Colon.

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Guest subliminal_animal
Does this kid even have anything in the ring? I mean WTF...I've never even heard of him!

He does have a girl's name, but I guess if they want to call him Carlos, then he'll only have it out of the ring.

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Guest CanadianChick

I hope the Eddy part is accurate. Then I would be right. And I get to gloat to those who swore Billy would win and the finals would be Hardy and Billy. And we get a great Benoit vs. Eddy match. Bwhahah/

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Guest wrestlingbs

Oh, wrestling gods, please let Eddy win the title...


As much as I hate Evolution, I would have hated it more with Jindrak. He sucks, and he would further expose the group as the 4 horsemen ripoff it is.


That thing with Bret is moronic. More proof that Vince Mcmahon's worst enemy is Vince Mcmahon.

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Guest undisputedjericho

Since when is it written in stone that Benoit will be in the finals to face Eddie? Remember the 2000 King of the Ring, kiddies? (How can they possibly mess this up...)

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Guest HartFan86

I still have this feeling from 2 and a half years ago that wants me to see Benoit drop Billy Gunn on his head.

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Guest teke184

Since we all know it's obvious that they can screw up the US title tournament, let's see how they can REALLY screw it up...


I'd say the worst case scenario is a face-face match in the finals of Benoit vs. Billy Gunn because Benoit would have to turn heel but would STILL get bigger pops than Gunn, thus the office would blame him for not being a big enough heel. This would be even more illogical considering that *RHYNO* was the one supposed to turn heel out of the Benoit-Rhyno team.

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Guest Trevor567

Regarding the talk of a new Latino babyface on Smackdown, Meltzer didn't say that it would definitely be Carly Colon. He's just assuming himself that he may be a possibility since he's a developmental talent. Meltzer stated there's nobody specific in mind, but people have been talked with about the spot.

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Guest ShooterJay

About Colon- don't write him off immediately. The kid is supposed to be a kickass brawler.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

1.) Big deal. For all this means they picked Nash :lol:


2.) If this means an Eddie/Tajiri series for the title, i'm for it.


3.) Would continuity show now that Jones, Taker & APA are a stable? An evil biker, a (heh) armed robber & money for protection goons, together. But he'll be cut if he does shit this time around, i'm fairly certain.


4.) Damn, the one RAW guy people liked that didn't smoke weed or say "sucka." Here's hoping it's nothing serious. Of course, were this Goldberg or HHH, we'd be rejoicing.


5.) Fuck Vince for being an idiot, & Fuck Bret for even considering Vince had integrity, along with not letting go of Montreal. The fans would barely remember him anyway, & he should just bow out quietly because this "farewelll to the fans" thing won't pan out the way he wants. He might as well do it in WWA or TNA, because WWE is a pipedream. I can rant forever on Bret, both positive & negative, so i'll stop.


6.) Good to see he's on the edge of being fired after, oh, 7 years of sucking. Leave in OVW until his contract goes up, because if you won't quit after fucking Mae Young & fathering a hand, you WON'T quit.


7.) Who cares about the Women's division? When they bring in some Joshi badasses, i'll give it a thought.


8.) Seeing as stereotypically-booked Eddie is a heel, they need a Jose Hogan or something to balance it out. If this Colon guy can work & talk, great, but what about Rey?

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Guest HartFan86
The fans would barely remember him anyway,

I'm going to jump on you for that...I disagree. There's too many fans out there to forget Bret Hart.


As much as the WWE buries him and wants us to forget about him, even the marks out there know him.

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Guest Space_Cowboy
1. Jindrak will no longer become the 4th member of Evolution


Good, one less vanilla wrestler with no personality getting a push. Of course they'll probably just find someone even worse to make the next member of Evolution.


2. They are planning to build the US title around Eddy Guerrero as a wrestling belt.


Wow, the WWE seemingly doing something right for once. Maybe there's a slim sliver of hope for the belt yet.


3. Nathan Jones will spend a few weeks in OVW after coming back from Australia and getting his visa renewed. At this time it is only considered a short stay to get some ring rust off.


Just give up, he sucks and he's not goign to get any better.


7. The original plan in the women's battle royal was to give Jacqueline the title and have her turn heel and go with Theodore Long. No reason why it is changed.


I don't really care about the Women's Division, but Jacueline would be about the worst opssible person they could give the belt to.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker
The fans would barely remember him anyway,

I'm going to jump on you for that...I disagree. There's too many fans out there to forget Bret Hart.


As much as the WWE buries him and wants us to forget about him, even the marks out there know him.

I know, but i mean that the more recent fan that came in during the Attitude era only knows him as either the guy who got screwed, Owen's brother or Shawn's mortal enemy. I'd kind of like to see a speech at WM, but the more recent fans don't remember his 5* matches or his real legacy, however he IS a legend, & if he were treated as such (DVD release just before the PPV, hype videos, interviews with other people putting him over, etc.) it would mean something. I just have little faith in the marks of the world, but of all places, MSG does have the most hope.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Since when is it written in stone that Benoit will be in the finals to face Eddie? Remember the 2000 King of the Ring, kiddies? (How can they possibly mess this up...)

One can use KOTR 2000 as an example of an Eddie/Benoit final. Remember, KOTR's potential that year was screwed up so they could keep all the matches face vs heel.

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