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Guest BoboBrazil

A Few WWE Notes From Thie 7/14 Observer

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One can use KOTR 2000 as an example of an Eddie/Benoit final. Remember, KOTR's potential that year was screwed up so they could keep all the matches face vs heel.


Personally, I was going for Angle, Jericho, or Guerrero to win. Strange that Crash and Venis made it to the semi-finals and even stranger that Rikishi made it to the finals...

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I hope the problem with Nowinski isn't career threatening. Most of us thought Bret's problems were just minor, and that he'd be back in the ring by the end of the month or whatnot, and look how that turned out. Despite the ringskills lacking, I'm just hoping the poor kid doesn't get knocked out of the whole sport as a result.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I'm going to jump on you for that...I disagree. There's too many fans out there to forget Bret Hart.

Only in Canada. In Canada, there's plenty of the same people from the Bret days.


Here, wrestling has "reinvented" itself again and again that most people from those days either got tired and left, or got offended by one of Ms. McMahon's surefire angles.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Can't they use Rey Mysterio as a top Latino babyface? He's already popular and established and we buy him as a top contender.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

A returning Bret speech would be the one time where I'd pay money for people to chant "WHAT?!?"

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
A returning Bret speech would be the one time where I'd pay money for people to chant "WHAT?!?"

Austin interrupting Bret's tearfulm (and most likely stuttering comeback) to give him a pointless Stunner would be one of the greatest moments in wrestling history.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Austin interrupting Bret's tearfulm (and most likely stuttering comeback) to give him a pointless Stunner would be one of the greatest moments in wrestling history.

(Bret stands in the middle of the ring, crowd pops like mad!)


Bret: *ahem*


Lawler: He's gonna speak!


JR: Well let him talk!


Bret: Aeiiieeeoooooo


(a large whining sound fills the air. People are covering their ears)


Lawler: OW! J.R., go tell him to shut up!


Bret: *whiiiiiiiinnnneee*


(People are very visibly filling up the aisles and trying to leave the building as quickly as they can)


SFX: *shattering glass, pyro explosions*


(The cueball couple, Steve Austin and Goldberg, walk down the ramp)


Bret: Aroooeahhhh... Urp!


(He runs away, stepping on people in the stands, and boards a plane to a distant part of Africa. Crowd pops!)

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Guest Sturgis
Can't they use Rey Mysterio as a top Latino babyface? He's already popular and established and we buy him as a top contender.

I think too many latinos like him cause he put the mask back on, which is a NO-NO in Mexico.


I think they should get a latina for their top babyface since it's probably the males watching, but you never know.

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Guest EdwardKnoxII

8. Smackdown is looking to add another strong Latino babyface, since the show is #1 with the Latino population in the US. Carly Colon might take this position.



Who? No Juvi, Psychosis, or La Parka? What the fuck?


I don't know about the other two but, I know a year or so ago Juvi had a WWE tryout match were before he went on the talent scouts told him to go out and NOT to do all his high flying spots. In other words go half speed. Juvi pretty much told them to fuck off by doing a bunch of high spots and going full speed.

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Guest the 1inch punch

And we all agreed at the time that he was right to do so

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

An Austin-interrupted Bret speech would be great, however i think three letters show who i'd want to interrupt more: H-B-K. Although it's great to know others feel like i do about the once great Hitman. Of course, i'd mark if a "We Want Owen" chant started too. Yes its poor taste, but it would be fascinating to watch the reactions of JR, King & Bret himself. I love those spontaneous moments.


& as for Bret's overness, the ONE place he'd be a legend in the US is MSG. They're probably the most historically-minded audience, although that isn't saying too much. Bret isn't a Hogan or Flair; he's not going to get the Godlike reaction they do, especially with the burial he's gotten since Montreal. I wish he would get a reaction like that, undeserving as recent history shows but nontheless he DOES deserve it for his past legacy. But either way, he isn't making a comeback & isn't the guy he once was (Fuck Goldberg reason #3), & given his recent ('98-now) whining & just plain bitching, i don't care anymore.

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Guest TheGame2705

It's ludicrous to say Bret Hart wouldn't get cheered out of the building. No matter what, some people just won't be forgotten. I know plenty of people who never watched wrestling and know about "that Hitman guy". It's also interesting to see how some people think every word that comes out of Bret's mouth is whining.

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Guest JHawk

You also have to realize that WrestleMania is in MSG, and many of those fans have been going to shows since the 70s simply because they grew up on the McMahon product.


With MSG only holding about 20,000 or so, it'll be almost impossible for too many out of state people to be able to make the trip.


MSG fans would remember Bret Hart and pop like hell for him.

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Guest Choken One

^ Which is Why I suppose a plan that for all WM Ticket holders to take an Wrestling Knowledge Exam before recieving their tickets...

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
Austin interrupting Bret's tearfulm (and most likely stuttering comeback) to give him a pointless Stunner would be one of the greatest moments in wrestling history.

(Bret stands in the middle of the ring, crowd pops like mad!)


Bret: *ahem*


Lawler: He's gonna speak!


JR: Well let him talk!


Bret: Aeiiieeeoooooo


(a large whining sound fills the air. People are covering their ears)


Lawler: OW! J.R., go tell him to shut up!


Bret: *whiiiiiiiinnnneee*


(People are very visibly filling up the aisles and trying to leave the building as quickly as they can)


SFX: *shattering glass, pyro explosions*


(The cueball couple, Steve Austin and Goldberg, walk down the ramp)


Bret: Aroooeahhhh... Urp!


(He runs away, stepping on people in the stands, and boards a plane to a distant part of Africa. Crowd pops!)

I still to this day don't get the "whining" thing. It's so exaggerated by smarks today (well anti-Bret, pro-Shawn smarks) that it's bordering on HHHate staleness.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
They can't fire Henry, I thought he was still under one of those huge 10 year contracts.


He's got like 3 years left.

Why not? At this point, it's only a matter of wanting to pay him out now, or spread it out over the next 3 years by keeping him around. Henry's never going to draw a dime no matter what they do w/ him, and that's really the only reason they've kept him (hoping he'll make them money).

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Bret (as well as Hogan) got the biggest pop when the Desire video was shown on today's SD taping.


And they were in OHIO.


You're delusional to think that the fans have forgotten about him. Period.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I realize the SD! taping thing, & i thank god i'm wrong, that people still care. But personally, i don't care about Hart anymore. I loved the guy's work, & he's definitely one of the top 5 faces in North American wrestling history, but he just has a tendency (along with HBK, Taker & many others) to believe his own hype. It's hard for me to swallow a guy saying "I'm not greedy for money; i'm greedy for respect" when a year later he's refusing to put someone over because he has personal feelings against him. I don't agree with how Vince solved the problem, but who the fuck cares now besides Vince himself & Bret, neither having moved on too much since then?


I guess i have a few main concerns about Bret returning for one night only. One, the burial of him & his lack of exposure since Goldberg ended his career (WWA doesn't much count, does it?). Two, the locker room currently. If he were to be at WM, odds are HBK, HHH & anyone else he has a bias against would be there. Egos clashing & all that with the guys he'd love to beat the hell out of. Third, knowing Vince, it won't be too pleasant an experience for Bret or his fans. Between Vince's obvious bias against Canadian guys, & the fact he still obviously has resentment for Bret, it'd probably be used as just an ego stroke by humiliating Bret one last time. Again, i'm glad people still know who he was, & if anyone pops for him properly, it's MSG (properly=Flair at least). But those are my main concerns. No matter what would happen, it'd find it intruiging.

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Guest TheGame2705

So you were assuming because you didn't care, no one else would?

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I still to this day don't get the "whining" thing. It's so exaggerated by smarks today (well anti-Bret, pro-Shawn smarks) that it's bordering on HHHate staleness.

Dude, I barely know Shawn outside of what's on his new DVD and what he's done since coming back. I don't think he's a cancer like Nash is, but I don't love him either.


Bret has made himself an attention whore and he's used Montreal as his selling, er, whoring point.


Yes, Game, almost nobody cares. Nobody cares because WCW has "blown the Hitman's brains out" harder than McMahon could ever do. Nobody cares because he's so crippled that he can't even do a sportz-entertainment grudge brawl with McMahon.

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Like Bret said, WWE are the ones who brought it back up AFTER him and Vince had "buried the hatchet".

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Guest The Decadent Slacker
So you were assuming because you didn't care, no one else would?

Pretty much, yeah. I'll be honest. But it doesn't fucking matter either way, does it? I mean, odds are he won't do it anyway, thanks to ol' Vince doing what he does best these days: fuck things up. But yes, i admit it's partly my personal bias against Bret, but part of it is the mark in me worrying about him being crushed once & for all in some fashion.

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The best thing I would want Bret to do AT THE LEAST if he ever does do his one-time comeback is to give his farewell speech, shake hands with Vince, then punch him in the jaw again, and put him in the Sharpshooter all the way. Wouldn't mind him doing it to Michaels too along with a kick to the balls.

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Guest Deviant

1. Awwwww, shucks. Could it have anything to do with say, his in-ring performance? I bet they're glad someone finally had the brains to test him out first.


2. They're going to push it as a belt? Well that's is just shocking. Naturally, Eddie winning would be the best idea.


3. Ring rust? To get him back to how he was the first time? Does not compute...


4. There are varying degrees of post-concussion syndrome. Look at a guy like Tommy Dreamer who has had 13 or so that he knows of. I pressume Nowinski will be fine.


5. I like Bret and want to see him on TV as much as anyone, but he can be a real crybaby sometimes. I can understand why the segment would annoy him, but it was hardly a big deal. I would have been surprised if they didn't play off of the screwjob. But hey, the entire segment was Jericho driving "Bret was screwed" home. It's not as if they came out and said that Bret was a traitor to the company that deserved to be screwed...


6. I love how people are realising this about Henry now. But judging from the Mae Young ordeal trying to get him to quit, it's pretty likely that he can make a lot of money until 2007 as long as he shows up.


7. Thank god Jackie didn't get that belt, and here's to her never getting it again.


8. Smell the ratings hit the nail on the head, why Carly Colon?

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Guest Dynamite Kido

1. Well, at least their not gonna be worse than they are already.


2. At least there is a god!!!


3. Nathan Jones wrestling to get rid of "ring rust"? C'mon, and a short stay? The way I see it should only take him about.......14 years to get rid of his ring rust.


4. Not his biggest fan, but that sucks......


5. News to Bret: Fuck Vince.


6. News to Vince : Fuck Mark Henry


7. News to WWE : Fuck Women's wrestling


8. ummmmm........ULTIMO DRAGON you jackass....

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Bartolo Colon has a better body than that guy.

:lol: that was fuckin classic



In a quick summary, Great idea for the US Title on Eddie, bad idea to bring Nathan Jones back, Just give up on Mark Henry alreayd or put him with Teddy Long, Jaqueline could be the worst candidate for Womens champion, nobody gives a flying fuck about her and the arena dies when she comes out. Hope Nowinski can recover from this, and Jindrak not being the 4th member is a good thing. Watch out for Kevin Nash though


Thank you

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