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Guest HBK16

Weirdest thing ever at church

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Guest HBK16

Im not normally a church person but I did go today with my girlfriend. We were singing a few songs before we got started. We just finished our last one when this older women started screaming in what I thought was jiberish. But I guess it was the language of christ. I dont know how to explain it. She was crying and screaming in this language for about 5 minutes. Everyone was quiet. No one said a single word. Half way through more than half of the people were crying. Some even on the floor. Even the priest was shocked. He was freaking out. Finally she stopped and was crying really bad. Everyone was still quiet. And I guess when someone does that God also chooses someone in the room to translate what she said. So everyone was still crying and then out of nowhere this man in the middle stands up and starts yelling what the women said in English. Everyone was inm complete shock. I felt like really weird. Like a way I never felt before. Really weird. The after it was all done, everyone was quiet. Im not a very religious person but what I saw what happened in there it made me change very quick.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

It's all an elaborate ploy to get you to join their congregation for good.


Trust no one.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

This isn't weird, but back when I was still trying to make a good impression on my better half, I went to a few masses with her. Of course she insisted that I go and that this *somehow* would make me a better person.


Of course when we got there all she did was complain about how long the mass was and pick her fingers...

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Guest Flyboy

Jesus Christ, it's not that fucking weird.


It is a common occurance at my church. I'm used to it.


And if he would have said, "Jesus appeared at my church in body form," then I would be in disbelief.

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Guest TheGame2705

Happens at mine all the time. Well it used too but lately alot of the people in the English service are as a lively as a rock, myself included.

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Guest Flyboy
It's called "speaking in tongues"



Undertaker did it just as he was about to "kill" Kane.

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Guest El Satanico

Sounds like those crazy ass Southern Baptists.


Was there people dancing down the aisle and in thier seats.

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Guest TheGame2705
It's called a crock of shit.

Oh really? I'm guessing you have the insider info on being a Chrisitian then?

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Guest SP-1

Indeed, it sounds like it could have been tongues. That there was an apparent gifted translator present adds some credence to it from a Christian perspective.


Not all churches have a person gifted in tongues or translation around. For a biblical perspective, check out 1 Corinthians 12.

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Guest cue_meanie
Oh really? I'm guessing you have the insider info on being a Chrisitian then?[/



Insider info on being a christian...is it a fuckin secret society that i would need "insider info".... Shit like this has been going on for centuries and its a hoax...deal with it.

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Guest Flyboy
Sounds like those crazy ass Southern Baptists.

*ding, ding, ding*


Satanico wins.

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Guest SupaTaft

Its staged.


My whole family are preachers, they've admitted whilst intoxicated that they tell people to do so and encourage them to make outbursts.


Its all to stir up business.


You did not hear the voice of your God.



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Guest mesepher

it IS weird when you've never heard of something as ridiculous as that ( and it is very, very ridiculous). Besides, everyone knows if you want to see/hear God, you play a Black Sabbath LP at 78 speed.

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Guest El Satanico
Sounds like those crazy ass Southern Baptists.

*ding, ding, ding*


Satanico wins.

Yes...I know everything about the being you've named god...I expected him to be taller.


I fart in his general direction

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Guest cue_meanie
Its staged.


My whole family are preachers, they've admitted whilst intoxicated that they tell people to do so and encourage them to make outbursts.


Its all to stir up business.


You did not hear the voice of your God.




That shit right there proves how unholy the church really is...its an elaborate pyramid scheme that has gone on for thousands of years

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Guest Downhome

Glossolalia is nothing more than either some sort of "act" or evil, as you see it performed today. I know more about this topic than any other when it comes to religion.


I grew up in a denomination which teaches it more than any other (Pentecostal), and one day I questioned just what in the world was going on. Heck, even myself spoke in tongues (or what I thought at the time was tongues, it was really just a type of emotional high based on what was going on around me).


The Southern Baptists do not teach this pratice by the way. As a matter of fact, at my church, they just passed a sort of "rule", stating that anyone that goes off and speaks in tongues must be removed from the service if it isn't done as it states in the Bible. To us, and the way it is Biblicly, it is either just an emotional high from a fad created to generate interest and curriosity within the religious community or an act of evil.


This pratice isn't all that odd really, as it's done by millions accross the world very openly. Some to more extremes than others.


I've seen/heard a LOT weirder stuff than "speaking in tongues".


Basicly, the act is taught as a spiritual language which only God can understand when it's spoken, not even the speaker can understand what they are saying. This act was never, not once, taught in the Bible nor did it ever say that one must perform it.


Tongues as praticed today did not begin untill around the year of 1830, around the time of the begining of the Mormon church (early Mormons spoke in tonuges, as do a few today). It was all started up to get more interest in a new denomination of Christianity, one that was more flamboyant and one that could get even more people interested in.


The tounges which are in the Bible is nothing like this at all. Is was first used as a means to spread the word of Jesus to people around the world of different languages. Basicly, it was a gift from God send down to his disciples. It allowed them to speak in any language at all, even if they had never been taught the language. This was done so that they could travel to different lands to teach the gospel. Think of it like this. If a Mexican was in China and was going to teach the gospel to them, God would allow the Mexican to speak in Chinese even if they didn't know that language. It would just come out the right way.


It isn't done today, and the tongues of this sort ceased not too far into AD. Around 140 or so if I'm not mistaken, and like I said before, the tongues of today didn't start up untill the mid 1800's.

Edited by Downhome

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Guest William E

Another term for it is called "catching the holy ghost". I've always taught of it as nonsense and have sawn many people go overboard with it.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I think it's also known as "Really God-y people wiggin out in the middle of church."


Now I've never been to one, but I see a Baptist mass and I think "party". I'd go just to go, looks fun.

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Guest Downhome
Roddy Piper spoke in tongues as well.

Not really the same thing. He was speaking in some sort of ancient scottish tounge, it wasn't really religious.


When I saw it, I laught my ass off because I thought he was trying to pretend to do what they do in churches. It's obvious he was, but they later explained it. I suppose to keep those in the certain denominations that do pratice the act happy or whatever.


They believe it to be an unforgivable sin to make fun of the act, etc...

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Guest Downhome

Heck, I think everyone should go to a Pentecostal church at least just once, just to see this for yourself. It's either scary as hell or funny as hell, whichever you choose.

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Guest Choken One

Weirdest thing?


This fucking book...It was heavy as a Boulder...

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Glossolalia is nothing more than either some sort of "act" or evil, as you see it performed today. I know more about this topic than any other when it comes to religion.


I grew up in a denomination which teaches it more than any other (Pentecostal), and one day I questioned just what in the world was going on. Heck, even myself spoke in tongues (or what I thought at the time was tongues, it was really just a type of emotional high based on what was going on around me).


The Southern Baptists do not teach this pratice by the way. As a matter of fact, at my church, they just passed a sort of "rule", stating that anyone that goes off and speaks in tongues must be removed from the service if it isn't done as it states in the Bible. To us, and the way it is Biblicly, it is either just an emotional high from a fad created to generate interest and curriosity within the religious community or an act of evil.


This pratice isn't all that odd really, as it's done by millions accross the world very openly. Some to more extremes than others.


I've seen/heard a LOT weirder stuff than "speaking in tongues".


Basicly, the act is taught as a spiritual language which only God can understand when it's spoken, not even the speaker can understand what they are saying. This act was never, not once, taught in the Bible nor did it ever say that one must perform it.


Tongues as praticed today did not begin untill around the year of 1830, around the time of the begining of the Mormon church (early Mormons spoke in tonuges, as do a few today). It was all started up to get more interest in a new denomination of Christianity, one that was more flamboyant and one that could get even more people interested in.


The tounges which are in the Bible is nothing like this at all. Is was first used as a means to spread the word of Jesus to people around the world of different languages. Basicly, it was a gift from God send down to his disciples. It allowed them to speak in any language at all, even if they had never been taught the language. This was done so that they could travel to different lands to teach the gospel. Think of it like this. If a Mexican was in China and was going to teach the gospel to them, God would allow the Mexican to speak in Chinese even if they didn't know that language. It would just come out the right way.


It isn't done today, and the tongues of this sort ceased not too far into AD. Around 140 or so if I'm not mistaken, and like I said before, the tongues of today didn't start up untill the mid 1800's.

Thank you Downhome. That's the best way of putting it.


I've known some bolder people who actually went as far as going into one of those Churches and actually spoke a real language that not many people knew and someone got up like he was "translating" and of course it wasn't what the guy was saying at all.


Later after the service he went up to the guy and told him, "hey I was speaking *such and such language* what were you trying to translate exactly?" and the guy was stunned. He didn't know how to react.


Not to mention the true Biblical ability of speaking in tongues was passed on by the apostles through laying of hands, but only the apostles could pass it on. It was a means to show authority to back up the message because of all the false teachers. Once the Bible was complete there was something to base off of and there was no need for proving your message to be true anymore because it was no longer a spoken message.

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Guest Downhome
Thank you Downhome. That's the best way of putting it.


I've known some bolder people who actually went as far as going into one of those Churches and actually spoke a real language that not many people knew and someone got up like he was "translating" and of course it wasn't what the guy was saying at all.


Later after the service he went up to the guy and told him, "hey I was speaking *such and such language* what were you trying to translate exactly?" and the guy was stunned. He didn't know how to react.

I haven't done it personally, but I have been a part of "experiments" if you will where the same thing happened. Someone would go into one of these churches and they would stand up and start speaking a real language here on Earth, but one that someone in that church more than likely wouldn't know. Then these morons would stand up trying to translate it, only to end up making a fool of themselves once they are uncovered that it was all just a sham.


It's a shame that such a powerful gift could be so twisted and misused today. Even in the Bible though, it spoke of the day that the false tongues would come to try to decieve man. It's working also, every day.


If you want to really see one of these churches in action, don't just go to one of their Sunday services. Wait untill they have a week long (or so) "Revival" and check that out. They are usually totally turned on at that time, heh.


Like I said, I was a part of the denomination for many years, my Grandfather was a pastor in it. I just began asking questions, began looking into the Bible myself, and found a lot out about it. Many things that would, and does, stump anyone in those types of churches if you bring it up to them. I've had pastors, youth pastors, etc... admit to me that they don't truly know what is going on, and it's all because they themselves haven't actually studied the Bible. They just go on word of mouth, what they were told, "traditions of man" and they never think twice about it.


The day I was flat out told that if I didn't speak in tounges I'd go to hell, is the day that the questions began for me. I'm glad some moron told me that, because it opened my eyes as to what was really going on.


Every time I'm in a church while that act is going on, I feel a chill go up my spine. It's not a good chill either, and to put it bluntly, it just feels evil.

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Guest TheGame2705

Yeah SupaTaft that doesn't surprise me. If the preachers are of getting drunk then it doesn't surprise me they're pulling a hoax.


If it's a hoax, my aunt sure has been fooling me for a good 12 years now. Why wouldn't she want to fool me? She has everything to gain </sarcasm>


If you say speaking in tongues is evil or was only done back then by God to teach you another language then tell me about the tongues of fire and Peter. Last time I spoke in Portuguese I didn't exactly feel enthralled or holy. I believe he did give people the gift of different languages to communicate but to say tongues are a hoax and don't exist is foolish.

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