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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

The One and Only Gail Kim.......

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

I tried to give this chick the benefit of the doubt. I saw some training footage that someone posted and she was going half speed, still pretty weak. But that was cool. Then she had a couple of gimmick matches and still showed me nothing. I stuck with it. Then finally tonight I see her in singles action and she can hardly throw a drop kick. She sucks. The hype was shit and Gail Kim is the sewer. I am extremely disapointed.

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Guest JHawk

I would still love to know how you can say anybody sucks when a match lasts less than four minutes.


Had it been a shitty ten minute match, I'd see your point, but how about letting her get some actual ring time in and then make a judgment?


I'm not saying she doesn't suck, just that I don't like making that judgment in short matches.

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Guest CaseyJones

Yeah, she's crap. Wouldn't be quite as bad to watch her matches if the crowd cared AT ALL, but what can you do?

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Guest jester

I didn't think her match was a bad as some have said it was.


She ain't as bad as that Gayda match was. At least not in this particular match.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
I would still love to know how you can say anybody sucks when a match lasts less than four minutes.


Had it been a shitty ten minute match, I'd see your point, but how about letting her get some actual ring time in and then make a judgment?


I'm not saying she doesn't suck, just that I don't like making that judgment in short matches.

I have see four minute matches that were great. She can't do it. And I doubt she could make a longer match any better. I mean, if you can't entertain me in four minutes, how can you entertain me in ten or fifteen? She would only bore you more.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I wouldn't say she 'sucks' - I just wouldn't say that she's 'good'.

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Guest JHawk
I would still love to know how you can say anybody sucks when a match lasts less than four minutes.


Had it been a shitty ten minute match, I'd see your point, but how about letting her get some actual ring time in and then make a judgment?


I'm not saying she doesn't suck, just that I don't like making that judgment in short matches.

I have see four minute matches that were great. She can't do it. And I doubt she could make a longer match any better. I mean, if you can't entertain me in four minutes, how can you entertain me in ten or fifteen? She would only bore you more.

I can only think of one truly great four minute match...Owen Hart vs. The 1-2-3 Kid at King of the Ring 1994.


The match tonight went 3 minutes and 18 seconds, and we're supposed to say whether we think she's good or not in that short a timeframe? Based on what we've seen, she had one mediocre four minute singles match and can do a rana about 6 times in a four minute time frame.


I'm not pleased with what I've seen, but it's still too early to say she sucks.

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Guest Askewniverse
Yeah, she's crap. Wouldn't be quite as bad to watch her matches if the crowd cared AT ALL, but what can you do?

To be fair, the crowd didn't seem to care about anything at all. I can't really say that I blame them.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

The crowd was hype during Nash's time in the ring. I saw it with my own eyes. Granted it was a shitty match, but the crowd did come alive for his time.


and by the way, Gail Kim sucks.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I don't mind her. At the end of the day she's a women's wrestler, so the fact that she can do a few things smoothly (she may be the only one of them who can run the ropes correctly) is enough for me. She's better than the Ivorys and Jaquelyns of the world and both of them have been around for God knows how long. She has shit for moveset but which one of them doesn't? She doesn't bother me one way or another.

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Guest Will Scarlet

I don't mind her either. The first two matches she seemed nervous to me, and this one was slight improvement but rather short.


Besides, by the time her match happened, I was all curled up and ready to go to bed. I was sitting in a comfy chair, and that had to be one of most relaxing Raws in awhile. It's hard to complain about Gail Kim when the rest of the show pretty much put me in near slumber. At least she's nice to look at.

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Guest Korgath

Answer me this... in the last 6 months, which debuting wrestler HASN'T bombed in your eyes?


Gail Kim has had one single's match, one tag match and one battle royale and already you're complaining?


Either we demand too much, or we can't find anything good in the product anymore.

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Guest TheArchiteck
She's better than the Ivorys [...]of the world and both of them have been around for God knows how long.

Hmmm.....Ivory is pretty good though.


Here's where Gail stand on my list....








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Guest Choken One

Shocked Vince didn't forced Gail for the Implants...


that must mean she gives good head

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Guest Will Scarlet
relaxing raw?


Yeah. I guess the chair I was sitting in was just so comfortable and there was really not much on Raw to make get too excited, that, by the end of Raw, I just felt rather relaxed all over. It was a good feeling actually. Sure, I'd rather be excited and pumped about all that happened on Raw, but being relaxed was better than angry and pissed. I just take what I can get with Raw these days.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I'm still trying to figure out how everyone became convinced Ivory is a decent worker. NOTHING she does looks good at all and she hasn't been in anything close even resembling a watchable match.


But yes, I agree with Jazz and Victoria being head and shoulders above the rest. Both have managed to form a moveset that looks painful and thats amazing for North American women's wrestling.

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Guest Korgath
Shocked Vince didn't forced Gail for the Implants...


that must mean she gives good head

Actually, I do believe Gail had implants just before or soon after being hired. Her training videos at the Squared Circle have her looking much much smaller, though the pics on her now-defunct site displayed otherwise.


Nonetheless, Gail has implants, that much is obvious.

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Guest HartFan86

I think one reason why I'm dissapointed in Kim is because the internet totally overrated her.


Or maybe she hasn't showed off her true skills yet.


I'd wait before we make a judgment on her. I mean, she won the title in her debut, and was on the main event of Raw 2 weeks later.


Give her time.

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Guest sean pyro

Must have been worked some where because that shit is flat as hell.

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Guest Choken One

I like that she doesn't have big knockers...and is asian...sets her apart...

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Guest Dangerous A

Gail Kim isn't ready and neither were any of the OVW guys that have been brought up the last year and a half.


WWE doesn't watch OVW or listen to Cornette when he says such and such is ready/not ready. WWE pretty much does what it wants.


I love how there's no free alternatives to WWE in North America!!


Viva la WWE!!

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Guest Korgath
Team Angle.

I remember people bashing Team Angle as well. And didn't they debut SEVEN months ago? ... *Runs off*

Gosunkugi, you are my God.








Who said she didn't have "big knockers"?



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I agree, put the strap back on Victoria or Jazz. Hell, I was hoping Molly was going to win tonight.

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Guest BionicRedneck

A WWE womans wrestler sucks? erm...*NEWSFLASH* THEY ALL SUCK

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Guest mach7
A WWE womans wrestler sucks? erm...*NEWSFLASH* THEY ALL SUCK

*ding ding ding* We have a winner!

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