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Guest wrestlingbs

Yay or Nay on Austin Gone?

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Guest wrestlingbs

Given the recent actions of Stone Cold Steve Aystin (the kayfabe one, not the real one), would you see it fit to fire the guy? If you want, you can determine your answer on how you feel about the character (ie. entertaining, boring).


My vote: Yay. Austin's become too predictable and too much on my tv screen. As for his actions, Bischoff's got a point, technically this is all his fault.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Honest to God I hope Austin snaps and goes back into 2001 heel mose where he bumps his ass off and wrestles like a king again.......

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Given that Austin is the most over guy on the show, I don't see them taking him off TV for very long.

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Guest CaseyJones

Honestly, I dont care at ALL if Austin is fired or not, because its not leading to any matches anytime soon.

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Guest JHawk

All this means is another co-GM because Bischoff's solo track record sucks. Is this Shane McMahon's return to TV?

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Guest Shaved Bear

well with Goldberg's creative control...we can have a juiced up Austin as GM


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Guest Dangerous A

WWE needs to get away from all the GM/VP/General Manager/Co-Owner/High Power non wrestling roles and start focusing on the guys who are on the road busting their ass at the house shows who are supposed to be the focus of your programs and draw you your money.


I think it's a fact that none of these roles except Vince in the late 90's is a draw.

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Guest bob_barron

I wouldn't mind if Austin was gone- His character just is not entertaining anymore and he needs to stop stunning people.


And Call Me Dan-

Give it up- Austin's retired.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I was just thinking about that today... the Mr. McMahon character/Authority figure has been going on for like 5 1/2 years... is it really THAT hard to book a show w/o focusing on a GM or Commish or President or whatthefuckever? It's been done to DEATH and it makes very little $$.

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Guest Dangerous A

I gotta go with Bob on this one, Dan.


You are good people, Dan, but you are living a pipe dream if you think Austin is coming back to the ring in any form. That's what makes the build-the-show-around-Austin-and-Kane angle so baffling to me. If this were to lead to a match with Kane and Austin, I'd say fine. But we all know Austin ain't going anywhere.

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Guest Dangerous A
I was just thinking about that today... the Mr. McMahon character/Authority figure has been going on for like 5 1/2 years... is it really THAT hard to book a show w/o focusing on a GM or Commish or President or whatthefuckever? It's been done to DEATH and it makes very little $$.

I don't think WWE creative could visualize matches for Raw and SD just happening for the sake of having a wrestling match on a wrestling tv show. They have to have some really stupid way to get there. When it was a fresher concept, I was ok with it. Now it's been done to death. Let the guys wrestle because they are fucking wrestlers. Not because some authority figure uses them as a pawn in whatever stupid and intricate storyline you have figured for them.


And they are probrably trying to figure out why half the roster can't get over on their in ring talents and need creative. It's this over reliance on creative that has fostered the current mentality of the current WWE scene today.


*Rant Over*

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Totally Agree. The WWE isn't the "Wild West of Wrestling" any more, they should have more structure to it. When they throw in matches for the show I can't help but think "so they DIDN'T have anything planned for tonight and were just winging it?"

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Guest JHawk

At the booking meeting:


Vince: "OK guys, we're out of ideas. What should we do?"


The one competent writer: "Wrestler A and Wrestler B are wrestlers. They wrestle for eight minutes. Commercial."


Vince: "Bah, that would never work!"

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Guest Just call me Dan

Say what you want, but seeing as Shawn is able to go out there every three or four months and pull off good matches, I know Steve is capable of doing the same. He could actually shield this much better than Shawn by actually having a good character on the RAW shows. His character now is nowhere near what I mean, but Shawn has never been very entertaining as an on camera character, just in his matches.


And Bob, just call me Dan, it's in the name.

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Guest Just call me Dan

True that. He'll pack it up at 20 for good.


In a sense I wish Austin would snap and become a hell (not a heel GM) but a heel that was on the rampage and no one could get his ass in the ring until the final blowoff at 20 where he passes the torch. I hate face Austin.

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Guest bob_barron
Say what you want, but seeing as Shawn is able to go out there every three or four months and pull off good matches, I know Steve is capable of doing the same. He could actually shield this much better than Shawn by actually having a good character on the RAW shows. His character now is nowhere near what I mean, but Shawn has never been very entertaining as an on camera character, just in his matches.


And Bob, just call me Dan, it's in the name.

Remember- Shawn Michaels was gone for 4.5 years before he returned to the ring. Austin's neck is completely fucked- I'm amazed he got through that one match with the Rock. Unless he feels like cripping himself- I don't think you'll see him in the ring again.

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Guest bob_barron
True that. He'll pack it up at 20 for good.


In a sense I wish Austin would snap and become a hell (not a heel GM) but a heel that was on the rampage and no one could get his ass in the ring until the final blowoff at 20 where he passes the torch. I hate face Austin.

I'd like to see that too but you have to understand how fucked up Austin's really neck is. If the guy wanted to wrestle- He would. He needs to get more of his vertebrae fused and that means- no wrestling

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Guest Just call me Dan

Basically seeing him take a flat back bump in the ring a few times and a semi-decent chokeslam got my hopes up. You know what its like to have something (your favorite wrestler) just off the card seemingly for good.

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Guest HellSpawn

My vote goes to Austin Bye.


His act is sooo boring, like Raw needs a 5 minutes beer drinking finish every weeek. Or more "Whats".


I dont know who is more boring and outdated, Austin or King and Ross team.

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The Co-GM thing was bullshit anyway. Have Austin go because Bischoff's a god.

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Guest Korgath

I think it's ironic that everyone likes heels, but hates the one guy who's been playing heel day in and day out.


I say enjoy face Austin for as long as it lasts, because Austin himself isn't going to last long.

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Guest Austin3164life

Austin being my favorite wrestler ever, I don't want to see him off television. But the authority figure has been done too many times and I don't want to see Austin fall in the pit of "Lame" (he's almost there). The guy has excellent mic skills, so they should put him in a managerial role where he talks for someone (Lance Storm?). If he's saving his last bit of workrate left for 'Mania 20, then they should build a slow feud between him and a young talent who can work (Jericho).


I vote yay: Take Austin away from the GM role, but not from t.v. altogether.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I wouldn't mind if Austin was gone- His character just is not entertaining anymore and he needs to stop stunning people.


And Call Me Dan-

Give it up- Austin's retired.


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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Did anyone else think Bischoff carried the show tonight? (as much as anyone possibly could carry this episode) He was the only thing that had much energy, and his accusations against Austin were well-delivered and convincing, in the sense that you could agree with Bischoff if you wanted to. He produced the only watchable part of the final segment when he came out and blamed what Kane did on Austin, then told Austin Linda would fire him. Easy E's perfomance wasn't anything groundbreaking, but it was solid on a show where very little would qualify as such.

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Guest MideonMark

Whilst I agree that his character has gotten a little stale, hes still probably the 2nd most entertaining guy on Raw(behind Jericho). Also I dont think theyre taking the most over guy in the whole company off TV any time soon.


Anyway was thinking the most over heel(Vince) and the most over face(Austin) are both non wrestlers and authority figures, so authority figures will be around for a long time to come, whether we like it or not.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
True that.  He'll pack it up at 20 for good.


In a sense I wish Austin would snap and become a hell (not a heel GM) but a heel that was on the rampage and no one could get his ass in the ring until the final blowoff at 20 where he passes the torch.  I hate face Austin.

I'd like to see that too but you have to understand how fucked up Austin's really neck is. If the guy wanted to wrestle- He would. He needs to get more of his vertebrae fused and that means- no wrestling

Wasn't he looking at the "Kurt Angle surgery" as a possibility?

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Guest bob_barron
Austin being my favorite wrestler ever, I don't want to see him off television. But the authority figure has been done too many times and I don't want to see Austin fall in the pit of "Lame" (he's almost there). The guy has excellent mic skills, so they should put him in a managerial role where he talks for someone (Lance Storm?). If he's saving his last bit of workrate left for 'Mania 20, then they should build a slow feud between him and a young talent who can work (Jericho).


I vote yay: Take Austin away from the GM role, but not from t.v. altogether.

Austin already is lame. And going out there and beating up La Resistance, Kane, Christian and Jericho helps no one and only makes them look bad. Austin is just so incredibly stale right now and he's not helping the product at all

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Guest jester

Austin is still over like crazy, but he can't wrestle on a regular basis.


Therefore, for the few matches he has left, he should be used to put over someone, to make them a monster heel, like Foley did for HHH.


I don't know who that should be, but WWE is probably thinking Orton.

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