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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

The Bat-Rumor Mill is in high gear

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Guest Vyce



1. Bale would be a great Batman. I'd love to see him get the part.


2. McConaughey would be an interesting choice for Superman - he'd have to lose the accent, though. I wouldn't mind seeing a "World's Finest" movie down the road.


3. I have reservations casting David "Mr. Wood" Duchovney in this role.


4. Sam Neil as Commissioner Gordon would be fucking GENIUS casting. I can picture him with the bushy moustache now!


5. Scarecrow would be a good choice....not too sure about a new villain though. Although I would personally love for them to do a movie featuring Black Mask that has a real noir / gangster feel.


6. Nolan seems to have his shit together.


7. Never, EEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Insult the GOD that is Bruce Campbell.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
That's just not true Lethargic. Batman:The Animated Series came up with SEVERAL great villains:


1. Harley Quinn


2. Baby Doll


3. Lock-Up


4. Farmer Brown


5. Red Claw

1. It's a lot easier to come up with a wacky villain and make it work in a cartoon world.


2. Harley is the only one I'd call "great". I mean, really, if they came up with a villain like those, do you think it'd be the way to go? Could they really sell a movie where the lead villain is "Farmer Brown"? It just doesn't make sense to me to create something new when one of the biggest selling points of the Batman franchise is it's villains.

That wasn't my point, Castleman. You said that all the villains that had been made outside the comics were shitty. That isn't true.



Oh, and Lock-Up is Justice. Lock-Up is Rule.



Do NOT fuck with Lock-Up.

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Guest Lethargic
That wasn't my point, Castleman. You said that all the villains that had been made outside the comics were shitty. That isn't true.



Oh, and Lock-Up is Justice. Lock-Up is Rule.



Do NOT fuck with Lock-Up.

But still you're talking about cartoon characters. It's easy to do that in a cartoon. Even with a crappy made up villain, it's just 21 minutes long and tomorrow the show will have Joker or whoever back. When it comes to live action, I'll believe it when I see it. If they did it, they'd really be risking a lot. They're trying to restart this franchise, they've only got one shot at it. They miss, they're screwed. The last thing I would want to do is risk creating some new villain and have the fans totally reject it when they have so many, many, many villains that they could use. Even if it's just a gangster, there are plenty of gangsters from the comic and cartoon to use. I think it would be cool if they just did a normal gangster type thing. I would really to just see Batman fight crime instead of fighting one maniac for 2 hours.

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Guest razazteca

I would like to see the new villian be someone from the 90s animated series like Clayface or whatever his name was or that Croc or Man-bat characters.


Today's special effects is advance enough to make the characters look good.

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Guest JMA

Scarecrow is one of the better Bat-villains, IMO. Even though this movie will have a new continuity, the audience might not want to see villains who have already been portrayed on the big screen. I think Lloyd could pull off playing a creepy character like Jonathan Crane. He certainly has the right build for the character.

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Guest SP-1

Dude. Come on. This is easy.


Colin Ferrell as the young Bruce/Batman (I think he could do it, seriously). And bring in MARK F'ING HAMMILL to don the infamous makeup and take the role he's OWNED in the animated features and series: Joker.


I'm dead serious. He's got the look. maybe give him a prosthetic nose or something, but otherwise he's got the long chin, he can do the evil smile, and I'm not sure I can accept any other Joker voice.

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Guest Lightning Flik
And bring in MARK F'ING HAMMILL to don the infamous makeup and take the role he's OWNED in the animated features and series: Joker.


I'm dead serious.  He's got the look.  maybe give him a prosthetic nose or something, but otherwise he's got the long chin, he can do the evil smile, and I'm not sure I can accept any other Joker voice.

Considering I'm so used to Hammil's voice as Joker in the Animated Series, I wouldn't mind him as it.

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Guest SP-1

He reminded me a great deal of the Animated Joker in his role in Jay and Silent Bob Strike back. Don't ask me why, but he did.

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Guest Urine Sane
He reminded me a great deal of the Animated Joker in his role in Jay and Silent Bob Strike back. Don't ask me why, but he did.


I believe he voiced The Joker in the animated series.

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Guest Prototype450
2. McConaughey would be an interesting choice for Superman - he'd have to lose the accent, though. I wouldn't mind seeing a "World's Finest" movie down the road.

If Superman is from Kansas wouldn't he have a slight southern accent? I was just wondering.

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Guest Ravenbomb

holy crap! I didn't even think of Christian Bale as Bat/Wayne, but that would kick all kinds of ass

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Guest Anglesault

In the cartoon, wasn't Harley always a sidekick to Joker or Poison Ivy? Was she ever a stand alone villain?

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Guest Ravenbomb

which cartoon are we talking about? The regular Batman cartoon or the one with the little kid as Robin?

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Guest Anglesault
I'm still convince Christopher Lloyd is the PERFECT scarecrow...

Christ, how the fuck old is Lloyd?


Do you need another geriatric villain?

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Guest NCJ

I really hope WB let's Nolan run with this one, and dosen't screw this up.


The animated series has alot of great villians. I'm not sure if about some of them not being in the comics, but Rash Shou Goul, The Ninja, Clayface, Harley Quinn, and the Phantasm all are great villians.


P.S. I didn't know Hamil was the voice of the Joker. The force is indeed strong in young Skywalker. The animated series Joker rules.

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Guest SP-1

Hammil was the voice of Joker. That's why I am campaigning for him to take the role in a live action film. :)

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Guest Lethargic

Hamill is great on the cartoon. But please, Mark Hamill could not play a live action version of the Joker.


1. He's not a good enough actor to pull it off.


2. That voice does NOT work in live action setting. It's too cartoony. Just watch the Birds of Prey pilot for proof of that. Real people don't talk like that, even maniacal clowns.

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Guest SP-1

I disagree. I think he could. I could certainly be wrong, but it would be interesting to see.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I disagree. I think he could. I could certainly be wrong, but it would be interesting to see.

I met Hamill recently, and he's aged. He's got a grizzled look almost, and I don't think he'd be right for Mistah J.

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Guest Human Fly

I agree with everyone who says that Bale would make an awesome Batman. He is one "right" role away from being a superstar.

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Guest SP-1

If he's looking old, then I'd withdraw him from the contendership, so to speak. Bruce and Joker shouldn't be too far apart in age.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen






















From the new short film: BATMAN: DEAD END

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Guest Lil Naitch

I'm glad they will be totally recasting the supporting cast. I never like the Gordon they had because he never looked or acted like the Godon in the comics. But I liked the Alfred, although I can see why they'd want to recast, since they want to make 2-3 other movies.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

A few more notes on BATMAN: DEAD END


1. It will premiere at the Sand Diego ComicCon


2. Both Alex Ross and Kevin Smith have given it rave reviews


3. The look was entirely based on Alex Ross' work


4. Here's a full body shot of The Bat in action:




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Guest Lethargic

I wish that damn short would pop up online. I'm really interested to find out what the big twist at the end is. A lot of people are saying that the Predator shows up at the end and kills the Joker and Batman fights him or some crap like that. I hope that's not true. Personally, that sounds stupid. I mean this looks so friggin cool as hell that I wouldn't want to see it go all weird out of the blue like that.


Has anybody seen any fan films like this before? I've got two. I've got a live action Batman Beyond movie and a Spiderman movie called The Green Goblin's Revenge. Both are pretty cool. I wish I could find more like them.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I wish that damn short would pop up online. I'm really interested to find out what the big twist at the end is. A lot of people are saying that the Predator shows up at the end and kills the Joker and Batman fights him or some crap like that. I hope that's not true. Personally, that sounds stupid. I mean this looks so friggin cool as hell that I wouldn't want to see it go all weird out of the blue like that.




Oh and I don't mind Predator that much. Batman/Predator was a good crossover back in the day.

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Guest Lethargic

Who gives a rats ass?


#1 It's most likely not true, it's just what I saw a couple of people speculate about.


#2 We're talking about an 8 minute long short film that most people will never even see. Not a movie with a plot or a story. Nothing is spoiled.

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