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Guest The Amazing Rando


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Guest The Amazing Rando

A beautiful blimp shot from overhead the Disney Studios shows off the size of the park to all those watching at home. Suddenly a blurring amount of cuts begin to occur as cameras from all over the park capture whatever image they are set on as “Hollywood” by Saliva begins to play.


It is quickly stopped by a female voice, however, and the scene changes to Annie Eclectic…standing by one of the handicap entrances into the Studios. Behind her stand a group of SWF and SJL superstars.


Before Annie can get to the introductions, the scene changes to the inside of an empty studio at the back of the park, where Axis and Suicide King sit in relative luxury, surrounded by various screens.


Axis: It’s Day Three, ladies and gentlemen…coming to you LIVE from The Disney Studios!

King: It’s going to be a beautiful day in the park today and a crazy day in the minds of the seven men waiting for the match to begin.

Axis: Let’s go to Annie with the introductions…


The scene changes back to Annie, who is ready with her cards.


Annie: Here are your competitors for Day Three!


…master of the triple initials…Mike Van Siclen…


…one half of the NEW tag team champions…Dace Knight…


…one of two irish competitors in the SJL…Tim Dillon…


…one half of the FORMER tag team champions…Judge Hearford III…


… the SWF’s hardcore mastermind…Crowe…


… an ego with an ego WITH an ego…Todd Royal…


… and finally…EVERYONE’S FAVORITE SJL SUPERSTAR…”Hollywood” Spike Jenkins!


Spike can be seen in the background, his smile turned to a scowl towards Annie as he realizes the joke. She gets a bit of a laugh out as he holds up her bullhorn.


Annie: On my signal… FIND THAT DAMN TICKET!


Axis: …here we go, King…

King: …ohhhhhhhh boyyyyyyy…





The superstars all get through the turnstiles quickly and they all take off running up Hollywood Boulevard, but at about the halfway point Spike stops and begins conversing with a few guests…


Axis: What is he doing!?


Spike: Hey ladies…the name is Jenkins…Spike Jenkins…they named this street after me…


King: Good god…I can see this is going to be quite the day…


A few of the guests laugh and walk off, while a little girl walks up to Jenkins.


Little Girl: Can you get me Ian’s autograph? He is teh roq!


Spike’s mouth falls open and he drops the pad and paper he was truly hoping to use, and before the girl can ask again Spike is gone.


Axis: Well she sure crushed his dreams huh…

King: Just like every other girl he’s talked to…


While Spike was busy with the guests, Dillon had taken a detour and just sprinted up through the connected shops along the right side of the Boulevard and quickly moved past the competition, as the others had to fight through a lot of pedestrian traffic to gain any headway.


On the other side, however, Crowe has been doing the same thing, and he reaches the end of the road just as Dillon does, but both of them take off in separate directions, with Crowe heading toward the Animation Courtyard and Dillon running off down Sunset Boulevard.


Axis: It’s a free-for-all!

King: Duh…


As the others reach the end of the road they too split up, with Todd Royal following Dillon down Sunset Boulevard, Judge and Dace following each other toward Echo Lake, MVS heading toward Commissary Lane, and finally Spike…who also heads for the Animation Courtyard only a few seconds behind Crowe.


The scene changes to inside the Sunset Boulevard shops, as Dillon continues his indoor run, but in the background Royal can be seen keeping pace with Dillon from outside the shops, trying not to let Dillon out of his sight.


Dillon comes flying out of the last shop and hits an intersection, as one way heads toward the Theatre of the Stars, one heads toward the Tower of Terror, and the other heads towards the Rock N Roller Coaster.


Dillon shivers at the thought of Tower and RNR as he runs off towards the Theatre, but Royal is close behind.


Axis: They are heading for the Theatre!

King: So?

Axis: Soooo…Beauty And The Beast is being performed in there!


As Dillon reaches the Theatre he pauses momentarily, only to be jumped from behind by Royal, who connects with a splash that sends Dillon crashing into the stage stairs just as Beauty and the Beast begins its first show of the day.


Axis: They are going to ruin the show!



The characters on stage are barely aware of the disturbance as Royal and Dillon begin to battle in the background. Guests look on slightly frightened as Dillon lifts Royal up into the air and drops him over his shoulder with a back suplex to the stage. Dillon stands and goes to run, but two balloons tied to the front of the stage catch his eye. He heads for them but runs into some dancing plates and tea cups. Casually shoving them aside, he grabs one balloon and pops it, causing Belle to finally notice the intruder.


Axis: Uh oh, King…


Belle storms over to Dillon and slaps him hard across the face, causing a recovered Royal to laugh and slap his knee with glee. Belle turns to him and takes a crazy princess-like dash toward him, taking Royal down with a CLOTHESLINE!


King: Did she just…

Axis: Take out Todd with a clothesline?

King: Holy mother of…


Royal rolls around in pain as Dillon laughs and pops the other balloon…but again finding nothing he exits stage left and gets away from the outdoor theatre before Belle can do any more damage.


King: Well that is quite the stage show…

Axis: Not as good as THIS stage show might be…

King: What are you talking about?

Axis: Check it out…


A camera catches Judge rushing past the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular when all of the sudden he is stopped by the sound of a sexy female voice. He turns and finds the voice to belong to a college-aged Disney Cast Member.


Girl: Would you like to be an extra for the stunt show, sir?

Judge: Well I am kinda doing something and…

Girl: Come on…it is sooooo much fun!

Judge: Uhmmm…ermmm… if you say so…


The girl’s charms are just too much as she takes Judge by the hand and walks him into the Indiana Jones theatre. Before the scene can change, Dace is caught by the camera rushing past…so the camera turns to follow and sees him rushing towards the Star Tours building.


Axis: Is Dace a big Star Wars fan…

King: It seems so…look at him go!


Dace runs into the building and pushes past a few guests, seemingly fighting to be first in line. When the Cast Member arrives he is ready and waiting for the attraction!


Star Tours Cast Member: How many?

Dace: One please……I’ll take any opportunity to make Zed look like a little wimp…


King: Aha…he’s going to ride it and not puke…thus making Zed look like…how should I put this…

Axis: …

King: Oh yes…a ‘little girly man’…

Axis: …


The attendant helps Dace into the moving theatre and the smile grows wider and wider on his face as the door shuts and the ride begins.


Axis: Well…we’ll have to check back with him.


A quick cut occurs over to the 50s Prime-Time Café, where MVS has ran in to hunt for balloons…only to be scolded by “Mom”.


Mom: Now come here young man and eat your veggies!

MVS: Ma’am…you don’t understand I-

Mom: I am your mother and you will do as you are told, mister!

MVS: But I have to-

Mom: Enough…one more outburst and you are grounded!

MVS: Uhmm…Mom?

Mom: Yes?

MVS: Timmy isn’t eating his veggies…


Mike points out a little kid at a table and “Mom” takes off, allowing Mike to rush out of there as fast as he can and continue his way around the Studios.


Axis: See kids…never piss off Mom…

King: So many memories…..


…wait! There’s Dace!


The scene switches back to Star Tours, as the ride is over and Dace exits…feeling peachy keen. Suddenly from behind he is attacked by ZED!


Axis: What the hell is he doing here!


Zed: Make me look bad, huh…I’ll show you! Think you can hold your lunch down while I puke my guts out in Epcot!


Zed picks up Dace and throws him against the wall hard, causing a loud thud to echo through the building. Zed takes his cue to exit, leaving Dace lying against the wall holding his head in pain.


King: I don’t know what to call that… except PERFECT!

Axis: Why is that so perfect, King?

King: NOBODY…should be allowed to make Zed look bad like that…

Axis: if you say so…


A narration begins to play as the scene switches to outside the Animation Building.


VO: The Walt Disney Company is known for it’s fantastic animation…here in the Behind The Animation Tour, guests can see exactly how artists work day in and day out to create some of the most visually pleasing art in the –


The voice cuts off abruptly as Spike comes running into the scene and bouncing off the concrete wall of the building. Crowe is right behind him, laughing…as he tosses him again and they head back into the Animation Tour. Once inside the first building, an animator is waiting to greet guests and speak with them. Crowe does not seem enthused.


Crowe: Hey! Have you seen any balloons in here?

Animator: I don’t think so…but you never now what you can find IN YOUR IMAGINATION!

Crowe: Yeah…whatever…


Crowe walks through a set of doors and into the ‘zoo’ part of the tour, where you can get a look at the animators hard at work. Back with the animator, Spike seems to be pimping himself out for a cartoon.


Spike: So, you think you could ever do “Spike Jenkins: The Animated Series”?

Animator: Spike WHO?

Spike: JENKINS! SJL Superstar!

Animator: I think I’ve heard of that guy, but I’d rather make a Charlie Matthews cartoon, you know, because he is the champ and he actually wins matches!


Spike slaps his forehead and covers his face.


Axis: He’s covering his tears, King…

King: …….I can’t really argue with that, Ax…


Animator: Well…have fun with the rest of the tour.


The animator gives Spike a small picture of Stitch, which Spike generously folds twice before tearing it into tiny pieces and throwing it in the animator’s face. Spike laughs to himself and heads through the double doors as well.


As Spike walks through the door, he notices MUZZ doing animation and chatting with passing guests.


Muzz: Today I am working on “Wrath Ams Teh Palooza”, an animated documentary about the making of the SJL spectacle. Now a one second of animation takes 24 drawings to become real…but it only takes 7 for Spike to no-show.

Spike: Hey shut up!

Muzz: I amz beingz teh host, here….now a Spike no-show is a hidden secret in animation…but it is also a well known fact in the SJL…


Spike almost screams.


Axis: Muzz is teh rule.


Down the hall, Crowe has suddenly become enchanted, watching an animator draw out a particularly evil looking creature. Spike uses the opportunity to jump Crowe, but he recovers quickly and is able to send Spike face first into the doors at the end of the tour, causing them to open abruptly…


King: Did Crowe just kill those doors?

Axis: I hope not…we don’t have the money to fix them…

King: Well…we’ll make Spike pay for it…it’s his face that did it.


Another voice echoes from nowhere.


VO: Ladies and Gentleman…it’s not time to enter the “Disney Classics of Animation” Theatre and see all those wonderful moments you grew up with again with your new found sense of animation knowledge.


A few guests, Crowe, and a bumbling Spike enter the theatre, with Spike sitting in the last row holding his face. Crowe laughs and smacks him on the back as the movie begins.

Throughout the movie, classic animation scenes are shown…including the death of Bambi’s mother…


Bambi: Mother……….


Spike begins to cry…as does Axis…


Axis: That was so so sad…

King: Oh would you two stop it…

Axis: But it…

King: I know it was! But stop crying! You’re getting everything all wet!


Crowe’s laughter can be heard as the lights in the theatre come up, putting into view a gold balloon by the exit doors. Crowe bounds over a few seats and pops it open…but finds nothing inside. He tosses the pieces down and exits…but only manages to make it a few feet out of the door before Spike jumps him from behind and slams both of them onto the ground.


Spike: Stop…making…fun…of…ME!


Spike and Crowe continue fighting as the scene switches to Todd Royal and Tim Dillon, who have made their way inside of the Hollywood Tower of Terror. Dillon looks a bit shook up as they maneuver down hallways towards the basement…and the loading area of the express elevator. Royal laughs a bit to himself as noises of all kinds welcome them to the Twilight Zone…


Axis: Dillon looks like he just saw a ghost, King!

King: Well I hope he doesn’t puke…I’ve seen that too many times this week as it is!


Dillon tries to run back toward the entrance, but Royal grabs his arm and pulls him into the elevator. The elevator operator wishes them good luck…


Operator: Oh…and before you go…there is something I forgot to mention-


And before he can finish that line…the doors to the elevator shut, leaving the two SJL wrestlers inside.


King: I can almost hear Dillon’s brain screaming for help!


A quick fade out takes the scene to the Indiana Jones stage, where Judge stands with a few other guests, including a brightly dressed one…as they wait to be briefed about the stunt show. The cute girl from earlier returns…


Girl: Stunt-people…are you ready to give this crowd a show!?


A few guests raise their hands and cheer a bit, but Judge stays pretty quiet. The girl notices.


Girl: Since you aren’t being very active, we are going to put you over here with this guy…what’s your name both of you.


Judge: The name is Judge…

Girl: Like Reinhold?

Judge: ………

Girl: And you, sir?

Brightly Dressed Guy: The name is Mario!

Girl: Alright…now you stay here just a moment…


The girl looks off stage…


Girl: Tommy…come here!


A large man walks onto the set and toward the two men with a smile on his face.


Girl: This here is Tommy…he was Harrison Ford’s double in all the Indiana Jones movies…and you are going to work with him…

Tommy: Yes…nice to meet you both.

Girl: Alright…Judge…can you fake receiving a punch?


King: What kind of stupid question is THAT!?


Judge: Ummm…I think so.

Girl: What about you, Mario?

Mario: I don’t know…

Girl: Well let’s work with you first…Tommy…

Tommy: Yes?

Girl: Let Mario hit you in the face…

Mario: WHAT?

Girl: It’s okay…he’s a trained professional…


Mario winds up and runs at Tommy, throwing a hard punch…but Tommy blocks and starts completely stunt-decimating Mario, who is now seemingly showing off a vast amount of training by making it look almost as fake as if Cutthroat tried to act cool. Mario ends up face down, holding his body in pain. Judge is confused…


Girl: Ladies and Gentleman…our own stuntman…MARIO!


Mario rolls up to his feet and waves to the crowd before walking off…leaving Judge with Tommy and the girl…

Girl: You want to try, Judge?

Judge: SURE!


Judge walks over and takes a swing at Tommy, which Tommy blocks…but Tommy’s punch is blocked as well, and Judge kicks him in the gut and drops him down with a DDT!


King: Oh My God! That was great!

Axis: Judge might be in trouble, King…


Judge stands and smiles to the crowd, as the girl looks on in horror. Judge waves and runs off, exiting the theatre and getting the hell away from any security that might give chase. Luckily he faked the DDT, and Tommy is alright.


Back to Dace Knight now, who has recovered from the Zed cameo as is still wandering in the same area as he was before. He rounds a corner and meets face to face with EJIRO, who doesn’t look too happy…


Axis: It’s Ejiro! Oh my god!


From behind Ejiro comes Judge, who seems surprised to see him, but once he sees Dace his look of surprise turns to a smile…and both men attack!




After a moment of Judge and Ejiro beating on Dace, CHRIS CARD appears…and when he notices Dace being beat up, he begins quivering and shaking violently…


King: What the hell…


Suddenly his whole body begins to morph…almost special effect-like…dust shooting up all around him…and when the dust clears…



Axis: HOLY SHIT! Card just got angry…

King: And apparently nobody likes him when he is angry…


V’aiaga runs in and shoves Judge and Ejiro away, before pulling Dace off the ground. Ejiro runs back in, but V’aiaga is ready and Ejiro gets put to sleep quickly with a devastating MAORI DROP!


Axis: GOD! That was on CONCRETE!


V’aiaga goes to attack Judge, but he is ready and gives him a quick kick in the nuts, which only dazes V’aiaga. Judge looks confused and does it again with the same result.


King: Nothing can hurt him!


V’aiaga walks in and puts Judge in a waistlock, but Judge reverses and hits….




V’aiaga screams in pain and runs away, pulling his underwear out of his ass as he goes. Judge turns and laughs, but is caught from behind by a clothesline from Dace, and as Judge hits the ground Dace takes off running…


Axis: What INSANITY!

King: And Dace is out of there!


The cameras begin to follow Dace on his run, but after one a few short moments he collides with MVS, who is standing at the intersection by New York Street. Both men fall backwards, but don’t hit the ground. Mike starts bewildered at Dace before rushing in with a superkick, but Dace ducks out and dives on top of him, throwing punches wildly.


Dace: You like that! Huh? HUH?


Dace continues his assault until he spots a balloon by a railing. He jumps off MVS and rushes it, but upon breaking it finds nothing. As he turns MVS catches him with a clothesline into the railing, and before Dace even hits the ground Mike has taken off. The camera stays on Dace as he regains his footing, but instead of following Mike he runs off in the other direction.


Axis: It seems Dace is heading for the New York Street, King…while Mike has taken off toward the Backlot area…

King: This could get interesting, Ax…

Axis: Isn’t interesting enough? They are fighting inside a THEME PARK?!

King: You get my point…


The scene cuts back to Spike and Crowe, who are still fighting, slowly brawling down Mickey Avenue. Crowe has seemingly had the upper hand through most of the brawl, as Spike is holding his ribs and is constantly trying to get away. Spike is able to stop Crowe momentarily with a kick to the knee, but as Spike runs he accidentally trips over himself and falls to the ground, his head unceremoniously bouncing off the concrete. Crowe crawls over and ties Spike’s shoelaces together…


Axis: The oldest trick in the book!

King: …priceless…simply priceless…


…and then stands and takes off running, laughing as he goes. A split screen occurs, as one camera follows Crowe down Mickey Avenue…and he even passes by Mike, who is stuck in a crowd of tourists. The split screen goes away, focusing on Spike as he stands and tries to run, only to fall on his face again.




Spike rolls over and notices his laces, and takes a moment to untie them…all the while bitching about being booked in a match and having to actually participate.


Axis: …he just can’t get a break…


A quick cut back to the Tower of Terror, as a camera is ready when Todd and Dillon reach the top. The looks on their faces are purely priceless, as both of them look like they just saw Cutthroat’s ghost. As the elevator drops, the screams of all the guests can be heard…




Another quick cut occurs, as Crowe has made his way into the Honey I Shrunk The Kids Movie Set Adventure.


Crowe: Surely there has to be balloons in here.

Dace: You’re right, Crowe…but don’t call me Shirley.


Both men smile and laugh at the joke for a moment…before rushing each other and taking each other down to the ground in the middle of the giant grass blades and kiddie slides.


Axis: All this needs is for Ian to show up and this would be perfect.


While both men are fighting, Longdogger Pete can be seen in the background sitting on the giant ant with Ian, both are smiling and Ian even points out the brawl to his dad. Both of them laugh a bit as they jump off the ant and exit.


Axis: …perfect…


Mike and Crowe continue their brawl, with Mike gaining an advantage and suplexing Crowe hard into the dirt, before following up with a quick elbow drop and rushing for the slides. Crowe is up relatively quickly and as Mike heads down a kiddie slide, Crowe is right behind him.


King: SLIDE!


As Mike heads down a balloon appears inside the slide and he grabs it, but the sudden stop of the slide sends Mike flailing forward and rolling across the ground. Crowe follows with a running splash that breaks the balloon open sandwich-style. When Crowe rolls off to look for the ticket, he finds nothing. Both men seem disappointed as they reach their feet and dust off a bit, but Mike is the first to do any more damage…sweeping Crowe’s legs out from under him and taking off before Crowe can get pissed off.


Axis: Mike capitalized and now he has vaporized…leaving the scene as fast as possible to avoid any hardcore consequences.

King: Such a smart lad, you are…


Back to the other side of the park now, as Royal and Dillon have finally escaped from the clutches of the Twilight Zone. Royal seems a bit shaken now, as Dillon is ragging on him a bit.


Dillon: You look so scared right now.

Royal: Well you…you almost wet your pants when we went in there…

Dillon: Shut up!


Dillon smacks the back of Royal’s head hard, causing Royal to step forward a bit, and before Dillon can react Royal throws up a mule superkick…and Dillon drops like a stone.


Axis: Royal might have just knocked Dillon OUT!

King: I think you are right…look!


Royal seems the unconscious Dillon, and looks to his left, noticing the Rock N Roller Coaster. Royal lifts Dillon onto his shoulder and carries him toward the ride, telling any passing Cast Members and Guests that he is ‘just tired’, before helping a ride attendant strap him into the coaster. As Royal leaves he pays the attendant a bit of cash.


Royal: Make sure you announce his name before you hit the start button…thanks…


Axis: What the hell….

King: Dillon really IS going to piss himself now!


As Royal exits the scene, the camera switches to MVS, who is now aboard the Backlot Tour tram, as is being taken on a guided tour of the working studio section of the park.


Tour Guide: And here is a bunch of crap that we found in Sylvester Stallone’s basement…

MVS: Oooooooo…


As they turn to head outside, SPIKE JENKINS returns to the scene and dives into the tram, shoving Mike out of the tram and onto the ground. The tram driver stops as the two wrestlers begin exchanging blows, but Mike was definitely caught off guard as he is pushed back toward an airplane.


Guide: That airplane is the same one Walt Disney used to survey the land in Florida before his purchases.


Mike’s head hits the plane hard and he falls to his knees. Spike laughs and slaps Mike hard, but Mike begins to laugh as he gets back to his feet and Spike begins to step back, scared at his changing demeanor.

Mike: Come here…little boy…mwahahahahaha…

Spike: AHHHH!


Spike begins to run and he is almost tackled by Mike from behind, but manages to escape and jump into the tram.


Spike: GO! GET OUT OF HERE! He’s crazy!


The tram begins to take off as Mike gets back to his feet. He wipes the dirt off his pants and smiles, then he begins a leisurely walk back into the park.


Axis: If you can’t find a way to get Spike away from you…just act crazy…

King: So that’s why he’s never around you…


The camera changes to watch Spike on the tour as they enter Catastrophe Canyon.


Guide: Here is where we test certain special effects like fire, water, and even earthquake type movements…

Spike: WHAT?!


Suddenly the tram stops, loud explosions are heard as fire shoots to the sky, heating up the tram riders a bit. Then the tram begins to rock back and forth, and the guide freaks out…


Guide: Here comes THE WATER!

Spike: WHAT?!!!!?!!???


As Spike nearly cries, tons and tons and tons of water begins to raise down the canyon and from above them, not really getting anyone wet…but giving the allusion of a complete natural disaster…


Axis: Disney really knows how to handle fake natural disasters…

King: That just might have caused Spike to have a natural disaster in his trousers…

Axis: …..



The scene cuts back to the Rock N Roller Coaster, quickly…for what may be the rude awakening of Tim Dillon. The cast member from earlier has a mic.


Attendant: Tim Dillon! Wake Up!


Tim wakes up just as the attendant hits the ride start button…and as Tim races into the darkness all that can be heard is a few fading screams.


Axis: Royal’s money goes to good use there…

King: …damn right…


A camera has now found Dace, who has just entered the main hub of Disney Studios and is walking underneath the gigantic Apprentice Hat that stores a gift shop and a few little trivia games. From around a corner…a familiar voice is heard.


Royal: Shit…another one wrong!


Dace rounds the corner to see Todd Royal playing one of the trivia games and looking pissed off. Dace taps Royal on the shoulder and when he spins around Dace grabs his head and hooks him in a front facelock and looks down…


Dace: Wrong again, buddy boy…


Dace tries drops Royal into the floor with a DDT, but Royal pushes out of it and Dace lands on his back hard. Royal laughs and starts to walk away, but Dace swings his leg out and trips Royal up, causing him to fall and roll across the floor into the gift shop.


Axis: Brawl Under The Big Hat!

King: That’s not clever…

Axis: ……


Dace is up and follows, grabbing a Mickey Mouse shirt off a rack and using it to choke out Royal, who is on his knees by a barrel of super-balls. As Dace pulls the shirt away from Royal’s neck, Todd grabs the bucket and dumps them behind him, taking off running toward the exit. Dace trips up, but Royal is too busy dealing with the balls that he doesn’t see the wall in front of him and as he turns to run all he meets is the wall!


King/Axis: Ouchies…that’ll leave a mark…


Dace regains his balance and walks past Royal, stopping only to give him a kick to the forehead before making his way out from under the hat and toward the Animation Courtyard.


A fade takes viewers to the Rock N Roller Coaster exit, as Tim stumbles out into the daylight. He looks up to the sky and silently thanks the lord for still being alive.


Axis: He’s a happy man, now that he is out of there.

King: He’s not happy…get him a beer…THEN he’ll be happy…


The scene quickly switches back to Spike, as he finally exits the Backlot Tour tram looking a bit worse for wear. As he enters a clearing among the tourists, Judge appears from behind him.


Judge: Hey little boy…you look lost…

Spike: I’m not-


As Spike turns to face the voice, his sentence cuts off quickly when he realizes it is Judge and he steps back a few steps.


Judge: I won’t hurt you…much…


Spike sees his chance to run and bolts into the crowd, but Judge is able to keep an eye on him and follows his movements. When Spike stops to rest, Judge begins to push through the crowd and reaches Jenkins just as he was about to run once more. Judge smiles lightly and punches him hard, sending Spike reeling backwards. Judge reaches out and grabs Spike by the arm, bringing him in close.


Axis: What’s Judge going to do now, King?

King: I’d ask him…but he’s in the middle of kicking Spike’s ass…


Judge pulls Spike’s head around and hooks him in for what looks to be a reverse suplex, but as Spike goes over Judge’s head he rolls out of the hold and lands on his feet behind Judge, shoving him hard into the railing where he just stood.


Axis: Spike escaped!

King: And Judge just rolled over that railing!


Spike escapes the area just as Judge gets to his feet on the other side of the railing. Judge brushes his shirt off and climbs back over as the scene switches to the brightly decorated Muppet Court, and of MVS balloon hunting. From around the corner of the Muppet Theatre comes Crowe, looking none to happy to see Van Siclen invading his space.


Axis: Uh oh, King…

King: Crowe’s gonna kill him…


Crowe runs at Mike and tackles him down, blindsiding him down to the ground. Crowe begins throwing hard punches as Mike tries to block, but can’t get his hands up in time for anything to really be stopped. Crowe laughs as he continues his assault, stopping only every few moments to look around for balloons. Guests look on stunned as Mike is finally able to squirm free and get up.


Mike: Uhhh…fuck you, Crowe!

Crowe: You best watch your mouth, Mike…


Over Mike’s shoulder, Crowe spots a balloon wafting in the breeze. Crowe rushes Mike quickly, and Mike instinctively jumps out of the way…exactly what Crowe wanted. As he reaches the balloon, Mike notices and takes off as well, and as Crowe pops it he is flipped over the railing and into the dirt.


Axis: Too bad that balloon was empty…


Mike stomps the ground and leaves Crowe in the dirt as he takes off running out of the Court.


King: Now where is he going?

Axis: Who cares…you gotta see this, King…


The scene switches to the building housing Bear In The Big Blue House, where Dace and Spike have been brawling for the past minute or so with no person having an advantage. Spike seems to be on the attack, however, as he continues to hit Dace with kicks and even a lovely suplex right into the theatre.


Axis: Oh man…now they could ruin THIS too!

King: …woo-HOO!


Spike lifts Dace up once more, but as he goes for another suplex, Tim Dillon appears and superkicks Spike, sending both men down hard by the theatre seating, where the show just began. As Spike gets back to his feet he turns and a few kids scream as he smiles and waves at them.


Axis: Spike is scaring those children!

King: Admit it…he scares you too…


Dace rolls toward the exit and is able to escape out of the building, but Spike and Dillon continue to fight, with Dillon hitting another superkick on Spike, draping him over a theatre chair. As he stands back up he sees two children looking very angry.




Both kids jump at Spike and take him down to the ground, biting and scratching at him. Dillon laughs a bit and steps backwards quietly, trying not to disturb the evil children. He hits daylight and BOLTS, leaving Spike to deal with his problem…


The scene switches back to Judge, who is slowly making his way back toward the hub of Disney Studios. From out of nowhere…Judge just goes flying forward and into some railing. He turns around, shaking his head and finds…


Axis: ….OH……..MY…..GOD…















Darth Vader stands, holding two of those lovely light-up sabers for children to play with.


Vader: …Judge…

Judge: …what the hell?

Vader: …Judge…

Judge: WHAT?

Vader: …I am your…

Judge: …father?

Vader: …how did you know?


Judge laughs a bit, but Vader tosses one of the kiddy sabers to him, and then he flips his own, revealing a lovely array of pinks, yellows, and greens. Judge does the same as guests stand to watch the fight that is about to go down.


Judge and Vader circle each other…with Judge going quickly for the win, swinging wildly at Vader, but he keeps moving and blocking with precision speed and timing.










Vader: They don’t make noise, numbskull…


Judge takes the hint, stopping for a moment before rushing in and plunging the saber into Vader’s stomach, causing it to retract. Vader looks down and collapses, apparently dead for the “mortal” wound.


Axis: Judge just killed Vader!



Judge kneels down at Vader’s side and Vader beings to work at his mask, pulling it off. When Judge sees Vader’s face he loses it…


Judge: DAD!? What in God’s name are you doing here?!

Dad: It’s your mother and mine’s honeymoon…

Judge: So you got a job for Disney?

Dad: No…I don’t work here…

Judge: …but-

Dad: But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night…


Judge and his dad laugh to each other and Judge leaves his dad lying there “dying”.


Axis: Expect the unexpected I guess…

King: That was insane!


The scene switches to Todd Royal, who is making his way down Commissary Lane, trying to find a balloon or a ticket or both in all the madness of the park. Crowe appears off to the side of the street and laughs out loud a bit before rushing Royal and taking him down with a spear. Royal hits hard and the two men roll toward the Prime-Time Café, with Crowe ending up on top of Royal…holding him down. Thinking quickly…


Royal: MOM!


Suddenly the same woman that harassed MVS early returns, and she looks pissed to see all this fighting. She picks up Crowe by the ear and drags him into the café, screaming about how boys shouldn’t fight. Royal laughs to himself as he jumps up and takes off running.


Axis: Brilliant thinking saved Royal there…

King: And now Crowe is grounded till Cutthroat wins the SWF Title from Ash…


Back to MVS, as he is now wandering through the Pizza Planet Arcade, and stumbles upon CED ORDONEZ holding a gold balloon and dancing to some DDR Extreme~! Mike approachs him.


Mike: CED…buddy…can I have that balloon?

Ced: Hell no!

Mike: Give me that balloon!

Ced: Screw you!

Mike: Wanna DDR for it?

Ced: Let’s do it…


Both men jump on the pads as CED selects “Sync” on the screen and the music begins to pump through the speakers and the two men duel with their feet on the floorpads. A crowd gathers to watch the two but suddenly Todd Royal appears through the crowd and dives onto Mike, knocking him off his pad. CED, with his perfect score, doesn’t try to stop Royal from getting his balloon.


Royal runs from the arcade, popping the balloon as he goes.




Axis: Him and that complex of his…

King: Just ignore it…


Mike is up quickly and follows, leaving Ced to finish his dance with a PERFECT SCORE!


Suddenly Janus comes whirring by in a security cart….




The scene changes once more to the ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: Play It’ Studio…where Tim Dillon has actually made it to the hot seat and is close to the million dollar question.


Dace is in the crowd, however, scouting for balloons. Suddenly a gold balloon catches his eye right beyond the video screen. Dace slowly sneaks down the steps and hurries across the stage to grab the balloon. He pops it and finds THE TICKET!




Regis Wannabe: Now Tim…are you ready to go for the Million Dollar Question?


Dillon suddenly sees Dace with the ticket and jumps out of the seat, rushing after Dace as he exits the studio.


Regis Wannabe: Well shit!


As both men head toward the Animation Courtyard, Spike appears rushing behind them…noticing Dace with the ticket. Spike uses his speed to catch up to Dace and knock him down, grabbing the ticket before Dace’s body even reaches the ground. He laughs and takes off running toward the hub, but Dace and Dillon are up quickly…but falling behind due to Spike’s speed.


Axis: Spike could go to the finals!

King: No FUCKING Way…he wouldn’t compete there even if he did win…


Spike hits the hub but is stopped by Judge, who clotheslines Spike down with the kiddy lightsaber from his fight with his father. Spike tries to get up but Judge just stomps on his head and takes the ticket, but as he turns to head for Guest Relations…Dillon attacks with a kick to the back that sends Judge hurling forward and to the ground. Dillon follows by stepping off Judge’s back and landing next to him, snatching the ticket from his hands and trying to run…


Axis: And now Dillon has it!


…but Dace has returned with a vengeance, and clocks Dillon with the heavy end of Judge’s lightsaber, almost knocking Dillon down and out. Another shot from the toy puts Dillon down and Dace picks up the ticket and takes off.


King: Now Dace can win it all!

Axis: Wait…look!


Spike is back up and dives from behind Dace, taking him down with a bulldog to the concrete that hurts both men. Spike is up a bit quicker than the others and is able to grab the ticket and run, but now Todd Royal has returned from his run in with Ced and Mike and he catches Spike on the run and spins him into a LITERAL Sidewalk Slam!


Axis: Royal has the ticket!

King: Oh we’ll never hear the end of this if he wins…


As Royal stands from grabbing the ticket he is caught in a choke by a recovered Van Siclen, who takes his time pulling the ticket from Royal’s fingers before shoving him back…causing him to trip over the downed body of Spike.


Mike laughs to himself and heads for the finish, but Crowe has made his way to the hub and comes under Mike, picking him up in a fireman’s carry and flailing him around so as to make him drop the ticket.


King: Mike won’t let go!

Axis: But look at Crowe!


Crowe bites Mike’s hand, eliciting a scream and the dropping of the ticket. Crowe drops Mike and grabs the ticket before running as fast as he can.


Axis/King: HE BIT HIM!


The other men slowly work their way to their feet, and all of them are chasing after Crowe…who is really trying his damnedest to win it all. Spike and Judge take cues from the beginning of the brawl and cut through stores, cutting ahead of Crowe.


Judge, being the genius that he is…stops Spike and tosses a shirt at him.




Suddenly, two of Disney’s undercover cops…or ‘foxes’ jump from behind clothing racks and try to bring Spike down, but he runs back up toward the hub to get away from the two large men.


Axis: Holy shit! Spike has the police on his tail!

King: Judge is a GENIUS!


Judge laughs to himself and takes off running, trying to catch Crowe. Before he can get their, Mike is able to bring Crowe down with a tackle and get the ticket!


Axis: Mike’s got it again!

King: But not for long…


Todd Royal jumps Mike and dives onto his back…


Axis: That was a mistake…


Mike takes the SJLer and tosses his weight back, flinging Todd into the air…and as he comes down Mike drops him to the concrete with a HARD NECKBREAKER!



Axis: Royal could be dead after that vicious neckbreaker!

King: DAMN!


In the confusion, Mike has dropped the ticket, but Dace is there and he scoops it up, hurrying for Guest Relations. Before he gets there he is stopped by Tim Dillon, who trips up Dace and legsweeps him down, bouncing both their heads off the ground. Dillon is able to grab the ticket, but not for long, as both men get up at the same time and Dace is able to capitalize on the confusion by hitting Tim with…












Dace grabs the ticket and stands up, only to be caught from behind by Mike, who hooks his arms around Dace’s waist and lifts him into the air and spins him around, setting him up for…












Axis: Dace could be dead, King…


Dace barely moves and Mike picks up the ticket and moves ever closer to Guest Relations, only to be stopped by Judge and spun around. Mike tries to fight back with punches but Judge just shrugs them off…Judge gives Mike a vicious uppercut and follows with a hard kick to the gut…












King: These guys might need medical attention…

Axis: Quick…what’s the number for 9-1-1?

King: …………


Judge walks into the building and heads for Annie with a smile on his face, but he is whipped around by a recovered Crowe, who grabs him by the head and pulls him down, hitting a stiff elbow to the back of his head. Judge tries to fight out but instead Crowe simply lifts him off the ground and runs head on for Annie, who steps back just as Crowe jumps and falls back…











Axis: ….NATURAL…




King: ….BORN…



Axis/King: …CHAOS!!!!!!!


Judge hits the ground with an audible thud. Annie is in complete shock as Crowe grabs the ticket and hands it over… screaming with all his might…

















Annie looks down at the ticket blankly before flipping it over and reading it again. With a smile appearing on her face she lifts Crowe’s arm high into the air…















Crowe celebrates by giving Annie a big kiss, but she simply slaps him across the face. He smiles and rubs his cheek as the scene fades to black and to replays from some of the action of Day Three.


Axis: I’m Axis…


King: And I’m the Suicide King!


Axis: Be sure to tune in for DAY FOUR…


King: …as Thoth, Ash Ketchum, Danny Conklin, The Boston Strangler, Silent, Tod deKindes and a returning Mr. Galatea face off in the beautiful Animal Kingdom to see who will be the final entrant into the Disney World Brawl FINALS!

































In the parking lot, 15 minutes later...Spike Jenkins is seen in the back of a squad car as it pulls away from the Disney Studios. The look on his face is perfect and will be included on the cover of any DVD releases of the Brawls.

Edited by The Amazing Rando

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Guest The Superstar
Spike: So, you think you could ever do “Spike Jenkins: The Animated Series”?

Animator: Spike WHO?

Spike: JENKINS! SJL Superstar!

Animator: I think I’ve heard of that guy, but I’d rather make a Charlie Matthews cartoon, you know, because he is the champ and he actually wins matches!


God Bless You.



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Mike is up quickly and follows, leaving Ced to finish his dance with a PERFECT SCORE!


Suddenly Janus comes whirring by in a security cart….




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Guest The Amazing Rando
That was the greatest thing ever.



He says this because he won, folks.

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