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Taken from 411Wrestling



WWE has announced the following matches for the August 17th RAW house show in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. The show will be part of WWE's pre-Summerslam "Unleashed" tour. Matches include:


Triple H vs. Goldberg - World Heavyweight Title Match

Booker T vs. Randy Orton - WWE Intercontinental Title Match

La Resistance vs. The Dudley Boyz - World Tag Team Titles Match

Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff - Uncensored Debate


These matches indicate that WWE expects to have the above feuds going on in August.

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uNcensored Debate? I hope Steiner teaches Steve a thing or 2

Uncensored Debate= Bischoff and Austin bitching like little girls over some trivial issue ending with Austin giving Eric the stunner and drinking beer...

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Guest Lightning Flik
Randy Orton is our next IC Champion

Meh... At least he'd be someone new.... *about only positive I've got*

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Guest PowerPB13

Booker, it's called a "transitional champion"...get used to it.



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Guest Askewniverse

Booker T's probably screwed no matter who he faces at SummerSlam, since it's the PPV where the IC title almost always changes hands.

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Guest PowerPB13
Booker T's probably screwed no matter who he faces at SummerSlam, since it's the PPV where the IC title almost always changes hands.

Unless your name is Shawn Michaels...imagine that.



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Guest Human Fly

Maybe Booker is wrestling Orton because Michaels doesn't work house shows?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Maybe Booker is wrestling Orton because Michaels doesn't work house shows?

Or maybe because the audeince will kill themselves if they have to see Booker T vs. Christian Part: 182

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Guest Retro Rob

Well the SD House Show on the Saturday after SummerSlam is promoting Brock vs. Taker vs. Show for the World Title.

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Guest PowerPB13
Maybe Booker is wrestling Orton because Michaels doesn't work house shows?

I should clarify...Shawn Michaels is the ONLY person to ever successfully defend the Intercontinental Title at a SummerSlam PPV.


1988, Honky Tonk Man loses to Warrior.

1989, Rude loses to Warrior.

1990, Perfect loses to Kerry Von Erich.

1991, Perfect loses to Bret.

1992, Bret loses to Bulldog.

1993, Michaels retains against Perfect.

1994, Diesel loses to Razor.

1995, Michaels retains against Razor.

1996, no I-C Title match because Ahmed Johnson got hurt.

1997, Owen loses to Austin.

1998, Rock loses to Triple H.

1999, D-Lo loses to Jarrett.

2000, Venis loses to Chyna.

2001, Lance Storm loses to Edge.

2002, Benoit loses to RVD.



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1988, Honky Tonk Man loses to Warrior.

1989, Rude loses to Warrior.

1990, Perfect loses to Kerry Von Erich.

1991, Perfect loses to Bret.

1992, Bret loses to Bulldog.

1993, Michaels retains against Perfect.

1994, Diesel loses to Razor.

1995, Michaels retains against Razor.

1996, no I-C Title match because Ahmed Johnson got hurt.

1997, Owen loses to Austin.

1998, Rock loses to Triple H.

1999, D-Lo loses to Jarrett.

2000, Venis loses to Chyna.

2001, Lance Storm loses to Edge.

2002, Benoit loses to RVD.


Holy fucking shit, I never realized that about the IC title until this was posted.


Another SummerSlam fact:


The Undertaker has been at every SummerSlam since making his debut on the card in 1992.


1992 - Vs. Kamala

1993 - Vs. Giant Gonzales

1994 - Vs. The Underfaker

1995 - Vs. Kama

1996 - Vs. Mankind (Undertaker's SS winning streak ended here)

1997 - Vs. Bret Hart

1998 - Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

1999 - With Big Show Vs. X-Pac and Kane

2000 - Vs. Kane

2001 - With Kane Vs. DDP and Kanyon

2002 - Vs. Test

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Guest Downhome

For the love of God, just keep Austin off of TV untill he can wrestle that rumored "last match" at Wrestlemania XX, PLEASE!

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Guest wrestlingbs
Triple H vs. Goldberg - World Heavyweight Title Match

Booker T vs. Randy Orton - WWE Intercontinental Title Match

La Resistance vs. The Dudley Boyz - World Tag Team Titles Match

Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff - Uncensored Debate

triple H vs. G-berg doesn't look like it will happen, since everything is working against it (injuries, popularity, storyline, HHH)


God Raw's tag team division not only sucks, it DOESN'T EXIST! only two tag teams? What happened to the Hurricane? Is he not stale enough?


Eh, Orton has improved. At least he's not in HHH's shadow.


Debate? Look's like we have another Redneck Triathlon to look forward to. And the first one worked so well! :throwup:

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Guest jester

Let's see. Orton is getting the big push despite being so forgettable that other wrestlers sometimes accidentally hang their coats on him.


Booker is black, an ex-WCW guy, and has never got a decisive win over anybody in the cliqueweight division.


Yep, I'd say that belt is going to Orton.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Uncensored Debate= Bischoff and Austin bitching like little girls over some trivial issue ending with Austin giving Eric the stunner and drinking beer...

hey you should have put a spoiler warning there buddy.....

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Guest humongous2002

WWE is trying their best to push that no talent Orton down out throats, personally i don't see shit on this kid but the more they'll push him eventually the wwe sheeps will start adoring him.

Austin in a debate??Why not give RVD a match at Summerslam?? I buy ppvs to watch wrestling instead of has beens taking the spotlight from other wrestlers.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I used to like house shows because you got matches instead of interviews.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

They should have some title changes on house shows. It would bring more excitment to the shows and more people would attend them if there was a chance of seeing a new champion.


I wouldn't think it would cost Vince that much to have one or two camera men go down to ring side and record the match so they can explain and show the title change on TV.

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They should have some title changes on house shows. It would bring more excitment to the shows and more people would attend them if there was a chance of seeing a new champion.


I wouldn't think it would cost Vince that much to have one or two camera men go down to ring side and record the match so they can explain and show the title change on TV.

Not only that, but it would add the realm of "realism". I mean, sure, we all know its scripted, they tell everyone its scripted, but they always say "Anything can happen in the WWE" but it is more unpredictable if titles don't change unless it is on TV. Maybe a ratings boost or whatnot will happen, but the "anything can happen at any moment" always gains some interest somewhere.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Orton will win the IC title as HHH retains the World title.. making the Horse... I mean Evolution, look like a badass heel stable for having both singles belts. Don't be surrprised to see Flair team up with the fourth guy, whoever that ends up being, and taking the tag belts.

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Guest acnx
Maybe Booker is wrestling Orton because Michaels doesn't work house shows?

I should clarify...Shawn Michaels is the ONLY person to ever successfully defend the Intercontinental Title at a SummerSlam PPV.


1988, Honky Tonk Man loses to Warrior.

1989, Rude loses to Warrior.

1990, Perfect loses to Kerry Von Erich.

1991, Perfect loses to Bret.

1992, Bret loses to Bulldog.

1993, Michaels retains against Perfect.

1994, Diesel loses to Razor.

1995, Michaels retains against Razor.

1996, no I-C Title match because Ahmed Johnson got hurt.

1997, Owen loses to Austin.

1998, Rock loses to Triple H.

1999, D-Lo loses to Jarrett.

2000, Venis loses to Chyna.

2001, Lance Storm loses to Edge.

2002, Benoit loses to RVD.



Wow, I never realized that. Interesting shit, thanks.


I agree, the WWE should definitely have a title change or two at house shows. I think it would definitely boost attendence a bit.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Well, I'm not going to say anything about the IC Title (because it's a belt on RAW) aside from Booker, and the title, can only dodge the 'I'm a good-looking third-generation wrestler with great abs' bullet for so long. I think we all knew that. But I found this interesting:


Well the SD House Show on the Saturday after SummerSlam is promoting Brock vs. Taker vs. Show for the World Title.


This indicates two things - first, that Angle is not likely winning at Vengeance (but then again him looking very very strong on SD was another indicator), and second, that Cena is not looking like he will win either - because how can Taker even be in a position to challenge for the title if he loses to Cena?

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Guest Retro Rob

Or maybe they just announced the Three Way to help sell tickets and in actuality it holds no bearing on the show.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

So they'd promote a match that they intend to not have from the start and thus pull a swerve for the ticket-paying customers?


I don't even need to say it.

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