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Problems WIth My Xbox

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First of all, I just got Burnout 2 and Star Wars:KOTOR and both are awesome. Anyway, my X-Box seems to have problems playing ALL of my games. Its not the games either because I take really good care of my games. It always says the games are Dirty Or Damaged when they are not. I think the lens may be messed up. I have tried using a DVD/CD/PC lens cleaner but it really doesnt help much. All my games always freeze up and it REALLY pisses me off. All my new games right now are for my Xbox and I wanna play them but dont have 200(Nor do I want to spend 200) on another Xbox. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I should do??? I was thinking about Microsoft Customer Support but they will prob. just blame me although I may still do it tomorrow. ANy suggestions are apprecated.




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Guest Flyboy

I read this a lot with at a NCAA Football 2004 forums. Most of the problems came from launch XBox's/old ones. I'm willing to bet that is your problem. I could be wrong, though.

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Guest CronoT
I read this a lot with at a NCAA Football 2004 forums. Most of the problems came from launch XBox's/old ones. I'm willing to bet that is your problem. I could be wrong, though.

With the new systems, there are always manufacturing problems with the early models. I waited two years to buy both the PS2 and an X-Box. The only reason I bought my GC close to launch date was because Nintendo has quality control standards that put the US Gov't to shame.

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Guest Flyboy

Microsoft won't do anything. You should just sell your old XBox and pay whatever the cost it is for a new one.

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Guest DrTom

You should check with Microsoft before assuming they won't do anything. Sony will replace original PS2's plagued by the frequent disc read errors many of the early systems get. Sure, they ship you a refurb, you have to pay to ship yours to them, and it takes a couple weeks, but you get a "new" system out of the deal and it costs a lot less than buying one.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I live in Maryland as well.


and, if my Gamecube that I got at launch hadn't been stolen, I bet it would still be working. As it is, my year old Black Gamecube is working just fine as well.

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