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Guest BrokenWings

From The Inside 7/18/03

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Guest BrokenWings

Ah yes… JB back again with your dosage of From the Inside. Someone told me this column was great bathroom reading material, which is fine… but who has a computer in their bathroom? Well, a printer or a laptop would do it I guess… just as long as said reading material isn't used in place of toilet tissue.


Wednesday night was a good showing for TNA, and build very well for this Wednesday night. The top three matches on the show were announced, and all look to be very good on paper going in. The AJ Styles / D-Lo Brown matches have been some of my favorite in TNA, and they are looking at this Wednesday as one of the biggest nights in their careers. The best of three matches between the two will not happen one after another this Wednesday night, but instead will be spread out. The first will be pinfall only, the second will be submission only, and if there is a third… the NWA World Title will be hanging above the ring in a ladder match. Mention the words ladder match and AJ Styles in the same sentence, and you have the makings of a memorable night.


Also announced for this week will be Raven, CM Punk, and Julio vs. The New Church and Shane Douglas, as well as AMW vs. Simon & Swinger in a rematch from two weeks ago.


The New Church made their return to action this past Wednesday night. Slash and Brian Lee had some legendary battles with AMW, and have a very solid following. Check out www.the-new-church.com to see some amazing artwork on Father James Mitchell's EVIL tag team.


I am proud to announce that America's Most Wanted were signed to a long term deal with TNA today.


I said last week that you could expect to see some surprises show up, and the Amazing Red, the Church, and Norman Smiley showed up. I will make that same bold claim for this Wednesday night.


Red says he wasn't at 100% this last week, but it still was good to have him back.


I had a chance to see IPW Hardcore Wrestling's TV when I was visiting some friends in Tampa two weeks ago. They do a nice job and have some very good video packages on the show.


Hats off to Justin Credible and Jerry Lynn for their great match this past Wednesday night. Blood was gushing out of Justin Credible to the point that I got on the headset to the back and informed the paramedics to be ready for him when he gets through the curtain, as he was losing blood at an alarming rate. Luckily, he was attended to immediately and was feeling as well as could be as expected after a match like that.


I guess WCW is back…. http://www.ticketmaster.com/artist/841273/


Look for some major improvements to be made on TNA Xplosion in the coming weeks. The show will have a whole different look to it very soon, as we continue to add new markets on a weekly basis. You can see if Xplosion is in your area by checking out www.nwatna.com.


Bill Behrens = Faboo. Enough said.


Rudy the Referee wanted me to clarify that he was not intoxicated when he recently sang "Runaround Sue" in the karaoke area at Hurricane's Nightclub in Nashville. "I don't need to be drunk to make a fool of myself," he told me after reading last week's article, to which I responded… "I will take the obvious for $200, Alex."


I guess I should be more careful about what I write in this column, after being called out on the PPV by Glenn Gilberti and his team of Simon & Swinger. I stand by what I say when I sincerely believe there isn't a better tag team in the business right now than America's Most Wanted. I received a very large amount of email from people who agreed, and some from people who disagreed. Many said they were comparable to a team on Smackdown. I guess if you compare the PPV cage match AMW had with the PPV ladder match this other team had, you'd see where I am coming from… but either way, credit has to be given to both teams for how they have risen so quickly in this business. Opinions are opinions… everyone has them…just like… uh, well you know the saying…


As far as getting to physically assault Glenn Gilberti on our PPV? Let's just say TNA gave me a birthday gift a few days early… Yep… another year older and another year wiser for JB this weekend.


I wear an earpiece so the truck can talk to me during the show, and often times I have to have it up so loud to hear over the crowd noise that I usually can't hear for an hour or so after the show. Let's hear it for going deaf in my 20s!


Good to see Norman Smiley back in TNA this past week. Norman definitely makes my list of favorite people in the wrestling business. I have been on several overseas tours with the master of the big wiggle, and he's one of those guys who never says a bad word about anyone, and has a great sense of humor.


I have become an audio/video gadget geek since I've gotten into video editing. I store all of my mp3s on a 20gb Ipod, and just yesterday I had my computer geek guy (pot calling the kettle there) gimmick my Tivo so it can now record 260 hours of television bliss. Tivo is the greatest invention since the thong, and I credit the newly married Billy Kidman for getting me, and nearly everyone else in WCW at the time to jump on the Tivo bandwagon almost three years ago. I sincerely believe 260 hours is far too much television to have on tap, but Bob "late to the game" Ryder bragged to me about his 60 hour Tivo, so he left me no choice but to go completely overboard. Bill Banks finally got one last week, and if it wasn't for his 8-track car stereo, I would be surprised. Vince Russo is the worst when it comes to electronics, as his VCR has been blinking 12:00 since 1987.


If you live in the Birmingham area, Jeff Jarrett and I will be there next weekend for a show in Sylacauga. I'll have details next week.


Can you close this week with another story from the road you ask? Alright… this one (and there are many from this tour) comes from the first UK tour we did with the World Wrestling All-Stars about a year and a half ago. The tour was a ten city, 18 day tour of Ireland, Scotland, England, and Whales. With the exception of the Ireland dates, all of the travel was done on tour buses. With 20+ wrestlers, management, valets, and referees, two coach buses were needed to take us around the UK.


I had the difficult task of dividing up talent that would ride on bus #1 and bus #2. Knowing the vast difference in personalities on this tour, and the fact we would be spending two weeks traveling around with the same people, careful consideration was given to who went on which bus in order to keep a harmonious balance. Bus #2 was going to consist of the more rowdy bunch… the type of people who would enjoy a beer or two while Snoop Dogg was blaring on the speakers over sitting down with a good book to pass the time. Bus #1 would be for the more subdued wrestler… like Bret Hart who brought his daughter on the tour with us. In a weird twist, Buff Bagwell ended up on bus #1, but that was because I was threatened with violence by bus #2 people if I didn't put him there. Sure enough, a rivalry soon started between the buses, culminating when we stopped at a restaurant on the way to Cardiff, Whales.


While we were all sitting down eating lunch, Brian Lawler made an open challenge to anyone on bus #1 to a drinking contest. Lawler was taken up on the challenge by a wrestler on bus #1, and completely annihilated him. Lawler was still going strong by the time this wrestler hurled for the first time. If that wasn't enough, Lawler, who minutes earlier just won said drinking contest, wasn't done there. He then got up and challenged anyone on bus #1 to a foot race outside of the restaurant. Sure enough, bus #1's Stevie Ray stepped up to the plate, banking on what everyone thought would be an easy win against Lawler. It was like being at Arnold's on Happy Days, with the Fonz challenging someone to step outside and everyone clears out to go watch in the parking lot. Norman Smiley brought out the video camera, and the race was on. Representing Lawler and my comrades on bus #2, I showed my support by wagering a Benny Frank against bus #1's Andrew McManus in favor of Lawler. Soon many were taking action on the race, and when all bets were called, it was time for the showdown between bus #1 and bus #2. With pride and bragging rights on the line, the foot race started. It was over before it began, as Lawler amazingly destroyed Stevie Ray, and bus #2 celebrated a decisive victory. What a victory for bus #2, and what tolerance showed by Brian Lawler. The best thing to come out of this however, was a big morale boost for everyone. Being on the road for that long, especially when the wrestlers are banged and bruised up after several shows and miss home, it was just what everyone needed to lighten the mood and have a good laugh. That tour was one of the hardest, but most fun couple of weeks I've ever had. There are a lot worse things than getting paid for traveling the world with some of your closest friends doing what you love.


Don't forget that this week will be a huge night in the careers of AJ Styles and D-Lo Brown with their best of three series set to decide who will be the NWA World Champion. Could this be the night Brown makes good on the promise he made on the memorable night he debuted in TNA by winning the NWA World Championship? Or can Styles hang on to the belt he fought so hard for during the first year on TNA? Tune in this Wednesday night to find out!


Have a great weekend and we will see you Wednesday night!

Jeremy Borash



My thoughts


-Good to see AMW can't be nabbed by the WWE for at least a while longer.

- I think having the best 2/3 spread out is a good idea. Should give them a little time to refresh themselves and put on a better outing. Then again, maybe it could kill the adreneline [sp].

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Guest Mad Dog

Well that's at least two careers that Vince can't flush for a few years at least.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think TNA is doing the right thing when it comes to contracts.


Guys like AMW, Lynn and Styles (especially Styles) are so important to the show, and they always get new contracts right away.


I'd like to see a little more focus on guys like the Truth as well...


even though all those guys (especially Lynn) have done a lot of things prior to TNA...Those are the guys I first think of when I think TNA. (and obviously Jarrett too).


Oh...and XXX. Can't forget them.

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I dunno, I really dont think spreading them out is such a good idea. For three weeks straight, or atleast for three shows it will be AJ vs. DLO OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Now if they are put on consecutivily one show after the other, then it could be good,but if they do AJ vs. DLO, then next week Russo/DLO shit then next week AJ vs. DLO, then im not digging that sucka. I dont know, I was really hyped when I thought the whole showdown would be ONE huge match. Im not as excited but fuck it...it still looks awesome. And I agree, the longer ANYONE is in NWA:TNA, it's helping there career...I dont care who, it doesnt even matter...its he;lping EVERYONE.

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Guest BoboBrazil

"I dunno, I really dont think spreading them out is such a good idea. For three weeks straight, or atleast for three shows it will be AJ vs. DLO OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Now if they are put on consecutivily one show after the other, then it could be good,but if they do AJ vs. DLO, then next week Russo/DLO shit then next week AJ vs. DLO, then im not digging that sucka. I dont know, I was really hyped when I thought the whole showdown would be ONE huge match. Im not as excited but fuck it...it still looks awesome. And I agree, the longer ANYONE is in NWA:TNA, it's helping there career...I dont care who, it doesnt even matter...its he;lping EVERYONE. "



They are all going to be on one night. They are just spreading them out throughout the night to let them rest between matches.

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Are you sure, I took it as, they were doing one Wed. night then another the next week. If they are all on one show then I will be DELIGHTED because next week is the last week I can get TNA before I go on Vacation(If anyone can send me a tape of the 7/30/03 TNA after it happens i would GREATLY appreciate it, as I will not be able to order this while I am on vacation and I am trying to actually WATCH every week from now on)Thanks....(If you thinhk you MIGHT be able to send me a tape just PM and ill talk to you in some way)

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Guest bob_barron

It's one night.


They're stretching it out the entire show- They're not doing it back-back-back like WWE did with HHH v. HBK and HHH v. Austin

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

i personally thought the wcw mention was interesting

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Guest TheGame2705
Mention the words ladder match and AJ Styles in the same sentence, and you have the makings of a memorable night.


I wouldn't say memorable if it's anything like the other two ladder matches I saw him in. The first one was horrid and the other one wasn't bad but nothing memorable. I have nothing against the guy either and I know Borash is just trying to put over the talent.

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Guest Nanks

So the AJ v D'Lo will be more like that HHH match where he had to take on Kane in an Inferno Match, Mankind in a Boiler Room Match and Rock in a Brahma Bullrope match in one night???

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As i haven't seen AMW in any way shape or form, who is he comparing them to on Smackdown?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



AMW vs. Team Angle.


That would make for an interesting argument.


On one hand...Team Angle has had consistently good - great matches with Eddy Guerrero and his partner (either Tajiri or Chavo)


On the other...AMW has had great matches with XXX...but also been able to have almost shockingly good matches with people like Slash and Brian Lee and Diamon and Swinger (this one more shocking for just how well they clicked on their first try).


Shelton Benjamin is the best wrestler of the 4 (by far IMO) but I think AMW is the better team, maybe just because I hate Haas or maybe because AMW has the luxury of not having to play and maintain a gimmick along with their wrestling.

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