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Guest GameCop

Brock vs. Vince at SummerSlam?

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Guest Anglesault
Yes, I agree for Angle/Lesnar II or Benoit/Lesnar to happen at SS.

This has gotten out of control.


I like Benoit too.


But he was fucking buried, he is so cemented in the midcard, that it will take much, much, much more than a month to make him a contender.


Some people refuse to accept that.

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Guest AndrewTS
I can't even fathom a way in which McMahon can shift the match in his favor using a gimmick match or family member as an aide (which is usually the only way that people will literally "believe" a McMahon match in the first place).


Brock has beaten or almost beaten 2 to 3 guys by himself in the past. McMahon would have to be massacred in the match and pinned quickly. I think he would no problem doing that, because Brock is his most successful pet project in a long time and I know he wouldn't want to fuck Brock's push up. However, how do you make anyone care about a one on one match between the two, really?


And I really hate non-wrestlers on a PPV card. I don't even care if Vince bleeds half to death.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

As I said in my bitching thread that got an amazing zero(!) replies, Brock is not a good opponent for McMahon.


HHH had his fingers stuck in the family's business. Undertaker had that mysterious stalker aura when he was the deadman. Austin was the absolute best 180 from McMahon, guzzling beers and swearing and flipping people off while McMahon was trying to keep drops of beer off his finely-pressed suit. Only thing I didn't like about Austin image-wise was how he dragged the title down the ramp behind him like he thought it was worthless.


There is no charisma between Brock and Vince. None at all.

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Guest DarkHollywood

Wow theres only one logical explanation for those matches.


The RAW & SD brands are fighting for worst possible double main event ever.

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Guest Askewniverse
So, can someone tell me why we can't get Angle/Brock or Benoit/Brock at Summerslam?  Is there any good reason?

Because that might actually be good. Besides, Vince needs to feed his ego somehow.

How about humilating and firing Sable and starting to fuck Torrie? At least that would be kinda funny.

But Vince needs to feed his ego. He could get clean wins over Benoit, Angle, Taker, and Lesnar, have a dozen women flirt with him, and have Bret Hart join the Kiss My Ass club, all on a single show, and he would still have to feed the other half of his ego.

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Guest DarkHollywood
So, can someone tell me why we can't get Angle/Brock or Benoit/Brock at Summerslam?  Is there any good reason?

Because that might actually be good. Besides, Vince needs to feed his ego somehow.

How about humilating and firing Sable and starting to fuck Torrie? At least that would be kinda funny.

But Vince needs to feed his ego. He could get clean wins over Benoit, Angle, Taker, and Lesnar, have a dozen women flirt with him, and have Bret Hart join the Kiss My Ass club, all on a single show, and he would still have to feed the other half of his ego.


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Guest AndrewTS

Askewniverse: Oh come on, you know he would have done that already if he thought he could get away with it. :P Usually as long as he has a big role he's satisfied. But good joke.


JotW: I completely missed that thread, but basically, you're saying this doesn't even work from a Sports Entertainment standpoint. Good argument, and one I agree with. Brock sucks at cutting promos and Vince's mic work is getting more insane and deluded all the time.

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Guest bravesfan

I'm sure any combination of Benoit, Eddy, Angle and Brock as the top two matches from the SD! brand would please all of us, wouldn't it?


Hell, throw in Rhyno and Tajiri, and you have THREE ***+ matches from ONE brand.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

This is lose-lose-lose: to Brock, to the fans, & to the product. Vince just has a hard-on for fucking around with his creations, & Brock is the only one he hasn't done that with yet (on air anyway). I would take about any other match than Brock/Vince. Period. They BETTER have a good undercard to balance this, should it happen. I'd suggest Rhyno/Benoit (if they remember they started a feud), Eddie/Tajiri (same thing), & Rey/Ultimo or Rey/Ultimo/Kidman. The only McMahon i like is Shane, since he's a decent worker & knows when to not show up. The others can fuck off & die.


Brock/Angle is perfect for SummerSlam. Benoit's fucked beyond belief now, so he's out, but Brock/Angle 2 is the perfect main event for the second biggest show of the year. If they wanted to at least get a decent buyrate. they'd give the 2 guys who, you know, DRAW a ME slot. At worst, if the old creep wants to be involved, make him a ref. It's better than him wrestling, just not much better.

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Guest jester
If the match is anything but


Bell rings-GIGANTIC STALLED F5-pin


Brock is damaged badly.



I mentioned this in another thread, but Brock should allow Vince one punch which he no-sells, and then eat him alive within five seconds.


And then, Vince learns his lesson and backs off. Even Vince decides Brock is too dangerous to fuck with. Therefore, Brock does something even Austin couldn't do--feud with McMahon and keep him down.


But they won't do this. They will add ~drama!~ to the match by making Vince a threat, and making Brock look like a wuss.

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I fucking hate this. I am sick of it. I really do not know how much more I can take of this crap. Look at the possibilities for SummerSlam:

Angle/Lesner II



FGB/HHH (It may as well be over and done with)

Kane/Nash (OK it will be craptastic, but at least they aren't in a match with Jericho or RVD)

Jericho/RVD in a no. 1 contendors

Booker/Orton (You know this one is going to happen too)

La Resistance/Dudleys


TBTTE/probably the friggin APA


Well, I can see 5 or 6 matches that could turn out OK.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

If they have to go this route, don't make Brock/Vince a quick 10 second squash. Make it 10 minutes of Lesnar just mauling him. No Vince offense. Absolutely destroy the old fuck, kind of like the Austin/Vince cage match a few years back. Make it look like Brock is just trying to hurt him and not beat him. That'd plant the seed for the return to BROCK ANGRY BROCK SMASH which they will need if they wanna go Angle/Lesnar again.


As far as Kurt...Jesus....uh...stick him with Guererro for a while. I know, its not a great idea, but at least they'll be great matches with heat for days.

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Guest Choken One

I would be FINE with this SOMEWHAT as long as the WWE title IS NOT in the picture...Meaning Angle going over...


I pray to my non-god that We don't get Angle/Heel turned Gowan or Angle/TBS


Angle/Eddy would be nice...fat chance but still...

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Guest FeArHaVoC
They're fucking Brock just like the did Angle.


Speaking of...


What exacty does Angle do in this scenario?

Summerslam = Angle Vs Big Show

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Guest Boo_Bradley
Agreed. There is no good or logical reason to make a 56 year old non-wrestler look like a threat to the WWE Champion.

Just to stir the shit, let me say that both Nick Bockwinkel and Verne Gagne were AWA World Title contenders at age 56. Crusher wasn't far behind.


Further Stirring... Would a 54 year old Ric Flair be a more acceptable Main Eventer at this point?

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Guest bravesfan
I suppose so, but I think they would CHEER Angle in the end.

Not necessarily.


If you've paid close attention to Eddie's matches over the past few weeks (and months), you can see the fans warming up to him.


For a good example - watch this past Thursday's match against Billy Gunn; the crowd absolutely LOVED the "both men laid out" bit he did with the referee, while I (sitting at home watching this recapped on Velocity) literally reached the point of tears laughing so hard.

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Guest Boo_Bradley
I like Benoit too.


But he was fucking buried, he is so cemented in the midcard, that it will take much, much, much more than a month to make him a contender.


Some people refuse to accept that.

If the WWE creative decided to put him in a Main Event, they would do so regardless of prior booking. Big Show spent months in pointless matches with Jeff Hardy before suddenly being positioned aganist Brock for the title, so there is presendence (sp?) for such an event to occur. Of course if Beniot didn't garner enough heat, the WWE would blame the wrestler and not the previous months of not being pushed seriously as the reason and demote Beniot.

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Guest Anglesault
I like Benoit too.


But he was fucking buried, he is so cemented in the midcard, that it will take much, much, much more than a month to make him a contender.


Some people refuse to accept that.

If the WWE creative decided to put him in a Main Event, they would do so regardless of prior booking. Big Show spent months in pointless matches with Jeff Hardy before suddenly being positioned aganist Brock for the title, so there is presendence (sp?) for such an event to occur. Of course if Beniot didn't garner enough heat, the WWE would blame the wrestler and not the previous months of not being pushed seriously as the reason and demote Beniot.

I still don't think Show was a real threat going into MSG.


Besides, don't compare Benoit with a guy who is a foot taller and 300 pounds heavier. They could (and did) just have him throw people around in an attempt to get him over


Compare him with Cena, a guy much closer to Benoit's size, who hadn't been used at all in the months before. He was suddenly pushed as a legit contender in April, and it bombed.

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Guest godthedog

benoit will never go against a face brock for the title; there's no way benoit could wrestle him and NOT be the underdog, and benoit getting louder face chants than the champion (which is a possibility if the match is good enough) would be pretty disastrous.


i'd rather see him get a long feud with guerrero anyway.

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Guest wildpegasus

The McMahons have the biggest egos ever. Brock vs Vince? Sable vs Stephanie? Vince making Lesnar and Angle look like complete wimps on the last Smackdown compared to him and Steph? Look at the previous thread on whose names pop up first when the WWE is advertising for an event.


I'm guessing here that even though the WWE is really the only game in town the McMahon's philosophy is that as long as the McMahons are the cental part of the show than it doesn't matter if they lose superstars to injury, leaving the league or retiring. That's why they're on top. The departure of a key player isn't going to affect them if they're not as signifigant as the McMahons since Vince, Steph, Shane, and Linda are ALWAYS going to be available. The McMahons as cental charactors also lets the soap opera aspect of their shows thrive which Vince just loves so dearly. I wouldn't dobut if we'll have Hunter and Steph's kids on the show soon. The whole problem is that unlike other wrestling promotions who had families on top the McMahons simply can't wrestle on a wrestling show. They also can't act. What this does besides making things annoying for the viewer is that it creates more obstacles for other wrestlers to get over thus undermining the WWE's product.

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Guest BobBacklundRules

The Aug. 16th house show in Minneapolis lists Angle vs. Brock as the main event. But that might be only because Brock is the hometown boy, and of course it is subject to change.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Vince vs Brock as the Summerslam main event will be the last straw for me. I don't really watch the WWE anymore because Raw is HHH's show and Smackdown is the McMahon soap opera with actual WRESTLING taking a backseat. Neither show entertains me and I just get pissed off watching it, so fuck Vince and fuck the WWE.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

I hope you guys have enjoyed these little fantasy booking scenarios of Brock pinning Vince in seconds or beating him all over the ring for ten minutes because neither of those is going to happen. Not in a PPV main event. Not at Summerslam. In fact, I'll call it right now, if they do Vince-Brock at Summerslam you can bet that Vince will be convinced (not by Triple-H, oh no, not him) to throw us all a huge swerve that we'll never, ever see coming and he'll leave with the world title after another of his Montreal tributes. Think of the ratings for SmackDown with Vince as Champ! I just can't wait.



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Guest Askewniverse
Agreed. There is no good or logical reason to make a 56 year old non-wrestler look like a threat to the WWE Champion.

Just to stir the shit, let me say that both Nick Bockwinkel and Verne Gagne were AWA World Title contenders at age 56. Crusher wasn't far behind.

When wasn't a Gagne an AWA world title contender?


Further Stirring... Would a 54 year old Ric Flair be a more acceptable Main Eventer at this point?

Yes. Why wouldn't Flair be a more acceptable main eventer than Vince?

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SummerSlam 1993 was the worst SS ever. 10 years later, due to poor booking, will history repeat itself?

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Guest nWoScorpion

Um....SSlam 93 was one of the DECENT Ones (if you edit Giant Gonzales)


Summerslam 95 sucked the hardest (if you edit out HBK & Bret's miracles).

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