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Guest Downhome

When was the last time you felt "fulfilled"...

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Guest Downhome

In other words, when were you totally pleased with the product? I'm not saying a point where you felt nothing was wrong, just, when you last felt really satisfied with the product as a whole.


Even I have to think about this, I just wanted to toss it out really quick to get yet another discussion going.




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Guest Downhome

You've had a rough decade then.


Instead of posting years, post what exactly you loved in the years you felt really good with the product, just to make this easier to follow.


I know this isn't WWE, but I must ask this also...


...at what point did you feel this same way about WCW?

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Guest T®ITEC

2001, and the InVasion angle. I was a total mark for all of the ECW/WCW guys, plus PAUL E~! was still doing commentary. I've haven't been a satisfied customer since 19 November 2001.


As far as WCW goes, I loved it until the night it finally died. Except for '99, though. Ugh.

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Guest CanadianChick

Well, I loved Smackdown in late 2002, if that counts. The Smackdown 6 plus the cruiserweigthts always made me look forward to Smackdown.


I loved 2001 before the Invasion (which was a bad angle overall, but had some damn good matches anyways).


2000 was also pretty awesome over all. My personal highlights were the IC division (namely Benoit and Jericho) and the tag division.


1997 was pretty good too. My memory is a little foggy (I was only 10 at the time), but I remember loving most of it.


There's always little runs that I have where I just love, but none that are really memorabal that I can remember right now.

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Guest Kid Kablam

Sadly, Wrestlemania X-7. Things just kinda went down hill for me from there.


Well, that's not quite true, when Benoit/Jericho beat the Power trip, things seemed so right (and not because HHH tore his quad). Also when he almost beat Stone COld in Edmonton. SUre he lost, but there seemed to be a promise that he could win the title in the hen that got all shot to hell. In fact, I'm not sure I really enjoyed te WWE when Benoit went down. That's not so much because Benoit wasn't on the show, it just felt like things disintergrated soon after.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

The last time I felt really good while watching and glad to be a fan and such...


Angle vs. Benoit -- Royal Rumble.




The last time the whole product satisfied me...


2000 ... everything was just so constantly good and I knew that I was looking at something that would be remembered for a long damn time.


When I go back and watch the Rock/HHH/Angle match from SumSlam '00 I just get a warm feeling... it was kind of a sucky way to end the angle (as it did pretty much end it) ...but just the match as a whole was great and you just didn't know who was going to win (especially after the botched table spot early on)...


I miss 2000...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

2002 Smackdown had 2002 Raw though.


92-ish had a strong uppercard, strong midcard, and a (pretty) strong tag division.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

2001 WCW - their cruiserweights ruled and they were starting to use Indy guys.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Yeah, there was like a 3 week period in the Summer of 2000 WCW where Russo was on vacation or something and Johnny Ace and Terry Taylor were booking... that was a good time.

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Guest jester

I'd say WM 17, and off and on for a few months after that. When the invasion went into the toilet is the cutoff.


It was about then that I realized that not only did they have problems with tricky ideas (Austin as the heel, when everyone still wanted him face), but they had problem with sure-fire ideas (WCW vs. WWF for all the marbles).

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Guest wildpegasus

I've honostly never been truly fullfilled with the WWE's product. Satisfaction = Complacency. We must never let evil overtake us and give up complaining.

Of course there are periods of timewhere the product is better than others. The Smackdown six era was a fun period as well as 1997 when Bret Hart for the most part just simply owned the WWF.

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When I first started watching wrestling in 94 I loved the Bret/Owen feud and some other stuff, but once 95 rolled around I started to notice how bad it was getting.


I didn't really feel fulfilled again until the nWo storyline started up. I had kept watching throughout 95, but it wasn't as good as what was before and what was to come.


In 98 I was watching mostly WWF with my roommates and it was pretty good, but I didn't really start to feel it until late 99 and 2000.

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Guest Vitamin X

After the Canadian Chris Connection won the belts and Triple H injured his quad. And that was really it, and the rest kinda sucked. I was going to say Wrestlemania X-7, but then I remembered The Brothers of Destruction pissing me off.

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Guest papacita

April 97 until September 99, I had almost no problem with WWF, even when it was bad.


2000 was good wrestling wise, but the bad booking ruined it for me.


In 2001, I liked the Two Man Power Trip era because I love heel Austin...then Invasion happened and...you know.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

2000 had 7 days of Wrestling, so I guess that was the peak in terms of over-all satisfaction.

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Guest deadbeater

The HHH-Stephanie 'error'. The fun part was that they didn't dominate all the time week in and out, although HHH was real badass then, not needing even a second person to win his good matches.


Well, the Molly main event last week was a tasty snack, albeit the length of a bon-bon.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Time period wise, i could take anything with at least a little spark of fulfilment up until the words "Katie Vick" were spoken. I haven't given much of a fuck since.


Overall, the biggest timespan is '97-'01, beginning with the WM13 submission match & ending with the Survivor Series in '01. Things like the Hart Foundation angle, DX, Austin's rise, the final Nitro, WM17 & the Radicalz made me love it most. '00 i really didn't like at the time (i was still in the void between mark & smark), because it was just wayyy to Rock-HHH-centric booking. Of course, thank god for retrospect.


In the firm mark area if thinking, '90-'94, & certain portions of '95 (the Sid/HBK stuff was one of my favorites, as was HBK/Owen, but again, thank god for retrospect). The standout points by far were Savage/Jake feuding (my favorite feud of all time), Savage/Flair, Flair just being there (i didn't learn of WCW until '94, & didn't see it until '95), Bret/Owen & the Hart family feud, Hogan returning to win the title (ugh), then getting crushed by Yokozuna, Bret/HBK, the Rocker split-WAY too much stuff to mention.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho




Even though I loved Austin as a heel, I HATED the two man power trip.


It got better after Raw is Quad when Austin and Angle were having their feud, but I can't say I was satisfied with the product as a whole due to the crappy invasion.

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Guest bravesfan

WWE: Rock returning to the WWE last summer, to fill the void of Austin.


WCW: their final show.

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Guest Vern Gagne




That was really was last hurrah in terms of fully enjoying the product. That honestly was a one night thing. I haven't been truly happy since SummerSlam 2000.

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