Guest AndrewisyourHero Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Details On Hogan, Main Eventers Wrestlemania Payoffs Posted By Widro on 07.20.03 Certainly down from previous years… As has been reported, the main reason behind Hulk Hogan’s recent departure from WWE was the low Wrestlemania payouts. Hogan earned in the neighborhood of $1 million for PPV appearances in WCW. However, it is said that he only got between $250,000 and $400,000 for his Wrestlemania 19 match with Vince McMahon. Besides the lower than expected buyrate, there were many top stars who received top billing for WM19, including Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Steve Austin, The Rock, Booker T and Triple H. With so many ‘main event’ wrestlers, the same main event money went to more wrestlers, who each got a smaller take. credit: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheGame2705 Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Nothing beats falling on your face in the main event and getting a big pay day for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Crux Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Oh please. Then he can go make a sequel to Mr. Nanny and make his money that way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mattdotcom Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Nothing beats falling on your face in the main event and getting a big pay day for it. And then he finished the match. FIRE HIM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest OnlyMe Report post Posted July 21, 2003 At least $250,000 for less than an hour's work? If that isn't enough for him... fuck him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Well...How much did he get for WM18? I mean if there was a HUGE drop off...I'd be a *tad* bit pissed but $250,000 is good for 20 minutes "Work"... $250,000 Is just another Condo on the beach for Hogan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Steviekick Report post Posted July 21, 2003 If hogan wante $1million pa¥offs, he should have worked his ass off to keep WCW around instead of helping drive it into the ground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Fuck Hogan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Hogan's demands are fucking unbelievable. After hearing that he wasn't happy with $250,000, I've had enough of his shit. How much does he plan on making from that new Lucha federation with Jimmy Hart? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the 1inch punch Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Fuck Hogan. I most sincerly agree Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewisyourHero Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Hogan wrote in his book that his dad's dying wish was for him to make "things right again'..I guess by that, he meant 'Suck as much money out of the business as you can before people remember you're a scumbag" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest God Junior Report post Posted July 21, 2003 I don't understand why the hell he's worried about money at all. Even Hogan can't be taking enough roids to burn several million dollars. If I had the kind of money that I presume he does, and I loved wrestling, I'd do it for little to no money at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Yeah, it's not like Hogan needs the money anyways. He only has about 239047 cars and this huge fucking mansion in Florida. Jesh, so much for HIS love of the business. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dangerous A Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Fuck Hogan, money grubbing bastard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Quik Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Um, guys. We're all forgetting something important. Every week, Hulk Hogan pays a small army of doctors $1 million each to perform a series of procedures intended to cheat death for another 7 days. Without these procedures, Hulk Hogan will die; and his soul will finally be Satan's to torture and destroy (Satan was a Sid Justice mark back in the day, if I remember correctly). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewisyourHero Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Um, guys. We're all forgetting something important. Every week, Hulk Hogan pays a small army of doctors $1 million each to perform a series of procedures intended to cheat death for another 7 days. Without these procedures, Hulk Hogan will die; and his soul will finally be Satan's to torture and destroy (Satan was a Sid Justice mark back in the day, if I remember correctly). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Quik: aaaand, that changes ABSOLUTELY NOTHING as far as I'm concerned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kurt is King Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Hogan clearly loves the cock. I have res[ect for such cock love, but I can find free cock, why cant he? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted July 22, 2003 Someone's running on borrowed time. And no I'm not talking about Hogan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted July 22, 2003 Very sad knowing that this is the very guy who got me to love professional wrestling in the first place...the irony of such a great character being potrayed by such an evil man. Maybe Russo was right in his actions that happened at BatB 2000. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bort Report post Posted July 22, 2003 i thought russo was right at batb200, too bad it was the only thing he ever did right in wcw, i mean i watched a nitro from 2000 today and russo was in the main event vs booker fuck russo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The1977Canadiens Report post Posted July 22, 2003 Eh, he'll just go to Japan, go suck off Antonio Inoki 'strong style' for his big money match, then says fuck y'all BROTHER! to the crowd and fly back to Vinnie Mac for more of that greed cock that he loved so much. Shit. Hogan loves the cock! (Jay ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Boo_Bradley Report post Posted July 22, 2003 Nothing beats falling on your face in the main event and getting a big pay day for it. And then he finished the match. FIRE HIM. Refresh my memory, Who fell on their face at WM? Hogan??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted July 22, 2003 Very sad knowing that this is the very guy who got me to love professional wrestling in the first place...the irony of such a great character being potrayed by such an evil man. Well, considering the Hogan/McMahon match was (to be honest) the focus of Wrestlemania XIX, I don't blame Hulk for looking for a bigger payoff than Rock/Austin & Angle/Lesnar. After all, you can just look at Wrestlemania X-8 and understand his reasoning (Rock/Hogan blew everything else out of the water). If MY match is getting top billing, with the pressure of the PPV's rating based on my shoulders*, I'D GUARANTEE YOU I'd want a larger payoff than the others main-eventing. *in the convoluted minds of Hogan & McMahon, they probably would assume the weight was on their shoulders to bring a good match to the table. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EdwardKnoxII Report post Posted July 22, 2003 Well, considering the Hogan/McMahon match was (to be honest) the focus of Wrestlemania XIX, I don't blame Hulk for looking for a bigger payoff than Rock/Austin & Angle/Lesnar. After all, you can just look at Wrestlemania X-8 and understand his reasoning (Rock/Hogan blew everything else out of the water). If MY match is getting top billing, with the pressure of the PPV's rating based on my shoulders*, I'D GUARANTEE YOU I'd want a larger payoff than the others main-eventing. *in the convoluted minds of Hogan & McMahon, they probably would assume the weight was on their shoulders to bring a good match to the table. But, come on. Was Hogan really that dumb or self-centered to think a match between a wrestler fans are getting tired and a wrestling boss that fans are SICK to death of being the focus of WM with the way everything has be going down lately to think his payday should be bigger? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted July 23, 2003 But, come on. Was Hogan really that dumb or self-centered to think a match between a wrestler fans are getting tired and a wrestling boss that fans are SICK to death of being the focus of WM with the way everything has be going down lately to think his payday should be bigger? The last thing Hogan can be defined as, is DUMB. He knows when he has Vince (or Eric) around his little finger; he's also self-centered enough to believe Hogan/McMahon was the top match at Wrestlemania XIX (when based only on terms of advertisement, he's actually RIGHT.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mulatto Heat Report post Posted July 23, 2003 Nothing beats falling on your face in the main event and getting a big pay day for it. And then he finished the match. FIRE HIM. Refresh my memory, Who fell on their face at WM? Hogan??? Brock Lesnar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted July 23, 2003 How much did Hogan make for his WM X-8 Match with Rock? Maybe you can judge by the differences before saying he's a greedy bastard. Well you already said he was so thats behind everyone. Fuck Vince! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted July 23, 2003 How much did Hogan make for his WM X-8 Match with Rock? Maybe you can judge by the differences before saying he's a greedy bastard. Well you already said he was so thats behind everyone. Fuck Vince! When you have more money then most people- You shouldn't be complaining about "only" making $250,000- for one match Share this post Link to post Share on other sites