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Guest MideonMark

JR off TV until SS? Rock not on Raw tonight

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Guest MideonMark

Yeah its from 1wrestling.com, which I dont think is the most credible of sources but here you go anyway-




The plans are still to hold Jim Ross off of television to sell his “burning” that he received last week by Kane, quite possibly lasting as long as SummerSlam. This means that Jonathan Coachman will fill in doing RAW play-by-play. Nevertheless, many in the company feel that The Coach did not do a very good job last week on RAW and feel that it will be very hard for the company to sell Triple H vs. Goldberg without J.R. in the announcers table, thus, forcing J.R. to return earlier than expected.



As I reported a few weeks ago, The Rock said that he would be on RAW tonight in LA and again in two weeks on the show in Vancouver, BC. However, we have now received word that The Rock has not been written into tonight’s show. So an appearance is now looking doubtful, however, anything can change at the last minute.



An official announcement is expected later this week to confirm Bill Goldberg vs. Triple H for SummerSlam. The two paired off for the first time ever last night at a RAW brand house show in San Jose. Triple H took the win with help from Evolution members Randy Orton and Ric Flair. Reports from the show indicate that the match look alright, but needed some work to get to PPV quality.


[source: 1Wrestling.com]

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Guest Crux
The plans are still to hold Jim Ross off of television to sell his “burning” that he received last week by Kane, quite possibly lasting as long as SummerSlam.

Thank goodness for small blessings.

This means that Jonathan Coachman will fill in doing RAW play-by-play.

Damnit! Never mind...

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Guest Retro Rob

I thought the Coach grew into the spot last time he filled in for JR. Quite frankly, I've had enough of JR, so I'm willing to give the Coach a fair shot.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Coach with Raven was actually a pretty good team.


Coach with Lawler is HORRIBLE.


Hell, anyone with Lawler is horrible.

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Guest Eagan469
Hell, anyone with Lawler is horrible.

I always liked Vince and Lawler.

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Guest Retro Rob

Because as the veteran commentator between the two it is understood Lawler would lead the Coach. That alone defines the main problem with those two.

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Guest Retro Rob
Hell, anyone with Lawler is horrible.

I always liked Vince and Lawler.

Lawler pre-1998 kicked all kinds of ass. His character has really fallen now that he doesn't heel it up anymore. I miss the old King, but it seems like he isn't going to return to that state any time soon.

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Guest Nevermortal

You know, JR only got his ass burnt. Can't he have like a hemmoroid donut & cooling pack, suck it up, and continue on?

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Guest bort

i like coach and al snow, i think snow is pretty good as an annoccer, coach and raven was good, i think coach can be carried pretty easy...just not with the king

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Guest Trivia247

so JR gonna Run down and try to interview in the Kane Match... BAH GAWD a Kane vs JR feud!!


Hoss vs the Hoss Lovah!

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Guest Choken One

Whatta Pussy! A little Ass burn and he needs to take 6 weeks off?


Use Eric Bischoff for his "Punishment" and stick him with Coach...


Have Eric fire King for bad mouthing him and taking over and let eric verbally slap Coach around...

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Guest Retro Rob

Ever since Bischoff starting feuding with JR and Lawler I have been hoping he would work behind the booth.

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Guest Trivia247
Whatta Pussy! A little Ass burn and he needs to take 6 weeks off?


Use Eric Bischoff for his "Punishment" and stick him with Coach...


Have Eric fire King for bad mouthing him and taking over and let eric verbally slap Coach around...

they just need to hire Kintaro Kanemura to have a Scramble Fire Deathmatch with Kane...and he'll teach him how to take fire....


He gets powerbombed on a lit torch...then actually GETS up and does a promo after he is drenched in water...

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Guest Choken One

What's Shiavone up to? Still doing Radio for Braves? BRING HIM BACK!


Hell...You Gene Okerlund...USE HIM!

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Guest redbaron51

What about Shane McMahon, he could fit a commentary role if he wanted too.

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Guest Choken One

Uh No. He wasn't all that wonderlands on his HEAT stint for those 4 weeks before they made him the #1 McMahon for a while.

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Guest CronoT
What about Shane McMahon, he could fit a commentary role if he wanted too.

The only problem with that is that Shane wants nothing to do with the TV side of the business anymore.

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Guest Goodear
What about Shane McMahon, he could fit a commentary role if he wanted too.

AHHH Don't you remember what that was like anymore?




I was like the beta version of John Cena except incredibly annoying. It amazes me just how much people are willing to overrate Shane just because he's not around anymore. He sucked TOO people.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
What about Shane McMahon, he could fit a commentary role if he wanted too.

AHHH Don't you remember what that was like anymore?




I was like the beta version of John Cena except incredibly annoying. It amazes me just how much people are willing to overrate Shane just because he's not around anymore. He sucked TOO people.

Yeah, but there's varrying degrees of suck. He's somewhere around 'acceptable'

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Guest Nanks

Am I the only one that has noticed that not only did Goldberg job to Triple H, that he did it at a HOUSE SHOW?!?!

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Guest Retro Rob
Am I the only one that has noticed that not only did Goldberg job to Triple H, that he did it at a HOUSE SHOW?!?!

You mean where it doesn't matter because only 2500 people show up anyway?

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Rock not on Raw tonight




But there's always Vancouver...

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Guest Nanks
Am I the only one that has noticed that not only did Goldberg job to Triple H, that he did it at a HOUSE SHOW?!?!

You mean where it doesn't matter because only 2500 people show up anyway?

No, I mean. Fuck Goldberg worked a house show. I thought that was "way below" his level of celebrity. Not to mention actually jobbing at one. To someone he reportedly hates.

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Guest Retro Rob

Well if he wants to main event SummerSlam he has to get a few prep matches in with HHH beforehand.

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