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Guest GameCop

The 2000 WWF PPV collection

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Guest Dangerous A

WWE should just buy out Mike Tenay's contract and give Joey Styles whatever he wants as long as he'll take an announcing job. then you can fire Lawler and Coach. Stick Tenay on SD with Tazz and Styles with JR or Styles on Raw with someone like Al Snow and have JR concentrate more on his talent search and development since he's not doing that really well right now anyways.

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Guest Retro Rob

I actually like the Cole-Tazz team. They compliment each other very well and neither have the tendency to be anywhere near as annoying as their Raw counterparts.

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Guest JaKyL25

I realize that the topic is a bit past, but I just wanted to weigh in with my take on HHH vs. Cactus, as it is one of my favorite matches ever, and my favorite match of the '00s so far.


HHH vs. Cactus from Rumble '00 is the PERFECT WWE-style match in my opinion. It completely defines what Vince McMahon is trying to accomplish with "Sports Entertainment"--Taking pro wrestling and combining it with epic storylines to enhance the match. While from a workrate standpoint it might not hold up to Eddie vs. Rey or anything, I've never seen a match tell a more brilliant Sports Entertainment-style story.


From Cactus Jack being in the best shape of his career to try to take that which his nemesis holds most dear, to HHH trying to prove that he is MORE hardcore than Cactus is by using Foley's history against him with the handcuffed chairshots and thumbtacks and barbed wire bat, to Rocky earning redemption and essentially apologizing for his actions at Rumble '99 in one of the most unselfish moments of his career, this was truly an epic. And to accomplish it all in the most brutal and emotional brawl that WWE has ever seen, well that just makes it even more worthy of greatness. THIS is Vince McMahon's original idyllic vision for WWE. THIS is Sports Entertainment.


And I realized something when MSG came up in this thread. I never realized that the connection between my four favorite WWE matches (Bret vs. Owen, Bret vs. Austin 1, HHH vs. Cactus, HBK vs. Razor) was MSG. There really is something special about the PPVs that happen there. I know it's most likely the wrestlers who are turning it up a notch to attempt to live up to past MSG PPVs, but still, it makes any show at the place worth seeing because of it.


HHH vs. Cactus is ***** in my book. The Hell in a Cell the next month--that's another story.

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Guest undisputedjericho
Royal Rumble -- ***1/2

It was far too obvious that the final two would be Rock/Big Show. I think they've learned from that since, you can't build the RR around a fued, it has to be the other way around, or have more big stars included. (Though I know that year it wasn't possible)

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Guest GameCop

Ok, here's my review for No Way Out 2000:


Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle -- *** This was probably the best match between these two. Their match at King of The Ring 2000 is slightly inferior to this one.


New Age Outlaws vs. Dudleyz -- 1/2* Bad match, but at least it got the tag titles of the Outlaws who were rotting at this point.


Viscera vs. Mark Henry -- -* Horrible match, but at least it was only a few minutes long.


Edge & Christian vs. Hardyz -- ***1/4 Great match between these two teams. All of Jeff Hardy's moves were crisp and the match was given enough time to unfold.


Tazz vs. Big Bossman -- DUD Wasn't really a match and only lasted 40 seconds.


Kane vs. X-Pac -- *1/2 Unlike the Edge/Christian vs. Hardyz match, this wasn't given enough time to tell a story. For the time it was given, however, it wasn't too bad.


Radicalz vs. Too Cool & Rikishi -- ***1/4 Hey, this match was pretty good. Malenko and Benoit worked like madmen in this one. Fun match.


Rock vs. Big Show -- * Not even the most electrifying man in sports-entertainment could save this one. Plodding, lumbering match.


Hell in a Cell: Cactus vs. HHH -- ****1/4 Great, emotional match but I think it's quite overrated. Mick Foley's bumps, too, were both heavily gimmicked and took away from the match. Also, I believe it took 2-3 minutes for Hunter to climb down the cell and pin Foley, who was enclaved in the ring.


Verdict: Thumbs Up for a very entertaining PPV.

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Guest undisputedjericho

I pretty much agree, though I haven't seen this PPV in ages.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Will anyone else pick this up? I really want to go through the rest of 2000 as it was a truly spectacular year. I only own the RR 00, so there is nothing really I can add, but I love getting other's opinions besides SK.

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Guest Choken One

i'LL DO WM2000 even if it's been done before...I just watched it a few days ago


Godfather/ D-Lo Brown Vs Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan-*1/4 (Inoffensive but meaningless opener)


Hardcore Battle royal-***1/4 (Fun Entertaining Crap)


Head Cheese v. T & A-1/4* (An abortion if there ever was one)


Triangle Ladder Match-****1/2 (The One that started this madness and it STILL hold up)


The Kat v. Terri- Dud. (Move on)


The Radicalz v. Too Cool & Chyna-**1/2 (Sloppy but it was solid in some spots)


Triple Threat EuroIc Title Match: **** (Great Fantastic Match)


- Kane & Rikishi v. Road Dogg and XpAc-dud (good for a Rose apperence as always...miss those things)


WWF World title: HHH v. The Big Show v. The Rock v. Mick Foley : ***3/4


(The Match was shit until TBS left and the match was the bomb from there...Rock/HHH alone was ***3/4 Great match lost in The HHHEEL going over backlash)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I agree that the three way ladder match holds up (I still say it's better than either of the TLC matches the three teams had)


But I don't think the Angle-Benoit-Jericho match is anything special.

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