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Guest RollingSambos

Pic of Warrior on C-SPAN 2

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Guest Trivia247

and this info about a guy who hasn't set foot in a WWE ring since 1996 is on this thread because?

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Guest HartFan86

I can't help but laugh at the text "WARRIOR" when someone is talking on C-SPAN.

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Guest Choken One

was this a big deal or something or was he talking to a empty room...which would explain why he was so calm...he is used to speaking to himself

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Guest HartFan86

Anyone can say "World Wrestling Federation", Vince copyrighted that.


They just can't say "WWF."

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Guest Trivia247

did he have to take a break to confer with the Spirits that communicate to him through his hand?

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Guest Choken One

Bradshaw is the right comparison...


My father called and asked me if that was the same Painted Clown from 10 years ago...


I said yeah and he went "Well...He still talks like a fucking clown"...

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Guest Army Eye

lol.. gotta love that 'WARRIOR' text on the screen.. I still can't believe this nutcase changed his name to that

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Guest TheGame2705
Its a Filabuster Bawh Gawd.

You just tried to be funny and failed miserably. You combined Dusty and Ross.

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Guest JAxlMorrison

I don't post muich, but.......JACKASSES! He actually had something to say, did anyone listen?

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I don't post muich, but.......JACKASSES! He actually had something to say, did anyone listen?

It was completely partisan and it was probably hidden in Warrior-esque speaking.


What do I care if the warriorisms of the warrior makes the warrior vote for the warrior of his choosing?

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Guest BDC

Believe it or not, when he walked up to the podium, the music they had for him was still going. He looks dead over the podium, points at the sound guy in the back and says "Cut the music!"


That was so unintentionally funny

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
It's Tom fucking Petty.

I hope he doesent come around here no more.

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