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Guest Jobber of the Week

WWE makes wallpaper about how crappy WWE is

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Guest Jobber of the Week



Appearantly it's supposed to advertise the Byte This show, and there's a number of quotes like the probably worked Kidman "I thought it was disrepsectful..." quote.


But seriously, they added the Austin quote about how bad the writing is, Goldust's comments on Grandma Sable and the withered skeleton formerly known as Terri, and Nash talking about drinking less beer "regarding his new conditioning program."


It's almost like they know this is bullshit. I guess the more appropriate question is "Did they just make an f'n wallpaper about that?"

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Guest Korgath

My guess is they're promoting Byte This as the ultimate kayfabe breaker. More than they used to, anyway.

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Guest Lilly

It's a no holds barred shoot baby, a shoot!!!!


Untill they censor the callers phonecalls :D

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Guest jester
My guess is they're promoting Byte This as the ultimate kayfabe breaker. More than they used to, anyway.

Yeah, and that it's wild and uncensored, totally and brutally honest, etc.


If that's so, I'd like to see a few steroid and backstage politics questions answered honestly and candidly.


"Yeah I hold people who are threat to my spot down. I'm marrying the bosses' daughter, so what are those limp dicks in the locker room gonna do about it? Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go shoot some roids into my ass." -HHH

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Its fun random quote make-up time:


"It's gonna be a squash. Brock.. I'll squash him eventually. Cena; squash. You throw someone in the ring with me, I'll book it that they hit all of their signature moves, the FBI, APA, CIA and MIT run in and they can't put me down. I come from behind and win." -- Undertaker


"Kane has to be the worst arson ever." -- Jim Ross


"I love my job!" -- Terry Taylor

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Guest Deviant

There is a Byte This wallpaper WHY?


It's amazing when you cut your beer intake from 40 a night to two - how your body takes shape. - Kevin Nash


Okay, that one was at least funny.


The whole ad seems pretty sad to me.

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